- RFANewMedianClip -- RFANewMedianClip: RedFlagger Agent for clipping relative to median over time slots (full description)
- Public Members
- RFANewMedianClip ( RFChunkStats &ch, const RecordInterface &parm )
- virtual ~RFANewMedianClip ()
- virtual uInt estimateMemoryUse ()
- virtual Bool newChunk (Int &maxmem)
- virtual void endChunk ()
- virtual void startData ()
- virtual void startDry ()
- virtual IterMode iterTime (uInt itime)
- virtual IterMode iterRow (uInt irow)
- virtual IterMode iterDry (uInt it)
- virtual IterMode endData ()
- virtual IterMode endDry ()
- virtual String getDesc ()
- static const RecordInterface & getDefaults ()
- Protected Members
- MedianSlider & slider (uInt ich,uInt ifr)
- void makePlot ( PGPlotterInterface &pgp,uInt ich )
- MedianSlider
- RFAFlagCubeBase
RFANewMedianClip computes a median of some quantity over time slots,
per each channel. Deviation w/respect to the median is computed for
the actual flagging.
To Do
- add this feature
- fix this bug
- start discussion of this possible extension
Member Description
virtual Bool newChunk (Int &maxmem)
virtual IterMode iterTime (uInt itime)
virtual IterMode iterRow (uInt irow)
virtual IterMode iterDry (uInt it)
virtual IterMode endData ()
virtual IterMode endDry ()
static const RecordInterface & getDefaults ()
void makePlot ( PGPlotterInterface &pgp,uInt ich )