

Colormap -- Describes a method of generating a table of colors. (full description)

class Colormap



ColormapVersion = 1


Public Members
explicit Colormap(const String& name)
virtual ~Colormap()
Bool rigid() const
void setRigid(Bool b)
uInt rigidSize() const
void setRigidSize(uInt s)
virtual Bool calcRGBMaps(uInt reqSize, Vector<Float> & redMap, Vector<Float> & greenMap, Vector<Float> & blueMap) const
const String & name() const
void registerPCColorTable(PixelCanvasColorTable *pcctbl)
void unregisterPCColorTable(PixelCanvasColorTable *pcctbl)
void setBrightness(const Float &brightness, const Bool &doReinstall = True)
Float getBrightness() const
void setContrast(const Float &contrast, const Bool &doReinstall = True)
Float getContrast() const
void setInvertFlags(const Bool &red, const Bool &green, const Bool &blue, const Bool &doReinstall = True)
void getInvertFlags(Bool &red, Bool &green, Bool &blue) const
void doResizeCallbacks()
void setShapingFunction(Function1D<Float, Float> *shapingfunc = 0)
void setShapingCoefficients(const Vector<Float> &params, const Bool &doReinstall = True)
const Vector<Float> getShapingCoefficients() const
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const Colormap & c)
friend AipsIO &operator<<(AipsIO &aio, const Colormap & c)
friend LogIO &operator<<(LogIO &lio, const Colormap & c)
friend AipsIO &operator>>(AipsIO &aio, Colormap & c)
ColormapDefinition *definition()
Protected Members
void reinstall()



The name of Colormap comes from ...


A Colormap is a class which is capable of generating a table of colormaps for the ColormapManager. The Colormap's duties are to fill a Vector of colors of a specific size.

A Colormap can operate in two modes: