- TableRowProxy -- Proxy for table row access. (full description)
- Public Members
- TableRowProxy()
- TableRowProxy (const TableProxy& table, const Vector<String>& columnNames, Bool exclude)
- TableRowProxy (const TableRowProxy&)
- ~TableRowProxy()
- TableRowProxy& operator= (const TableRowProxy&)
- Bool isNull() const
- Bool isWritable() const
- Record get (uInt rownr) const
- void put (uInt rownr, const Record& values, Bool matchingFields)
Review Status
- Reviewed By:
- Paul Shannon
- Date Reviewed:
- 1995/09/15
- Programs:
- Tests:
TableRowProxy holds a TableRow object for the table
glish client.
TableRowProxy gives access to row-based table accessor functions.
It is primarily meant to be used in classes that wrap access to it
from scripting languages (like Glish and Python).
However, it can also be used directly from other C++ code.
A TableRowProxy object is usually created by class
Member Description
Default constructor is only needed for the Block container.
Construct for the given columns in the table.
Copy constructor (copy semantics).
TableRowProxy& operator= (const TableRowProxy&)
Assignment (copy semantics).
Bool isNull() const
Test if the underlying TableRow object is invalid.
Test if values can be written.
Record get (uInt rownr) const
Get values for the given row.
void put (uInt rownr, const Record& values, Bool matchingFields)
Put values for the given row.
The given record has to conform the fields in the table row.