########################################################################## # # # Use Case Script for CLASS Graviational Lens B1608+656 # # # # Created STM 2008-08-05 (Beta Patch 2.0) regression version # # Updated STM 2008-08-21 (Beta Patch 3.0) imfit # # Revised STM 2009-07-06 (Beta Patch 4, v2.4) final # # Revised STM 2009-07-13 (Release R0, v3.0) initial # # Revised STM 2009-10-07 (Release R0, v3.0) final status # # Revised STM 2009-12-01 (Release R0, v3.0) new imfit # # Revised JO 2010-04-13 (Release 3.0.1) edit viewer call # # # # Features Tested: # # The script illustrates end-to-end processing with CASA # # as depicted in the following flow-chart. # # # # Filenames will have the = 'b1608.demo' # # # # Input Data Process Output Data # # # # AM484_B950818.xp1 --> importvla --> .ms + # # (8.4GHz, | .ms.flagversions # # 2x50MHz IF, v # # A-config) listobs --> casapy.log # # | # # v # # setjy # # | # # v # # gaincal --> .gcal # # | # # v # # applycal # # | # # v # # split --> ..split.ms # # | # # v # # (exportuvfits) --> ..split.uvfits # # | # # v # # clean --> .clean1.image + # # | .clean1.model + # # | .clean1.residual # # v # # gaincal --> .selfcal # # | # # v # # applycal # # | # # v # # clean --> .clean2.image + # # | .clean2.model + # # | .clean2.residual # # v # # (exportfits) --> .clean.fits # # | # # v # # imhead --> casapy.log # # | # # v # # imstat --> xstat (return value) # # | # # v # # imfit --> xfit (return value) # # | # # v # ########################################################################## import time import os scriptmode = T # Enable benchmarking? benchmarking = True # # Set up some useful variables # # Get to path to the CASA home and stip off the name pathname=os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0] # This is where the data will be datapath='./' # The prefix to use for all output files prefix='b1608.demo' # Clean up old files os.system('rm -rf '+prefix+'*') # Start timing if benchmarking: startTime=time.time() startProc=time.clock() # #===================================================================== # # Import the data from FITS to MS # print '--ImportVLA--' # Safest to start from task defaults default('importvla') # Set up the MS filename and save as new global variable msfile = prefix + '.ms' # Use task importuvfits archivefiles = [datapath+'AM484_B950818.xp1'] vis = msfile # The X-band only bandname = 'X' saveinputs('importvla',prefix+'.saved.importvla') # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: inp() user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') importvla() # # Note that there will be a b1950.demo.ms.flagversions # there containing the initial flags as backup for the main ms # flags. # #===================================================================== # # List a summary of the MS # print '--Listobs--' # Don't default this one and make use of the previous setting of # vis. Remember, the variables are GLOBAL! # You may wish to see more detailed information, like the scans. # In this case use the verbose = True option verbose = True listobs() # You should get in your logger window and in the casapy.log file # something like: # # MeasurementSet Name: /home/sandrock/smyers/Testing/Patch2/B1608/am484.ms MS Version 2 # # Observer: unavailable Project: AM484 # Observation: VLA # Data records: 103194 Total integration time = 1680 seconds # Observed from 23:56:05 to 00:24:05 # # ObservationID = 0 ArrayID = 0 # Date Timerange Scan FldId FieldName SpwIds # 18-Aug-1995/23:56:05.0 - 23:58:55.0 1 0 1642+689 [0, 1] # 19-Aug-1995/00:00:05.0 - 00:04:15.0 2 1 1600+434 [0, 1] # 00:05:45.0 - 00:07:45.0 3 0 1642+689 [0, 1] # 00:08:15.0 - 00:14:25.0 4 2 1608+656 [0, 1] # 00:14:55.0 - 00:17:35.0 5 0 1642+689 [0, 1] # 00:18:05.0 - 00:20:45.0 6 3 1638+625 [0, 1] # 00:21:15.0 - 00:24:05.0 7 0 1642+689 [0, 1] # Fields: 4 # ID Code Name Right Ascension Declination Epoch # 0 A 1642+689 16:42:07.85 + J2000 # 1 1600+434 16:01:40.50 + J2000 # 2 1608+656 16:09:13.96 + J2000 # 3 1638+625 16:38:28.21 + J2000 # Spectral Windows: (2 unique