

DLFont -- A class designed to manage several representations of the same font (full description)

class DLFont


enum FontDescription



Public Members
DLFont(const String& description, const DLFont::FontDescription whatType = DLFont::Name, const Int& size = 12)
DLFont(const DLFont& other)
virtual ~DLFont()
DLFont &operator=(const DLFont &other)
String getXValueNoSize()
Int getSize()
String getXValue()
String getPSValue()
String getName()
void setName(const String& newName)
void setSize(const Int newSize)
void setXValue(const String& newX11)
void setPSValue(const String& newPS)
Vector<String> getAllNames()
Private Members
void fillArrays()
Bool lookUp(const String& desc, const DLFont::FontDescription, Int& returnIndex)




DLFont is a class designed to manage multiple representations of the same font.


Different DL media (e.g. X11 and postscript) have different ways of representing fonts. The user, however should be presented with a single representation across all media types. This class is designed to represent a single font, as observed by the user, but also to contain different representations of the font for each media.

Thrown Exceptions

To Do

Member Description

enum FontDescription


(Required) default constructor.

DLFont(const String& description, const DLFont::FontDescription whatType = DLFont::Name, const Int& size = 12)

The constructor accepts any description of the font. By default it is the 'name' of the font. You can also construct a DLFont by either of its other descriptions, by using the appropriate 'FontDescription'. e.g to select Times by its PostScript name:

    DLFont myFont("Times-Roman", DLFont::PSFontName);
is equivalent to :
    DLFont myFont("-adobe-times-medium-r-*--*", DLFont::XFontDescription);
or, more simply :
    DLFont myFont("Times - Roman");

DLFont(const DLFont& other)

Copy constructor using copy semantics.

virtual ~DLFont()


DLFont &operator=(const DLFont &other)

Copy assignment.

String getXValueNoSize()

Return the current font as a XLFD. Although it states "noSize", it may actually return a size. e.g. a call to "setXValue", providing an entry in the size field will result in a XLFD with a valid size field. However, if you do a "setSize", then call this method, the change in size will not be reflected.

Int getSize()

Return the current font as a post-script recognisable name String getPSValueNoSize();

Return the current fonts desired size

String getXValue()

Return the current font as a XLFD, with the specific size. NB If there is any matrix transform in the pixel size field of the XLFD, this will not preserve it. To do operations e.g. rotation, extract the desired font size (getSize) and the font info (getXFontNoSize) seperately before applying required transforms

String getPSValue()

Return the current font as a PS recognisable name, with the specific size 'tagged onto' the end of it.

String getName()

Return the name (as it should be presented to users) of the font.

void setName(const String& newName)

Set the name of the font

void setSize(const Int newSize)

Set the desired size (pixelSize)

void setXValue(const String& newX11)

Set the XLFD for this font (if you wish to set at matrix for any fields e.g. set the size field as a rotation matrix to rotate text, you will need to handle the size of the text independantly of this class. You can use the getXValueNoSize for that. i.e. class will not preserve rotated/scaled text via matrix transforms

void setPSValue(const String& newPS)

Set the Postscript representation of this font

Vector<String> getAllNames()

void fillArrays()

Bool lookUp(const String& desc, const DLFont::FontDescription, Int& returnIndex)