

TableCache -- Cache of open tables (full description)

class TableCache


Public Members
PlainTable* operator() (const String& tableName) const
PlainTable* operator() (uInt index) const
uInt ntable() const
void define (const String& tableName, PlainTable*)
void remove (const String& tableName)
void rename (const String& newName, const String& oldName)


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TableCache represents a cache of open tables.


A TableCache object keeps track of the tables which have already been opened in a program. It maps the name of a table to its PlainTable object. In principle only one TableCache object (statically defined in class PlainTable) exists in a process. The cache is used to prevent a table from being opened more than once, which is not only a waste of space, but more importantly, may give rise to synchronization problems. Synchronization between the same table in multiple processes must be done by a locking mechanism.

TableCache is used by class Table and PlainTable. Before opening a table, Table will first look in the cache. Newly opened or created tables will be added to the cache. When a table is actually closed, it will be removed from the cache.


When a RefTable is read back, it will also read back the table it references. However, that table may have been opened before and it is bad to have a table open more than once in the same program. The TableCache class catches this and will not reopen the table.

To Do

Member Description


Construct an empty cache of open tables.


PlainTable* operator() (const String& tableName) const

Try to find a table with the given name in the cache. Return a pointer to a table if found (thus if already open). Return a zero pointer if not found.

PlainTable* operator() (uInt index) const

Try to find a table at the given index in the cache. Return a pointer to a table if found (thus if already open). Return a zero pointer if not found.

uInt ntable() const

Return the number of open tables in the cache.

void define (const String& tableName, PlainTable*)

Add an open table to the cache.

void remove (const String& tableName)

Remove an open table.

void rename (const String& newName, const String& oldName)

Rename an open table. If oldName is not in the cache, nothing will be done.