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Previous Releases:

The current CASA Release

The current CASA release is Release 3.0.2

This release (3.0.2) is a patch to the 3.0.1 release. The patch is mainly driven by the first light of the EVLA. CASA, however, is still under development, and some features might change in future releases. This should be taken into account as users begin to learn the package. We will do our best to point out commands, tasks, and parameters that are likely to change underfoot. Although many bugs were eradicated in the Beta Release stage, there are some that persist. We will do our best to stamp these out as soon as we find them. See the release notes for the current version for more details.

We occasionally issue patches to the current release in between formal releases. Please check these pages regularly to look for updates to the release and the documentation, and to check the list of known problems. You can find the contact information for feedback here also.

Note that in its current incarnation CASA is designed to support EVLA, ALMA, and VLA data. Data from other telescopes, be it single dish or interferometers can be imported from uvfits or sdfits formats into measurements sets (ms) or scantables in CASA. Given the variety of non-standard fits formats, we cannot guarantee that CASA will fully support data from all telescopes. However, efforts are made to support data formats from other facilities.

Obtaining the CASA Release

See for information on how to obtain CASA.

Supported Platforms

Note that we provide two flavors of CASA binaries for installation:

  • Linux:
    • Both 32-bit and 64-bit are available
    • We test on RHEL 5 extensively, and do limited testing on Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, and Fedora. Most linux flavors are thought to work, please let us know via the CASA helpdesk if you encounter one that does not.
  • Macintosh OSX 10.5 and 10.6 (Intel Macs only):
    • The Mac build is 32-bit, but runs fine on 64-bit machines. A 64-bit version is anticipated for the next patch.
    • MacOSX 10.4 is no longer supported

CASA Release Notes:

Valid for CASA Release 3.0.2 and later: