Module Tasking

Changes made in the current development cycle can be found in the changelog.

Description (classes)

The classes implementing the distributed object system.


Review Status

Date Reviewed:


Tasking refers to the running and controlling of tasks, processes performing operations.


This module implements the aips++ tasking system that allows glish scripts and user interfaces to communicate with C++ executables performing the real work. It includes parameter passing and status reporting classes.


see Note 186 and 197 for a detailed explanation of the tasking system.


To Do


Aipsrc -- Class to read the aipsrc general resource files (full description)
AipsrcValue -- Class to read values from the Aipsrc general resource files (full description)
AipsrcValue_Bool -- Specialization of AipsrcValue for Bool (full description)
AipsrcVector -- Read multiple values from the Aipsrc resource files (full description)
AipsrcVector_Bool -- Specialization of AipsrcVector for Bool (full description)
AipsrcVector_String -- Specialization of AipsrcVector for String (full description)
AppInfo -- General information for applications. (full description)
AppUtil -- AppUtil: Utilities used by the CLI parameter-setting shell (full description)
ApplicationEnvironment -- (full description)
ApplicationObject -- Encapsulates an AIPS++ Application. DOs are derived from ApplicationObject (full description)
ApplicationObjectFactory -- A factory for making ApplicationObjects. (full description)
ArrayParameterAccessor -- Facilitates access to array parameters by AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
Choice -- (full description)
ForeignArrayParameterAccessor -- Access an array of foreign Glish data structures (full description)
ForeignBaseArrayParameterAccessor -- Base class for access to Glish data structure Arrays (full description)
ForeignBaseParameterAccessor -- Base class to access Glish data structures (full description)
ForeignBaseVectorParameterAccessor -- Base class for access to Glish data structure Vectors (full description)
ForeignNSArrayParameterAccessor -- Access an array of non-standard Glish data structures (full description)
ForeignNSParameterAccessor -- Class to access non-standard foreign Glish data structures (full description)
ForeignNSVectorParameterAccessor -- Access a vector of non-standard Glish data structures (full description)
ForeignParameterAccessor -- Class to access foreign Glish data structures (full description)
ForeignVectorParameterAccessor -- Base class for access to Foreign vectors (full description)
GlishArrayParameterAccessor -- Facilitates access to Glish array parameters by AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
GlishLogSink -- Send log messages as Glish events. (full description)
GlishRecordParameterAccessor -- Facilitates access to Glish record parameters by AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
GlishValueParameterAccessor -- Facilitates access to Glish value parameters by AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
Index -- Interconvert between 0 and 1 based relative indexing. (full description)
IndexParameterAccessor -- Facilitates access to Index parameters by AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
IndexVectorParameterAccessor -- Facilitates access to Index Vector parameters by AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
MethodResult -- (full description)
NewFile -- Do checks for a new (non-existent) file. (full description)
NewFileConstraint -- Constrain a string to be a new (non-existent) file (full description)
ObjectController -- Link application objects to a server and the control bus (full description)
ObjectDispatcher -- (full description)
ObjectID -- ObjectID: A unique identifier for distributed and other objects. (full description)
ObjectIDParameterAccessor -- (full description)
ObjectIDRecord -- Convert ObjectID to/from GlishRecord. (full description)
ObjectType -- Base Class for Objects in Tasking interface (full description)
PGPlotter -- Standard plotting object for application programmers. (full description)
PGPlotterGlish -- Transfer plotting commands to Glish for plotting (full description)
PGPlotterInterface -- Abstract base class for PGPLOT style plotting. (full description)
PGPlotterLocal -- Plot to a PGPLOT device "local" to this process. (full description)
PagedImageParameterAccessor -- Facilitates access to PagedImage parameters by AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
Parameter -- (full description)
ParameterAccessor -- (full description)
ParameterAccessorBase -- (full description)
ParameterConstraint -- Base class for constraints on parameters for AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
ParameterRange -- Base class for constraints on parameter ranges for AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
ParameterSet -- (full description)
ProgressMeter -- Visual indication of a tasks progress. (full description)
Record -- Global templated interface (full description)
ScalarParameterAccessor -- (full description)
Shape -- Global non-templated functions (full description)
SkyComponentParameterAccessor -- (full description)
StandardObjectFactory -- The standard factory for making ApplicationObjects. (full description)
TableParameterAccessor -- Facilitates access to data parameters by AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
Unset -- Test for and represent a Glish unset value. (full description)
VectorParameterAccessor -- Facilitates access to vector parameters by AIPS++ ApplicationObjects (full description)
apputil -- DOapputil: DO for AppUtil class; used by CLI parameter-setting shell (full description)
apputilFactory -- apputilfactory: Factory for apputil (full description)
file -- Definition of file struct used in ApplicationObject parameter passing (full description)