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casacore::TiledDataStMan Class Reference

Tiled Data Storage Manager. More...

#include <TiledDataStMan.h>

Inheritance diagram for casacore::TiledDataStMan:
casacore::TiledStMan casacore::DataManager

Public Member Functions

 TiledDataStMan (const String &hypercolumnName, uInt maximumCacheSize=0)
 Create a TiledDataStMan storage manager for the hypercolumn with the given name. More...
 TiledDataStMan (const String &hypercolumnName, const Record &spec)
 ~TiledDataStMan ()
DataManagerclone () const
 Clone this object. More...
String dataManagerType () const
 Get the type name of the data manager (i.e. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::TiledStMan
 TiledStMan ()
 Create a TiledStMan. More...
 TiledStMan (const String &hypercolumnName, uInt maximumCacheSizeMiB)
 Create a TiledStMan storage manager. More...
virtual ~TiledStMan ()
virtual String dataManagerName () const
 Get the name given to the storage manager. More...
void setDataManagerName (const String &newHypercolumnName)
virtual Record dataManagerSpec () const
 Return a record containing data manager specifications. More...
virtual Record getProperties () const
 Get data manager properties that can be modified. More...
virtual void setProperties (const Record &spec)
 Modify data manager properties. More...
void setDataChanged ()
 Set the flag to "data has changed since last flush". More...
virtual void setMaximumCacheSize (uInt nMiB)
 Set the maximum cache size (in MiB) in a non-persistent way. More...
uInt maximumCacheSize () const
 Get the current maximum cache size (in MiB (MibiByte)). More...
uInt cacheSize (uInt rownr) const
 Get the current cache size (in buckets) for the hypercube in the given row. More...
const IPositionhypercubeShape (uInt rownr) const
 Get the hypercube shape of the data in the given row. More...
const IPositiontileShape (uInt rownr) const
 Get the tile shape of the data in the given row. More...
uInt bucketSize (uInt rownr) const
 Get the bucket size (in bytes) of the hypercube in the given row. More...
virtual Bool canChangeShape () const
 Can the tiled storage manager handle changing array shapes? The default is no (but TiledCellStMan can). More...
virtual Bool canAccessColumn (Bool &reask) const
 Can the tiled storage manager access an entire column. More...
virtual Bool hasMultiFileSupport () const
 The data manager supports use of MultiFile. More...
uInt calcCacheSize (uInt rownr, const IPosition &sliceShape, const IPosition &windowStart, const IPosition &windowLength, const IPosition &axisPath) const
 Calculate the cache size (in buckets) for accessing the hypercube containing the given row. More...
void setCacheSize (uInt rownr, const IPosition &sliceShape, const IPosition &windowStart, const IPosition &windowLength, const IPosition &axisPath, Bool forceSmaller)
 Set the cache size using the calcCacheSize function mentioned above. More...
void setCacheSize (uInt rownr, uInt nbuckets, Bool forceSmaller)
 Set the cache size for accessing the hypercube containing the given row. More...
void setHypercubeCacheSize (uInt hypercube, uInt nbuckets, Bool forceSmaller)
 Sets the cache size using the hypercube instead of the row number. More...
Bool userSetCache (uInt rownr) const
 Determine if the user set the cache size (using setCacheSize). More...
void emptyCaches ()
 Empty the caches used by the hypercubes in this storage manager. More...
void showCacheStatistics (ostream &os) const
 Show the statistics of all caches used. More...
uInt getLengthOffset (uInt nrPixels, Block< uInt > &dataOffset, Block< uInt > &localOffset, uInt &localTileLength) const
 Get the length of the data for the given number of pixels. More...
uInt nrCoordVector () const
 Get the number of coordinate vectors. More...
uInt nrow () const
 Get the nr of rows in this storage manager. More...
Bool canAddRow () const
 Does the storage manager allow to add rows? (yes) More...
virtual IPosition defaultTileShape () const
 Get the default tile shape. More...
uInt nhypercubes () const
 Return the number of hypercubes. More...
virtual TSMCubesingleHypercube ()
 Test if only one hypercube is used by this storage manager. More...
const TSMCubegetTSMCube (uInt hypercube) const
 Get the given hypercube. More...
TSMCubegetTSMCube (uInt hypercube)
const TSMCubegetHypercube (uInt rownr) const
 Get the hypercube in which the given row is stored. More...
TSMCubemakeTSMCube (TSMFile *file, const IPosition &cubeShape, const IPosition &tileShape, const Record &values, Int64 fileOffset=-1)
 Make the correct TSMCube type (depending on tsmOption()). More...
void readTile (char *local, const Block< uInt > &localOffset, const char *external, const Block< uInt > &externalOffset, uInt nrpixels)
 Read a tile and convert the data to local format. More...
void writeTile (char *external, const Block< uInt > &externalOffset, const char *local, const Block< uInt > &localOffset, uInt nrpixels)
 Write a tile after converting the data to external format. More...
TSMFilegetFile (uInt sequenceNumber)
 Get the TSMFile object with the given sequence number. More...
virtual void open (uInt nrrow, AipsIO &)
 Open the storage manager for an existing table. More...
virtual void resync (uInt nrrow)
 Resync the storage manager with the new file contents. More...
