

CrosshairEvent -- WorldCanvasEvent:contains info on the WC point selected by MWCCrosshairTool (full description)

class CrosshairEvent : public WorldCanvasEvent


Public Members
CrosshairEvent(WorldCanvas *wc, const Int pixX, const Int pixY, const String& evtype) : WorldCanvasEvent(wc), itsPixX(pixX), itsPixY(pixY), itsEvType(evtype)
virtual Int pixX() const
virtual Int pixY() const
virtual String evtype() const


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"CrosshairEvent" holds information about a point selected by the user with the MWCCrosshairTool.


CrosshairEvent is created by MWCCrosshairTool when a point is selected by the crosshair on a WorldCanvas draw area. The event is passed (via WorldCanvas::handleEvent()) to the generic DisplayEHs registered with the WorldCanvas.


A mechanism was needed to notify library objects associated with a WorldCanvas (in particular, DisplayDatas) when a position was selected on the WC via MWCCrosshairTool. Formerly, this information was sent only to glish. This event is on a different level from the mouse/keyboard WorldCanvasEvents and serves a different purpose, so a new event type was created.

Thrown Exceptions

To Do

Member Description

CrosshairEvent(WorldCanvas *wc, const Int pixX, const Int pixY, const String& evtype) : WorldCanvasEvent(wc), itsPixX(pixX), itsPixY(pixY), itsEvType(evtype)

Constructor taking a pointer to the WorldCanvas where the event occured, and the pixel coordinates of the event. evtype should be "down", "move", or "up", according to mouse state.

virtual Int pixX() const
virtual Int pixY() const
virtual String evtype() const

The x and y pixel position of the crosshair when the event occurred.