- Global Functions -- Global functions to make a expression node for a record field. (full description)
- TableExprNode makeRecordExpr (const RecordDesc& desc, Int fieldNumber)
- TableExprNode makeRecordExpr (const RecordDesc& desc, const String& fieldName)
- inline TableExprNode makeRecordExpr (const RecordInterface& record, Int fieldNumber)
- TableExprNode makeRecordExpr (const RecordInterface& record, const String& fieldName)
Review Status
- Reviewed By:
- Date Reviewed:
- before2004/08/25
This file contains a few global functions to construct an expression
node for a field in a record.
Member Description
Make a record expression node for the given field in the record description.
inline TableExprNode makeRecordExpr (const RecordInterface& record, Int fieldNumber)
Make a record expression node for the given field in the record.
TableExprNode makeRecordExpr (const RecordInterface& record, const String& fieldName)
Make a record expression node for the given field in the record.
The field can be a field in the record itself, but it can also be
a field in a subrecord (or subsubrecord, etc.). If it is not a field
in the record itself, the name must define the 'path' to the field
in the subrecord by preceeding the field name with the name(s) of the
subrecord(s) separated by dots. E.g. sub1.sub2.fld