spectral windows and 1 unique polarization setups) # SpwID #Chans Frame Ch1(MHz) ChanWid(kHz)TotBW(kHz) Ref(MHz) Corrs # 0 1 TOPO 8414.9 50000 50000 8414.9 RR RL LR LL # 1 1 TOPO 8464.9 50000 50000 8464.9 RR RL LR LL # Feeds: 27: printing first row only # Antenna Spectral Window # Receptors Polarizations # 1 -1 2 [ R, L] # Antennas: 27: # ID Name Station Diam. Long. Lat. # 0 VA18 VLA:W48 25.0 m - + # 1 VA20 VLA:W40 25.0 m - + # 2 VA08 VLA:W8 25.0 m - + # 3 VA03 VLA:W24 25.0 m - + # 4 VA12 VLA:W16 25.0 m - + # 5 VA02 VLA:W32 25.0 m - + # 6 VA28 VLA:W64 25.0 m - + # 7 VA21 VLA:W72 25.0 m - + # 8 VA10 VLA:W56 25.0 m - + # 9 VA17 VLA:E48 25.0 m - + # 10 VA07 VLA:E40 25.0 m - + # 11 VA04 VLA:E8 25.0 m - + # 12 VA16 VLA:E24 25.0 m - + # 13 VA22 VLA:E16 25.0 m - + # 14 VA19 VLA:E32 25.0 m - + # 15 VA06 VLA:E64 25.0 m - + # 16 VA24 VLA:E72 25.0 m - + # 17 VA05 VLA:E56 25.0 m - + # 18 VA11 VLA:N48 25.0 m - + # 19 VA23 VLA:N40 25.0 m - + # 20 VA27 VLA:N8 25.0 m - + # 21 VA15 VLA:N32 25.0 m - + # 22 VA25 VLA:N24 25.0 m - + # 23 VA14 VLA:N16 25.0 m - + # 24 VA01 VLA:N64 25.0 m - + # 25 VA26 VLA:N72 25.0 m - + # 26 VA09 VLA:N56 25.0 m - + # # # Tables: # MAIN 103194 rows # ANTENNA 27 rows # DATA_DESCRIPTION 2 rows # DOPPLER 2 rows # FEED 27 rows # FIELD 4 rows # FLAG_CMD # FREQ_OFFSET # HISTORY 6 rows # OBSERVATION 1 row # POINTING # POLARIZATION 1 row # PROCESSOR # SOURCE 4 rows # SPECTRAL_WINDOW 2 rows # STATE # SYSCAL # WEATHER # #===================================================================== # # Now use plotxy to plot the data and do any preliminary editing # print '--Plotxy--' default('plotxy') vis = msfile field = '1642+689' spw = '0,1' selectdata=T correlation='RR,LL' xaxis = 'uvdist' yaxis = 'amp' datacolumn = 'data' saveinputs('plotxy',prefix+'.saved.plotxy.initial.amp') print " 1642+689 amplitude vs. uv distance" if scriptmode: interactive = True figfile = '' plotxy() print " Looks good, no editing required" user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') else: interactive = False figfile = prefix+'.'+field+'.plotxy.initial.png' plotxy() # #===================================================================== # # Set the fluxes of the primary calibrator(s) # print '--Setjy--' default('setjy') vis = msfile # # Unfortunately there were no flux standards observed this run # We will assume that 1642+689 has a X-band flux of 0.82 Jy # Guesstimated from the flux calibration database when it started # in 1996. # field = '1642+689' # This is 8.4GHz A-config in 2 x 50MHz IFs spw = '0,1' # 1642+689 is sufficiently unresolved that we dont need a model image. modimage = '' # We have to set the flux density manually print " Set the flux density of 1642+689 to 0.82 Jy" fluxdensity = [0.82,0.0,0.0,0.0] saveinputs('setjy',prefix+'.saved.setjy') # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: inp() user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') setjy() # #===================================================================== # # Gain calibration # print '--Gaincal--' default('gaincal') # solve for the time-dependent antenna gains vis = msfile # set the name for the output gain caltable gtable = prefix + '.gcal' caltable = gtable # Gain calibrator is 1642+689 (FIELD_ID 0) field = '1642+689' # We have two spectral windows (SPW 0,1) spw = '0,1' # Exclude longest baselines (possible droop beyond 800klambda) selectdata = T uvrange = '0~600klambda' # In this band we do not need a-priori corrections for # antenna gain-elevation curve or atmospheric opacity # especially given that the sources are all together on sky # (above 8.4GHz you would want these) gaincurve = False opacity = 0.0 # scan-based G solutions for both amplitude and phase gaintype = 'G' solint = 'inf' combine = '' calmode = 'ap' # minimum SNR allowed minsnr = 3.0 print " scan-based amplitude and phase cal" # reference antenna VA08 (VLA:W8) refant = 'VA08' saveinputs('gaincal',prefix+'.saved.gaincal') if scriptmode: inp() user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') gaincal() # #===================================================================== # # Now