virtual void reopenRW ()
 Reopen all files used in this storage manager for read/write access. More...
virtual void deleteManager ()
 The data manager will be deleted (because all its columns are requested to be deleted). More...
DataManagerColumnmakeScalarColumn (const String &name, int dataType, const String &dataTypeID)
 Create a column in the storage manager on behalf of a table column. More...
DataManagerColumnmakeDirArrColumn (const String &name, int dataType, const String &dataTypeID)
 Create a direct array column. More...
DataManagerColumnmakeIndArrColumn (const String &name, int dataType, const String &dataTypeID)
 Create an indirect array column. More...
Bool canReallocateColumns () const
 The TiledStMan wants to do reallocateColumn. More...
DataManagerColumnreallocateColumn (DataManagerColumn *column)
 Reallocate the column object if it is part of this data manager. More...
virtual void setShape (uInt rownr, TSMCube *hypercube, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &tileShape)
 Set the shape and tile shape of a hypercube. More...
void checkCubeShape (const TSMCube *hypercube, const IPosition &cubeShape) const
 Check the shape to be set for a hypercube. More...
int coordinateDataType (const String &columnName) const
 Get the data type of the coordinate column with the given name. More...
void initCoordinates (TSMCube *hypercube)
 Initialize the new coordinates for the given cube. More...
const TSMDataColumngetDataColumn (uInt colnr) const
 Get pointer to data column object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::DataManager
 DataManager ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~DataManager ()
void dataManagerInfo (Record &info) const
 Add SEQNR and SPEC (the DataManagerSpec subrecord) to the info. More...
virtual Bool isStorageManager () const
 Is the data manager a storage manager? The default is yes. More...
uInt sequenceNr () const
 Get the (unique) sequence nr of this data manager. More...
uInt ncolumn () const
 Get the nr of columns in this data manager (can be zero). More...
Bool asBigEndian () const
 Have the data to be stored in big or little endian canonical format? More...
const TSMOptiontsmOption () const
 Get the TSM option. More...
MultiFileBasemultiFile ()
 Get the MultiFile pointer (can be 0). More...
String keywordName (const String &keyword) const
 Compose a keyword name from the given keyword appended with the sequence number (e.g. More...
String fileName () const
 Compose a unique filename from the table name and sequence number. More...
ByteIO::OpenOption fileOption () const
 Get the AipsIO option of the underlying file. More...
virtual Bool isRegular () const
 Is this a regular storage manager? It is regular if it allows addition of rows and writing data in them. More...
Tabletable () const
 Get the table this object is associated with. More...
virtual Bool canRemoveRow () const
 Does the data manager allow to delete rows? (default no) More...
virtual Bool canAddColumn () const
 Does the data manager allow to add columns? (default no) More...
virtual Bool canRemoveColumn () const
 Does the data manager allow to delete columns? (default no) More...
virtual Bool canRenameColumn () const
 Does the data manager allow to rename columns? (default yes) More...
virtual void showCacheStatistics (std::ostream &) const
 Show the data manager's IO statistics. More...
DataManagerColumncreateScalarColumn (const String &columnName, int dataType, const String &dataTypeId)
 Create a column in the data manager on behalf of a table column. More...
DataManagerColumncreateDirArrColumn (const String &columnName, int dataType, const String &dataTypeId)
 Create a direct array column. More...
DataManagerColumncreateIndArrColumn (const String &columnName, int dataType, const String &dataTypeId)
 Create an indirect array column. More...
DataManagergetClone () const
 Has the object already been cloned? More...
void setClone (DataManager *clone) const
 Set the pointer to the clone. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static DataManagermakeObject (const String &dataManagerType, const Record &spec)
 Make the object from the type name string. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::TiledStMan
static IPosition makeTileShape (const IPosition &hypercubeShape, Double tolerance=0.5, uInt maxNrPixelsPerTile=32768)
 Derive the tile shape from the hypercube shape for the given number of pixels per tile. More...
static IPosition makeTileShape (const IPosition &hypercubeShape, const Vector< double > &weight, const Vector< double > &tolerance, uInt maxNrPixelsPerTile=32768)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::DataManager
static void registerCtor (const String &type, DataManagerCtor func)
 Register a mapping of a data manager type to its static construction function. More...
static DataManagerCtor getCtor (const String &dataManagerType)
 Get the "constructor" of a data manager (thread-safe). More...
static Bool isRegistered (const String &dataManagerType)
 Test if a data manager is registered (thread-safe). More...
static DataManagerunknownDataManager (const String &dataManagerType, const Record &spec)
 Serve as default function for theirRegisterMap, which catches all unknown data manager types. More...

