- BeamSkyJones -- beam-like sky-plane effects for the SkyEquation (full description)
- Public Members
- virtual ~BeamSkyJones() = 0
- virtual void showState(LogIO& os)
- ImageInterface<Complex>& apply(const ImageInterface<Complex>& in, ImageInterface<Complex>& out, const Complex& vb, Int row, Bool forward=True)
- ImageInterface<Float>& applySquare(const ImageInterface<Float>& in, ImageInterface<Float>& out, const VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
- SkyComponent& apply(SkyComponent& in, SkyComponent& out, const VisBuffer& vb, Int row, Bool forward = True)
- SkyComponent& applySquare(SkyComponent& in, SkyComponent& out, const VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
- virtual void reset()
- virtual Bool changed(const VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
- virtual Bool change(const VisBuffer& vb)
- virtual Bool changedBuffer(const VisBuffer& vb, Int row1, Int& row2)
- void update(const VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
- virtual void assure (const VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
- virtual Type type()
- virtual ImageInterface<Complex>& applyGradient(ImageInterface<Complex>& result, const Complex& vb, Int row)
- virtual SkyComponent& applyGradient(SkyComponent& result, const VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
- virtual Bool isSolveable()
- virtual void initializeGradients()
- virtual void finalizeGradients()
- virtual void addGradients(const VisBuffer& vb, Int row, const Float sumwt, const Float chisq, const Matrix<Complex>& c, const Matrix<Float>& f)
- virtual Bool solve (SkyEquation& se)
- void setPBMath(const String &telescope, PBMath &myPBmath)
- Bool getPBMath(uInt whichAnt, PBMath &myPBMath)
- Bool getPBMath(const String &telescope, PBMath &myPBMath)
- Bool isHomogeneous()
- ImageRegion* extent (const ImageInterface<Complex>& im, const Complex& vb, const Int irow=-1, const Float fPad=1.2, const Int iChan=0, const VisBuffer::SizeType sizeType=VisBuffer::COMPOSITE)
- ImageRegion* extent (const ImageInterface<Float>& im, const VisBuffer& vb, const Int irow=-1, const Float fPad=1.2, const Int iChan=0, const VisBuffer::SizeType sizeType=VisBuffer::COMPOSITE)
- virtual void summary(Int n=0)
- Protected Members
- Int indexTelescope(const String & compareTelescope)
BeamSkyJones, derived from SkyJones, describes an interface to
beam-based SkyJones objects. Like SkyJones, it too is an Abstract
Base Class, but implements the beam-related methods.
The properties of sky-plane based calibration effects must be described
for the SkyEquation; this class
encapsulates the antenna beam-based aspects which are present in at least
a few other specific SkyJones (VPSkyJones and DBeamSkyJones).
To Do
- Solvable part needs implementation: we need to derive an
image of gradients of the elements of the Jones matrix. See VisJones
for how to do this.
- The MS, version II, will have a beam subtable, which will have PBMaths
for each antenna. Until this becomes available, we need to do some
fudging; for example, we
Member Description
def= no beam squint offsets
Virtual destructor (this is a virtual base class)
Print out information concerning the state of this object
ImageInterface<Complex>& apply(const ImageInterface<Complex>& in, ImageInterface<Complex>& out, const Complex& vb, Int row, Bool forward=True)
ImageInterface<Float>& applySquare(const ImageInterface<Float>& in, ImageInterface<Float>& out, const VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
Apply Jones matrix to an image (and adjoint)
No "applyInverse" is available from the SkyJones classes,
you can get them directly from PBMath or you can get
the equivalent effect by dividing by grad grad Chi^2
in ImageSkyModel.
Apply Jones matrix to a sky component (and adjoint)
virtual Bool changed(const VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
Understand if things have changed since last PB application
Has this operator changed since the last Application?
(or more properly, since the last update() )
Understand if things have changed since last PB application
Does the operator change in this visbuffer or since the last call?
May not be useful -- check it out: m.a.h. Dec 30 1999
virtual Bool changedBuffer(const VisBuffer& vb, Int row1, Int& row2)
Understand if things have changed since last PB application
Does this operator changed in this VisBuffer,
starting with row1?
If yes, we return in row2, the last row that has the
same SkyJones as row1.
NOTE: need to first call changed(const VisBuffer& vb, Int row) and
shield the user from the case where the fieldID has changed
(which only changes in blocks)
Understand if things have changed since last PB application
Update the FieldID, Telescope, pointingDirection, Parallactic angle info
virtual void assure (const VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
Understand if things have changed since last PB application
if (changed) {update()}
virtual void reset()
Understand if things have changed since last PB application
virtual Type type()
Return the type of this Jones matrix (actual type of derived class).
virtual ImageInterface<Complex>& applyGradient(ImageInterface<Complex>& result, const Complex& vb, Int row)
Apply gradient
Is this solveable?
Initialize for gradient search
Finalize for gradient search
virtual void addGradients(const VisBuffer& vb, Int row, const Float sumwt, const Float chisq, const Matrix<Complex>& c, const Matrix<Float>& f)
Add to Gradient Chisq
Manage the PBMath objects
set the PB based on telescope name
Bool getPBMath(uInt whichAnt, PBMath &myPBMath)
Manage the PBMath objects
get the PBMath object; returns False if that one doesn't exist,
True if it does exist and is OK
Manage the PBMath objects
get the PBMath object; returns False if that one doesn't exist,
True if it does exist and is OK
Manage the PBMath objects
Return true if all antennas share a common VP
ImageRegion* extent (const ImageInterface<Complex>& im, const Complex& vb, const Int irow=-1, const Float fPad=1.2, const Int iChan=0, const VisBuffer::SizeType sizeType=VisBuffer::COMPOSITE)
Get the ImageRegion of the primary beam on an Image for a given pointing
Note: ImageRegion is not necesarily constrained to lie within the
image region (for example, if the pointing center is near the edge of the
image). fPad: extra padding over the primary beam supporrt,
fractional (ie, 1.2 for 20% padding), in all directions.
(note: we do not properly treat squint yet, this will cover it for now)
iChan: frequency channel to take: lowest frequency channel is safe for all
Potential problem: this ImageRegion includes all Stokes and Frequency Channels
present in the input image.
ImageRegion* extent (const ImageInterface<Float>& im, const VisBuffer& vb, const Int irow=-1, const Float fPad=1.2, const Int iChan=0, const VisBuffer::SizeType sizeType=VisBuffer::COMPOSITE)
virtual void summary(Int n=0)
summarize the PBMaths contained here.
n = -1 => terse table
n = 0 => table plus constructor values
n = m => plot m samples of the PB profile
return index of compareTelescope in myTelescopes_p; -1 if not found