use plotcal to examine the gain solutions # print '--Plotcal--' default('plotcal') caltable = gtable # Set up 2x1 panels - upper panel amp vs. time subplot = 211 yaxis = 'amp' # No output file yet (wait to plot next panel) saveinputs('plotcal',prefix+'.saved.plotcal.gcal.amp') if scriptmode: showgui = True else: showgui = False plotcal() # # Set up 2x1 panels - lower panel phase vs. time subplot = 212 yaxis = 'phase' saveinputs('plotcal',prefix+'.saved.plotcal.gcal.phase') # # The amp and phase coherence looks good # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: # If you want to do this interactively and iterate over antenna, set #iteration = 'antenna' showgui = True plotcal() print " You can see an antenna that is off, use Mark and Locate to ID" print " This is VA24" user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') else: # No GUI for this script showgui = False # Now send final plot to file in PNG format (via .png suffix) figfile = caltable + '.plotcal.png' plotcal() # #===================================================================== # print "--Flagdata--" default('flagdata') vis = msfile spw='0,1' mode='manualflag' # VA24 is off in calibration - flag it print " flag VA24 for all times" timerange='' correlation='' antenna = 'VA24' saveinputs('flagdata',prefix+'.saved.flagdata.VA24') flagdata() if scriptmode: pass else: # If not interactive, then flag bad stuff for VA02 in one timeslot print " flag VA02 for one time at 00:05:53" timerange='1995/08/19/00:05:54.0~00:05:56.0' correlation='' antenna = 'VA02' saveinputs('flagdata',prefix+'.saved.flagdata.VA02') flagdata() # #===================================================================== # # Apply our calibration solutions to the data # (This will put calibrated data into the CORRECTED_DATA column) # print '--ApplyCal--' default('applycal') vis = msfile # We want to transfer from 1642+689 to itself and the targets # Start with the gain table gaintable = [gtable] # pick the 1642+689 out of the gain table for transfer gainfield = ['1642+689'] # interpolation using linear for gain interp = ['linear'] # both spw, default mapping spw = '' selectdata = False # as before gaincurve = False opacity = 0.0 # select all of the fields field = '' saveinputs('applycal',prefix+'.saved.applycal') # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: inp() user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') applycal() # #===================================================================== # # Now use plotxy to plot the calibrated target data # print '--Plotxy--' default('plotxy') vis = msfile field = '1642+689' spw = '0,1' selectdata=T correlation='RR,LL' # Put any time average here #averagemode = 'vector' #timebin = '0' xaxis = 'time' yaxis = 'amp' datacolumn = 'corrected' print " Final calibrated data amplitudes" figfile = '' if scriptmode: interactive = True figfile = '' saveinputs('plotxy',prefix+'.saved.plotxy.final.amp') plotxy() print " Amplitude vs. time" print " You can Mark, Locate and Flag the bad time in second scan" user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') else: interactive = False figfile = vis + '.plotxy.final.amp.png' saveinputs('plotxy',prefix+'.saved.plotxy.final.amp') print " Amplitude vs. time to "+figfile plotxy() plotxy() print " Final calibrated data phases" yaxis = 'phase' # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: interactive = True figfile = '' saveinputs('plotxy',prefix+'.saved.plotxy.final.phase') plotxy() print " Now phase vs. time" print " Notice the effect of the interpolation - will need to selfcal" user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') else: interactive = False # Now send final plot to file in PNG format (via .png suffix) figfile = vis + '.plotxy.final.phase.png' saveinputs('plotxy',prefix+'.saved.plotxy.final.phase') print " Phase vs. time to "+figfile plotxy() #===================================================================== # # Split the sources out, pick off the CORRECTED_DATA column # print '--Split--' default('split') vis = msfile spw = '' datacolumn = 'corrected' field = '1642+689' calsplitms = prefix + '.'