Private Member Functions

 TiledDataStMan ()
 Create a TiledDataStMan. More...
 TiledDataStMan (const TiledDataStMan &)
 Forbid copy constructor. More...
TiledDataStManoperator= (const TiledDataStMan &)
 Forbid assignment. More...
void addRow (uInt nrrow)
 Add rows to the storage manager. More...
void addHypercube (const IPosition &cubeShape, const IPosition &tileShape, const Record &values)
 Add a hypercube. More...
void extendHypercube (uInt incrInLastDim, const Record &values)
 Extend the hypercube with the given number of elements in the last dimension. More...
virtual TSMCubegetHypercube (uInt rownr)
 Get the hypercube in which the given row is stored. More...
virtual TSMCubegetHypercube (uInt rownr, IPosition &position)
 Get the hypercube in which the given row is stored. More...
virtual Bool flush (AipsIO &, Bool fsync)
 Flush and optionally fsync the data. More...
virtual void create (uInt nrrow)
 Let the storage manager create files as needed for a new table. More...
virtual void readHeader (uInt nrrow, Bool firstTime)
 Read the header info. More...
void updateRowMap (uInt cubeNr, uInt incrInLastDim)
 Update the map of row numbers to cube number plus offset. More...
void checkNrrow (const IPosition &cubeShape, uInt incrInLastDim) const
 Check if the table is large enough to hold this hypercube extension. More...

