- SimplePixelCanvasApp -- Application class the provides basic gui for a PixelCanvas (full description)
- SimplePixelCanvasAppVersion = 1
- Public Members
- SimplePixelCanvasApp()
- static void exitCB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer)
- Widget buildWidget(Widget parent)
- void addRefreshEventHandler(const PCRefreshEH & eh)
- void addMotionEventHandler(const PCMotionEH & eh)
- void addPositionEventHandler(const PCPositionEH & eh)
- PixelCanvas * pixelCanvas() const
- void run()
- virtual ~SimplePixelCanvasApp()
- friend ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const SimplePixelCanvasApp & spca)
- friend AipsIO &operator<<(AipsIO &aio, const SimplePixelCanvasApp & spca)
- friend LogIO &operator<<(LogIO &lio, const SimplePixelCanvasApp & spca)
- friend AipsIO &operator>>(AipsIO &aio, SimplePixelCanvasApp & spca)
- Bool ok() const
SimplePixelCanvasApp : Simple PixelCanvas Application Class
SimplePixelCanvasApp provides basic a basic GUI panel for
a simple PixelCanvas application. Event handlers can be registered
to the app class.
Needed simple testbed for the PixelCanvas
See the test programs in Display
Member Description
Default Constructor Required
static void exitCB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer)
X callback to quit the program
function that builds the basic GUI
functions to add event handlers to the pixel canvas
Direct access to the PixelCanvas
void run()
Run the program
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const SimplePixelCanvasApp & spca)
Write a SimplePixelCanvasApp to an ostream in a simple text form.
friend AipsIO &operator<<(AipsIO &aio, const SimplePixelCanvasApp & spca)
Write a SimplePixelCanvasApp to an AipsIO stream in a binary format.
friend LogIO &operator<<(LogIO &lio, const SimplePixelCanvasApp & spca)
Write a SimplePixelCanvasApp to a LogIO stream.
friend AipsIO &operator>>(AipsIO &aio, SimplePixelCanvasApp & spca)
Read a SimplePixelCanvasApp from an AipsIO stream in a binary format.
Will throw an AipsError if the current SimplePixelCanvasApp Version
does not match that of the one on disk.
Bool ok() const
Is this SimplePixelCanvasApp consistent?