- ColormapVersion = 1
A Colormap can operate in two modes:
The Colormap generates colors by composing a ColormapShapeFunc with a ColormapDefinition to provide the colors for the ColormapManager.
Typically the ColormapDefinition is selected from a menu, and the ColormapShapeFunc what is changed by a gui.
The ColormapDefinition and ColormapShapeFunc may be derived from to provide specialized colortable treatment.
User Constructor
If rigid is True, the colormap must be installed at a specific size.
What is the size enforced by the rigid requirement?
Compute RGB values using the definition and shape function
return the name of the map
Register/Unregister a PixelCanvasColorTable that uses this Colormap
set/get the colormap brightness level in range 0 to 1
set/get the colormap contrast level
set/get the inverse flags
Do resizeCallbacks on the PixelCanvasColorTables that use this Colormap
Set the Colormap shaping function. If the argument is 0, then resort to using the default shaping function, which happens to be a polynomial of order 1.
Set and retrieve the coefficients of the shaping function.
Write a Colormap to an ostream in a simple text form.
Write a Colormap to an AipsIO stream in a binary format.
Write a Colormap to a LogIO stream.
Read a Colormap from an AipsIO stream in a binary format. Will throw an AipsError if the current Colormap Version does not match that of the one on disk.
Provide access to the colormap definition.