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casacore::MSCalEngine Class Reference

Engine to calculate derived MS values. More...

#include <MSCalEngine.h>

Public Member Functions

 MSCalEngine ()
 Default constructor. More...
 ~MSCalEngine ()
 Destructor. More...
Table getTable () const
 Get the table used. More...
void setTable (const Table &)
 Use the given table (MS or CalTable) in the engine. More...
void setDirection (const MDirection &)
 Set the direction to be used instead of a direction from the FIELD table. More...
void setDirColName (const String &colName)
 Set the direction column name to use in the FIELD table. More...
double getHA (Int antnr, uInt rownr)
 Get the hourangle for the given row. More...
void getHaDec (Int antnr, uInt rownr, Array< Double > &)
 Get the hourangle/DEC for the given row. More...
double getPA (Int antnr, uInt rownr)
 Get the parallatic angle for the given row. More...
double getLAST (Int antnr, uInt rownr)
 Get the local sidereal time for the given row. More...
void getAzEl (Int antnr, uInt rownr, Array< Double > &)
 Get the azimuth/elevation for the given row. More...
void getItrf (Int antnr, uInt rownr, Array< Double > &)
 Get the ITRF coordinates for the given row. More...
void getNewUVW (Bool asApp, uInt rownr, Array< Double > &)
 Get the UVW in J2000 or APP for the given row. More...
double getDelay (Int antnr, uInt rownr)
 Get the delay for the given row. More...

Private Member Functions

 MSCalEngine (const MSCalEngine &that)
 Copy constructor cannot be used. More...
MSCalEngineoperator= (const MSCalEngine &that)
 Assignment cannot be used. More...
Int setData (Int antnr, uInt rownr, Bool fillAnt=False)
 Set the data in the measure converter machines. More...
void init ()
 Initialize the column objects, etc. More...
void fillCalDesc ()
 Fill the CalDesc info for calibration tables. More...
void fillAntPos (Int calDescId, Int calInx)
 Fill or update the antenna positions from the ANTENNA subtable at row calDescId. More...
void fillFieldDir (Int calDescId, Int calInx)
 Fill or update the field directions from the FIELD subtable at row calDescId. More...
Table getSubTable (Int calDescId, const String &subTabName, Bool mustExist=True)
 Get a calibration MS subtable for the given id. More...

Private Attributes

Table itsTable
Int itsLastCalInx
Int itsLastFieldId
Int itsLastAntId
Double itsLastTime
ScalarColumn< IntitsAntCol [2]
ScalarColumn< IntitsFeedCol [2]
ScalarColumn< IntitsFieldCol
ScalarColumn< DoubleitsTimeCol
ScalarMeasColumn< MEpochitsTimeMeasCol
ScalarColumn< IntitsCalCol
map< string, int > itsCalMap
vector< IntitsCalIdMap
MPosition itsArrayPos
Vector< double > itsArrayItrf
vector< vector< MPosition > > itsAntPos
vector< vector< Int > > itsMount
vector< vector< MDirection > > itsFieldDir
Bool itsReadFieldDir
String itsDirColName
vector< vector< MBaseline > > itsAntMB
vector< vector< Vector< double > > > itsAntUvw
vector< Block< bool > > itsUvwFilled
MDirection::Convert itsRADecToAzEl
MDirection::Convert itsPoleToAzEl
MDirection::Convert itsRADecToHADec
MDirection::Convert itsRADecToItrf
MDirection::Convert itsDirToJ2000
MEpoch::Convert itsUTCToLAST
MBaseline::Convert itsBLToJ2000
MeasFrame itsFrame
MDirection itsLastDirJ2000

Detailed Description

Engine to calculate derived MS values.

Intended use:

Public interface

Review Status

Test programs:



MSCalEngine is a class used to calculate derived MeasurementSet values hourangle, parallactic angle, azimuth/elevation, local sidereal time, and UVW coordinates. It is used by the DerivedMSCal virtual columns and UDFs, but can be used by other software as well.