+field+'.split.ms' outputvis = calsplitms print " splitting source "+field saveinputs('split',prefix+'.saved.split.'+field) # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: inp() user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') split() print " Created "+outputvis field = '1608+656' srcsplitms = prefix + '.'+field+'.split.ms' outputvis = srcsplitms print "" print " splitting source "+field saveinputs('split',prefix+'.saved.split.'+field) # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: inp() user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') split() print " Created "+outputvis #===================================================================== # # Here is how to export the data as UVFITS # Start with the split file. # Since this is a split dataset, the calibrated data is # in the DATA column already. # Write as a multisource UVFITS (with SU table) # even though it will have only one field in it # Run asynchronously so as not to interfere with other tasks # (BETA: also avoids crash on next importuvfits) # #print '--Export UVFITS--' #default('exportuvfits') # #srcuvfits = prefix + '.1608+656.split.uvfits' # #vis = srcsplitms #fitsfile = srcuvfits #datacolumn = 'data' #multisource = True #async = True # #saveinputs('exportuvfits',prefix+'.saved.1608+656.exportuvfits') # #myhandle = exportuvfits() # #print "The return value for this exportuvfits async task for tm is "+str(myhandle) # #===================================================================== # Done with calibration #===================================================================== # # Here is how to make a dirty image # #print '--Clean (dirty image)--' #default('clean') #vis = srcsplitms #imname = prefix + '.dirty' #imagename = imname # #mode = 'mfs' # #imsize = [256,256] #cell = [0.05.,0.05] #weighting = 'briggs' #robust = 0.5 # No cleaning #niter = 0 #saveinputs('clean',prefix+'.saved.invert') # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode #if scriptmode: # inp() # user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') # #clean() #dirtyimage = imname+'.image' # Get the dirty image cube statistics #dirtystats = imstat(dirtyimage) # Could also image the calibrator using vis=calsplitms #===================================================================== # # Now clean an initial image of the lens 1608+656 # print '--Clean (cycle1)--' default('clean') # Pick up our split source continuum-subtracted data vis = srcsplitms # Make an image root file name imname = prefix + '.clean1' imagename = imname # This is a single-source MS with 2 spw # Set up the output image cube mode = 'mfs' # Set the cell size (arcsec) for A-config X-band cell = [0.05,0.05] # Set the output image size imsize = [256,256] # Do a Hogbom style clean as the PSF is poor psfmode = 'hogbom' # Cotton-Schwab iterations imagermode='csclean' # Fix maximum number of iterations niter = 1000 # Also set flux residual threshold (in mJy) threshold=0.5 # Set up the weighting # Use Briggs weighting (a moderate value, on the uniform side) weighting = 'briggs' robust = 0.5 # Set a cleanbox around the center #mask = [102,78,157,139] # But if you had a cleanbox saved in a file, e.g. "regionfile.txt" # you could use it: #mask='regionfile.txt' # # If you don't want any clean boxes or masks, then #mask = '' # Create scratch columns for selfcal (NEW RELEASE R0 v3.0.0) calready = True # If you want interactive clean set to True if scriptmode: interactive=True npercycle=25 else: interactive=False # In regression mode box around the 4 components mask = [[124,125,132,133],[110,116,117,124],[109,85,117,94],[147,100,155,108]] niter = 100 saveinputs('clean',prefix+'.saved.clean1') # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: inp() print " First time you will see only 1 component, box and iterate" print " You should eventually be able to box/clean the 3 brightest components" print " Use Stop Cleaning