Private Attributes

Block< uIntrowMap_p
 The map of row number to cube and position in cube. More...
Block< uIntcubeMap_p
Block< uIntposMap_p
uInt nrUsedRowMap_p
 The nr of elements used in the map blocks. More...
uInt nrrowLast_p
 The row number since the last hypercube extension. More...


class TiledDataStManAccessor

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from casacore::TiledStMan
void setPersMaxCacheSize (uInt nMiB)
 Set the persistent maximum cache size (in MiB). More...
uInt getBindings (const Vector< String > &columnNames, PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > &colSet, Bool mustExist) const
 Get the bindings of the columns with the given names. More...
virtual void setupCheck (const TableDesc &tableDesc, const Vector< String > &dataNames) const
 Function setup calls this function to allow the derived class to check specific information. More...
virtual const TableDescgetDesc () const
 Get the table description needed for the hypercolumn description. More...
void checkValues (const PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > &colSet, const Record &values) const
 Check if values are given in the record for all columns in the block. More...
void checkCoordinates (const PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > &coordColSet, const IPosition &cubeShape, const Record &values) const
 Check if the coordinate values are correct. More...
void checkShapeColumn (const IPosition &shape) const
 Check if the shapes of FixedShape data and coordinate columns match. More...
void checkCoordinatesShapes (const TSMCube *hypercube, const IPosition &cubeShape) const
 Check if the cube shape matches that of defined coordinates. More...
void checkAddHypercube (const IPosition &cubeShape, const Record &values) const
 Check if the hypercube to be added is correctly defined. More...
TSMCubemakeHypercube (const IPosition &cubeShape, const IPosition &tileShape, const Record &values)
 Make a new TSMCube object. More...
Int getCubeIndex (const Record &idValues) const
 Get the index of the hypercube with the given id-values. More...
uInt addedNrrow (const IPosition &shape, uInt incrInLastDim) const
 Determine how many rows need to be added for an extension (in the last dimension) of a hypercube with the given shape. More...
Bool flushCaches (Bool fsync)
 Flush the caches of all hypercubes. More...
AipsIOheaderFileCreate ()
 Create the TSM header file. More...
AipsIOheaderFileOpen ()
 Open the TSM header file. More...
void headerFilePut (AipsIO &headerFile, uInt nrCube)
 Write the data into the header file. More...
void headerFileGet (AipsIO &headerFile, uInt tabNrrow, Bool firstTime, Int extraNdim)
 Read the data from the header file. More...
void headerFileClose (AipsIO *headerFile)
 Close the header file. More...
void setup (Int extraNdim=-1)
 Set up the TiledStMan variables from the table description. More...
void createFile (uInt index)
 Create a TSMFile object and store its pointer at the given index in the block. More...
int arrayDataType (int dataType) const
 Convert the scalar data type to an array data type. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casacore::DataManager
void decrementNcolumn ()
 Decrement number of columns (in case a column is deleted). More...
void setEndian (Bool bigEndian)
 Tell the data manager if big or little endian format is needed. More...
void setTsmOption (const TSMOption &tsmOption)
 Tell the data manager which TSM option to use. More...
void setMultiFile (MultiFileBase *mfile)
 Tell the data manager that MultiFile can be used. More...
void throwDataTypeOther (const String &columnName, int dataType) const
 Throw an exception in case data type is TpOther, because the storage managers (and maybe other data managers) do not support such columns. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from casacore::TiledStMan
String hypercolumnName_p
 The name of the hypercolumn. More...
uInt nrrow_p
 The number of rows in the columns. More...
PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > colSet_p
 The assembly of all columns. More...
PtrBlock< TSMDataColumn * > dataCols_p
 The assembly of all data columns. More...
PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > dataColSet_p
PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > idColSet_p
 The assembly of all id columns. More...
PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > coordColSet_p
 The assembly of all coordinate columns. More...
PtrBlock< TSMFile * > fileSet_p
 The assembly of all TSMFile objects. More...
PtrBlock< TSMCube * > cubeSet_p
 The assembly of all TSMCube objects. More...
uInt persMaxCacheSize_p
 The persistent maximum cache size (in MiB) for a hypercube. More...
uInt maxCacheSize_p
 The actual maximum cache size for a hypercube (in MiB). More...
uInt nrdim_p
 The dimensionality of the hypercolumn. More...
uInt nrCoordVector_p
 The number of vector coordinates. More...
IPosition fixedCellShape_p
 The fixed cell shape. More...
Bool dataChanged_p
 Has any data changed since the last flush? More...