The following values can be obtained:

All values have data type double and unit radian (except UVW). The HADEC, AZEL, ITRF and UVW cvalues are arrays while the others are scalars.

This engine is meant for a MeasurementSet, but can be used for any table containing an ANTENNA and FIELD subtable and the relevant columns in the main table (ANTENNA1 and/or ANTENNA2, FIELD_ID, and TIME). It also looks if columns FEED1 and/or FEED2 exist. They are not used yet, but might be in the future for support of multi-feed arrays.
In principle the array center is the Observatory position, which is taken from the Measures Observatory table using the telescope name found in the OBSERVATION subtable or in the table keyword TELESCOPE_NAME. However, if the telescope name cannot be found or is unknown, the position of the middle antenna is used as the array position.

The new CASA Calibration Table format obeys the rules mentioned above, so these tables are fully supported. Note they do not contain an OBSERVATION subtable, but use keyword TELESCOPE_NAME.

The engine can also be used for old CASA Calibration Tables. It understands how they reference the MeasurementSets. Because these calibration tables contain no ANTENNA2 columns, columns XX2 are the same as XX1.


Factor out common code.

To Do

Definition at line 118 of file MSCalEngine.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casacore::MSCalEngine::MSCalEngine ( )

Default constructor.

casacore::MSCalEngine::~MSCalEngine ( )


casacore::MSCalEngine::MSCalEngine ( const MSCalEngine that)

Copy constructor cannot be used.

Member Function Documentation

void casacore::MSCalEngine::fillAntPos ( Int  calDescId,
Int  calInx 

Fill or update the antenna positions from the ANTENNA subtable at row calDescId.

It is stored in the calInx-th entry of itsAntPos/itsMount.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::fillCalDesc ( )

Fill the CalDesc info for calibration tables.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::fillFieldDir ( Int  calDescId,
Int  calInx 

Fill or update the field directions from the FIELD subtable at row calDescId.

It is stored in the calInx-th entry of itsFieldDir.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::getAzEl ( Int  antnr,
uInt  rownr,
Array< Double > &   

Get the azimuth/elevation for the given row.

double casacore::MSCalEngine::getDelay ( Int  antnr,
uInt  rownr 

Get the delay for the given row.

double casacore::MSCalEngine::getHA ( Int  antnr,
uInt  rownr 

Get the hourangle for the given row.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::getHaDec ( Int  antnr,
uInt  rownr,
Array< Double > &   

Get the hourangle/DEC for the given row.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::getItrf ( Int  antnr,
uInt  rownr,
Array< Double > &   

Get the ITRF coordinates for the given row.

double casacore::MSCalEngine::getLAST ( Int  antnr,
uInt  rownr 

Get the local sidereal time for the given row.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::getNewUVW ( Bool  asApp,
uInt  rownr,
Array< Double > &   

Get the UVW in J2000 or APP for the given row.

double casacore::MSCalEngine::getPA ( Int  antnr,
uInt  rownr 

Get the parallatic angle for the given row.

Table casacore::MSCalEngine::getSubTable ( Int  calDescId,
const String subTabName,
Bool  mustExist = True 

Get a calibration MS subtable for the given id.

Table casacore::MSCalEngine::getTable ( ) const

Get the table used.

Definition at line 128 of file MSCalEngine.h.

References itsTable.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::init ( )

Initialize the column objects, etc.

MSCalEngine& casacore::MSCalEngine::operator= ( const MSCalEngine that)

Assignment cannot be used.

Int casacore::MSCalEngine::setData ( Int  antnr,
uInt  rownr,
Bool  fillAnt = False 

Set the data in the measure converter machines.

The antenna positions are only filled in antnr>=0 or if fillAnt is set. It returns the mount of the antenna.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::setDirColName ( const String colName)

Set the direction column name to use in the FIELD table.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::setDirection ( const MDirection )

Set the direction to be used instead of a direction from the FIELD table.

void casacore::MSCalEngine::setTable ( const Table )

Use the given table (MS or CalTable) in the engine.