button when you have cleaned out obvious emission" print " There will still be artifacts - will have to selfcal" print "" user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') clean() # Should find stuff in the logger like: # Beam used in restoration: 0.291649 by 0.249021 (arcsec) at pa 22.9926 (deg) # It will have made the images: # ----------------------------- # b1608.demo.clean1.image # b1608.demo.clean1.model # b1608.demo.clean1.residual clnimage = imname+'.image' #===================================================================== # # Now view the image # if scriptmode: print '--View image--' viewer(clnimage) print " Quit viewer when done" user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') #===================================================================== # # Get the image statistics # print '--Imstat--' default('imstat') imagename = clnimage # Do whole image box = '' # or you could stick to the cleanbox #box = '102,78,157,139' stats1 = imstat() # Do off-source box box = '18,148,99,229' stats1_offsrc = imstat() # Statistics will printed to logfile, and the return # value will contain a dictionary of the statistics print "" print " First clean cycle:" print " ------------------" print " On-source max = "+str(stats1['max'][0]) print " Off-source rms = "+str(stats1_offsrc['sigma'][0]) print " S/N ratio = "+str(stats1['max'][0]/stats1_offsrc['sigma'][0] ) print "" # # NOTE: should now have a rms of around 0.0005 Jy and S/N ratio around 36 # We need some self-calibration to improve this. # #===================================================================== # # Gain self-calibration # print '--Gaincal (selfcal)--' default('gaincal') # the model should be in the MODEL_DATA column after clean vis = srcsplitms # set the name for the output gain caltable selfcaltable = prefix + '.selfcal' caltable = selfcaltable # G solutions for phase only gaintype = 'G' solint = '30.0' combine = '' calmode = 'ap' # minimum SNR allowed minsnr = 3.0 print " amp and phase self-cal with solint = "+str(solint) # reference antenna VA08 (VLA:W8) refant = 'VA08' saveinputs('gaincal',prefix+'.saved.selfcal') if scriptmode: inp() user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') gaincal() # #===================================================================== # print '--Plotcal--' default('plotcal') caltable = selfcaltable subplot = 211 yaxis = 'amp' if scriptmode: showgui = T saveinputs('plotcal',prefix+'.saved.plotcal.selfcal.amp') plotcal() else: # No GUI for this script showgui = F figfile = '' saveinputs('plotcal',prefix+'.saved.plotcal.selfcal.amp') plotcal() subplot = 212 yaxis = 'phase' # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: # If you want to do this interactively and iterate over antenna, set #iteration = 'antenna' showgui = True saveinputs('plotcal',prefix+'.saved.plotcal.selfcal.phase') plotcal() print " the phase coherence looks good" user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') else: # No GUI for this script showgui = False # Now send final plot to file in PNG format (via .png suffix) figfile = caltable + '.plotcal.png' saveinputs('plotcal',prefix+'.saved.plotcal.selfcal.phase') plotcal() # #===================================================================== # print '--ApplyCal (selfcal)--' default('applycal') vis = srcsplitms gaintable = [selfcaltable] # interpolation using linear for gain interp = ['linear'] saveinputs('applycal',prefix+'.saved.applycal.selfcal') # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: inp() user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') applycal() #===================================================================== # SECOND CLEAN CYCLE #===================================================================== # print '--Clean (cycle2)--' default('clean') # Pick up our split source continuum-subtracted data vis = srcsplitms # Make an image root file name imname = prefix + '.clean2' imagename = imname # This is a single-source MS with 2 spw # Set up the output image cube mode = 'mfs' # Set the cell