Module ComponentModels
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classes that define a functional representation of the sky brightness
Review Status
- Date Reviewed:
- yyyy/mm/dd
This module contains classes which parameterise emmision from the sky using
relatively simple functions.
To Do
- add this feature
- fix this bug
- discuss possible extension
- ComponentList -- A class for manipulating groups of components (full description)
- ComponentShape -- Base class for component shapes (full description)
- ComponentType -- Enumerators common to the ComponentsModels module (full description)
- ConstantSpectrum -- Model the spectral variation with a constant (full description)
- DiskShape -- A disk model for the spatial distribution of emission (full description)
- Flux -- A class that represents the Flux (reference semantics) (full description)
- FluxRep -- A class that represents the Flux (copy semantics) (full description)
- FluxStandard -- FluxStandard: Compute flux densities for standard reference sources (full description)
- GaussianShape -- A Gaussian model for the spatial distribution of emission (full description)
- PointShape -- A shape where emission comes from only one direction (full description)
- SkyCompBase -- Base class for model components of the sky brightness (full description)
- SkyCompRep -- A model component of the sky brightness (full description)
- SkyComponent -- A component of a model of the sky (full description)
- SpectralIndex -- Models the spectral variation with a spectral index (full description)
- SpectralModel -- Base class for spectral models (full description)
- TwoSidedShape -- Base class for component shapes with two sides (full description)
- componentlist -- A simplified class for manipulating groups of components (full description)