Member Data Documentation

ScalarColumn<Int> casacore::MSCalEngine::itsAntCol[2]

Definition at line 200 of file MSCalEngine.h.

vector<vector<MBaseline> > casacore::MSCalEngine::itsAntMB

Definition at line 215 of file MSCalEngine.h.

vector<vector<MPosition> > casacore::MSCalEngine::itsAntPos

Definition at line 210 of file MSCalEngine.h.

vector<vector<Vector<double> > > casacore::MSCalEngine::itsAntUvw

Definition at line 216 of file MSCalEngine.h.

Vector<double> casacore::MSCalEngine::itsArrayItrf

Definition at line 209 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MPosition casacore::MSCalEngine::itsArrayPos

Definition at line 208 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MBaseline::Convert casacore::MSCalEngine::itsBLToJ2000

Definition at line 224 of file MSCalEngine.h.

ScalarColumn<Int> casacore::MSCalEngine::itsCalCol

Definition at line 205 of file MSCalEngine.h.

vector<Int> casacore::MSCalEngine::itsCalIdMap

Definition at line 207 of file MSCalEngine.h.

map<string,int> casacore::MSCalEngine::itsCalMap

Definition at line 206 of file MSCalEngine.h.

String casacore::MSCalEngine::itsDirColName

Definition at line 214 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MDirection::Convert casacore::MSCalEngine::itsDirToJ2000

Definition at line 222 of file MSCalEngine.h.

ScalarColumn<Int> casacore::MSCalEngine::itsFeedCol[2]

Definition at line 201 of file MSCalEngine.h.

ScalarColumn<Int> casacore::MSCalEngine::itsFieldCol

Definition at line 202 of file MSCalEngine.h.

vector<vector<MDirection> > casacore::MSCalEngine::itsFieldDir

Definition at line 212 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MeasFrame casacore::MSCalEngine::itsFrame

Definition at line 225 of file MSCalEngine.h.

Int casacore::MSCalEngine::itsLastAntId

Definition at line 198 of file MSCalEngine.h.

Int casacore::MSCalEngine::itsLastCalInx

Definition at line 196 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MDirection casacore::MSCalEngine::itsLastDirJ2000

Definition at line 226 of file MSCalEngine.h.

Int casacore::MSCalEngine::itsLastFieldId

Definition at line 197 of file MSCalEngine.h.

Double casacore::MSCalEngine::itsLastTime

Definition at line 199 of file MSCalEngine.h.

vector<vector<Int> > casacore::MSCalEngine::itsMount

Definition at line 211 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MDirection::Convert casacore::MSCalEngine::itsPoleToAzEl

Definition at line 219 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MDirection::Convert casacore::MSCalEngine::itsRADecToAzEl

Definition at line 218 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MDirection::Convert casacore::MSCalEngine::itsRADecToHADec

Definition at line 220 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MDirection::Convert casacore::MSCalEngine::itsRADecToItrf

Definition at line 221 of file MSCalEngine.h.

Bool casacore::MSCalEngine::itsReadFieldDir

Definition at line 213 of file MSCalEngine.h.

Table casacore::MSCalEngine::itsTable

Definition at line 195 of file MSCalEngine.h.

Referenced by getTable().

ScalarColumn<Double> casacore::MSCalEngine::itsTimeCol

Definition at line 203 of file MSCalEngine.h.

ScalarMeasColumn<MEpoch> casacore::MSCalEngine::itsTimeMeasCol

Definition at line 204 of file MSCalEngine.h.

MEpoch::Convert casacore::MSCalEngine::itsUTCToLAST

Definition at line 223 of file MSCalEngine.h.

vector<Block<bool> > casacore::MSCalEngine::itsUvwFilled

Definition at line 217 of file MSCalEngine.h.

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