size (arcsec) for A-config X-band cell = [0.05,0.05] # Set the output image size imsize = [256,256] # Do a Hogbom style clean as the PSF is poor psfmode = 'hogbom' # Cotton-Schwab iterations imagermode='csclean' # Fix maximum number of iterations niter = 1000 # Also set flux residual threshold (in mJy) threshold=0.07 # Set up the weighting # Use Briggs weighting (a moderate value, on the uniform side) weighting = 'briggs' robust = 0.5 # Set a cleanbox around the center #mask = [102,78,157,139] # or around the individual components #mask = [[124,125,132,133],[110,116,117,124],[109,85,117,94],[147,100,155,108]] # But if you had a cleanbox saved in a file, e.g. "regionfile.txt" # you could use it: #mask='regionfile.txt' # # If you don't want any clean boxes or masks, then #mask = '' # Create scratch columns for selfcal (NEW RELEASE R0 v3.0.0) calready = True # If you want interactive clean set to True if scriptmode: interactive=True npercycle=25 else: interactive=False # In regression mode box around the 4 components mask = [[124,125,132,133],[110,116,117,124],[109,85,117,94],[147,100,155,108]] niter = 500 saveinputs('clean',prefix+'.saved.clean2') # Pause script if you are running in scriptmode if scriptmode: inp() print "You should now see all 4 quad-lens components clearly" user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') clean() clnimage = imname+'.image' #===================================================================== # # Now view the image # if scriptmode: print '--View image--' viewer(clnimage) user_check=raw_input('Return to continue script\n') #===================================================================== # Final Analysis #===================================================================== # # Here is how to export the Final CLEAN Image as FITS # Run asynchronously so as not to interfere with other tasks # (BETA: also avoids crash on next importfits) # #print '--Final Export CLEAN FITS--' #default('exportfits') # #clnfits = prefix + '.clean.fits' # #imagename = clnimage #fitsimage = clnfits #async = True # #saveinputs('exportfits',prefix+'.saved.exportfits') # #myhandle2 = exportfits() # #print "The return value for this exportfits async task for tm is "+str(myhandle2) #===================================================================== # # Print the image header # print '--Imhead--' default('imhead') imagename = clnimage mode = 'summary' imhead() # A summary of the header will be seen in the logger #===================================================================== # # Get the final image statistics # print '--Imstat (final)--' default('imstat') imagename = clnimage # Do whole image box = '' # or you could stick to the cleanbox #box = '102,78,157,139' stats = imstat() # Do off-source box box = '18,148,99,229' stats_offsrc = imstat() print "" print " Final clean cycle:" print " ------------------" print " On-source max = "+str(stats['max'][0]) print " Off-source rms = "+str(stats_offsrc['sigma'][0]) print " S/N ratio = "+str(stats['max'][0]/stats_offsrc['sigma'][0] ) print "" # # NOTE: should now have a rms of around 0.00006 Jy and S/N ratio around 290 # You can still see artifacts in the image so another round of selfcal will # certainly help. We leave that to you! if benchmarking: endProc=time.clock() endTime=time.time() #===================================================================== # # Image-plane Gaussian fitting # print '--Imfit--' default('imfit') imagename = clnimage # This will currently fit only a single component at a time # This is OK since the components are well-separated and not blended # Box around component A box = '121,121,136,136' # Will return a component list # Look in the logger for better formatted output xfit_A_res = imfit() xfit_A = xfit_A_res['results']['component0'] # Now component B box = '108,114,120,126' xfit_B_res = imfit() xfit_B = xfit_B_res['results']['component0'] # Now component C box = '108,84,120,96' xfit_C_res= imfit() xfit_C = xfit_C_res['results']['component0'] # Finally component D box = '144,98,157,110' xfit_D_res = imfit() xfit_D = xfit_D_res['results']['component0'] print "" print " Imfit Results:" print " --------------" print " Component A Flux = %6.4f %s Bmaj = %6.4f %s " % ( xfit_A['flux']['value'][0], xfit_A['flux']['unit'], xfit_A['shape']['majoraxis']['value'], xfit_A['shape']['majoraxis']['unit'] ) print " Component B Flux = %6.4f %s Bmaj = %6.4f %s " % ( xfit_B['flux']['value'][0], xfit_B['flux']['unit'], xfit_B['shape']['majoraxis']['value'], xfit_B['shape']['majoraxis']['unit'] ) print " Component C Flux = %6.4f %s Bmaj = %6.4f %s " % ( xfit_C['flux']['value'][0], xfit_C['flux']['unit'], xfit_C['shape']['majoraxis']['value'], xfit_C['shape']['majoraxis']['unit'] ) print " Component D Flux = %6.4f %s Bmaj = %6.4f %s " % ( xfit_D['flux']['value'][0], xfit_D['flux']['unit'], xfit_D['shape']['majoraxis']['value'], xfit_D['shape']['majoraxis']['unit'] ) print "" #===================================================================== # Done with processing #===================================================================== # Set up an output logfile import datetime datestring=datetime.datetime.isoformat(datetime.datetime.today()) outfile = 'out.'+prefix+'.'+datestring+'.log' logfile=open(outfile,'w') print >>logfile,'Results for '+prefix+' :' print >>logfile,"" #===================================================================== # # Can do some image statistics if you wish # Treat this like a regression script # WARNING: currently requires toolkit # print ' B1608+656 results ' print ' ================= ' print >>logfile,' B1608+656 results ' print >>logfile,' ================= ' # # Now use the stats produced by imstat above # thistest_immax = stats['max'][0] oldtest_immax = 0.0170652698725 diff_immax = abs((oldtest_immax-thistest_immax)/oldtest_immax) print ' Clean image on-src max = ',thistest_immax print ' Previous: on-src max = ',oldtest_immax print ' Difference (fractional) = ',diff_immax print '' print >>logfile,' Clean Image on-src max = ',thistest_immax print >>logfile,' Previous: on-src max = ',oldtest_immax print >>logfile,' Difference (fractional) = ',diff_immax print >>logfile,'' thistest_imrms = stats_offsrc['rms'][0] oldtest_imrms = 5.87700160395e-05 diff_imrms = abs((oldtest_imrms-thistest_imrms)/oldtest_imrms) print ' Clean image off-src rms = ',thistest_imrms print ' Previous: off-src rms = ',oldtest_imrms print ' Difference (fractional) = ',diff_imrms print '' print >>logfile,' Clean image off-src rms = ',thistest_imrms print >>logfile,' Previous: off-src rms = ',oldtest_imrms print >>logfile,' Difference (fractional) = ',diff_imrms print >>logfile,'' thistest_Aflux = xfit_A['flux']['value'][0] oldtest_Aflux = 0.01803075 diff_Aflux = abs((oldtest_Aflux-thistest_Aflux)/oldtest_Aflux) print ' Component A Total Flux = ',thistest_Aflux print ' Previous: Comp A Flux = ',oldtest_Aflux print ' Difference (fractional) = ',diff_Aflux print '' print >>logfile,' Component A Total Flux = ',thistest_Aflux print >>logfile,' Previous: Comp A Flux = ',oldtest_Aflux print >>logfile,' Difference (fractional) = ',diff_Aflux print >>logfile,'' final_status = (diff_immax<0.01)&(diff_imrms<0.01)&(diff_Aflux<0.01) if final_status: regstate=True print >>logfile,'---' print >>logfile,'Passed Regression test for B1608' print >>logfile,'---' print 'Passed Regression test for B1608' else: regstate=False print >>logfile,'----FAILED Regression test for B1608' print '----FAILED Regression test for B1608' if benchmarking: walltime = (endTime - startTime) cputime = (endProc - startProc) print '' print ' Total wall clock time was: %10.3f ' % walltime print ' Total CPU time was: %10.3f ' % cputime print '' print >>logfile,'' print >>logfile,' Total wall clock time was: %10.3f ' % walltime print >>logfile,' Total CPU time was: %10.3f ' % cputime print >>logfile,'' # #===================================================================== # Done # logfile.close() print "Results are in "+outfile print "Done with B1608+656 Tutorial" # ##########################################################################