Detailed Description

Tiled Data Storage Manager.

Intended use:

Public interface

Review Status

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TiledDataStMan is the Tiled Storage Manager for general data arrays.


TiledDataStMan is a derivation from TiledStMan, the abstract tiled storage manager class. A description of the basics of tiled storage managers is given in the Tables module description.

TiledDataStMan allows the user explicit control over the definition and extension of hypercubes by means of the accessor class TiledDataStManAccessor. The user can determine which row should be put in which hypercube, so it is possible to put row 0-9 in hypercube A, row 10-29 in B, row 30-39 in A again, etc.. This makes it possible to use a tiled storage manager for a data column containing data with different shapes (e.g. line and continuum data). Actually, this storage manager is developed for irregularly shaped UV-data, but can be used for any purpose.
Each extensible hypercube uses a file of its own. This means that there shouldn't be too many of them, otherwise the number of files may get too high.

The TiledDataStMan has the following (extra) properties:


This tiled storage manager allows one to create and extend hypercubes as needed. One has complete control over which row is stored in which hypercube.


The following example shows how to create a TiledDataStMan tiled storage manager using the hypercolumn as defined in the table description. Furthermore it shows how to use TiledDataStManAccessor to add a hypercube, while defining its tile shape, coordinates, and id-value. The example shows that reading the data back does not require any knowledge of the data manager. It's exactly the same if another data manager was used.
The table created contains the equally shaped data columns "Data" and "Weight". Each cell in those columns contains a 2D array with shape [12,20]. The coordinates of those arrays are "Pol" and "Freq". The tiled storage manager superimposes two more axes ("Baseline"and "Time") on the data resulting in a 4D hypercube with shape [12,20,30,42]. The table contains 42*30 rows (which has to be equal to the number of elements in the superimposed axes).
The tile shape of the hypercube is (arbitrarily) set to [4,5,6,7]. Of course, any tile shape could be chosen. This tile shape results in a tile size of 6720 bytes (4*5*6*7 *(4+4) bytes), which is not that large (32768 as tile size is very reasonable). The number of tiles is integral in each dimension, so no space is wasted. Finally it makes access along the various axes about equally efficient.
Although in this example only one hypercube is added, multiple hypercubes are possible, because an id column has been defined.
Caution: The example uses the global Array function indgen to fill the data and coordinate arrays with arbitrary values;
Note that the description of class ROTiledStManAccessor contains a discussion about the effect of setting the maximum cache size.

// Define the table description and the columns in it.
TableDesc td ("", "1", TableDesc::Scratch);
td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<float> ("Time"));
td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<float> ("Baseline"));
td.addColumn (ArrayColumnDesc<float> ("Pol", 1));
td.addColumn (ArrayColumnDesc<float> ("Freq", 1));
td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<String> ("Id"));
td.addColumn (ArrayColumnDesc<float> ("Data", 2));
td.addColumn (ArrayColumnDesc<float> ("Weight", 2));
// Define the 4-dim hypercolumn with its data, coordinate and id columns.
td.defineHypercolumn ("TSMExample",
stringToVector ("Data,Weight"),
stringToVector ("Pol,Freq,Baseline,Time"),
stringToVector ("Id"));
// Now create a new table from the description.
SetupNewTable newtab("", td, Table::New);
// Create a TiledDataStMan storage manager for the hypercolumn
// and bind the columns to it.
TiledDataStMan sm1 ("TSMExample");
newtab.bindAll (sm1);
// Create the table with 42*30 rows.
Table table(newtab, 42*30);
// Create the accessor to be able to add a hypercube to this
// storage manager.
TiledDataStManAccessor accessor(table, "TSMExample");
// Define the values for the coordinates of the hypercube
// and put them into the record.
Vector<float> timeValues(42);
Vector<float> baselineValues(30);
Vector<float> freqValues(20);
Vector<float> polValues(12);
indgen (timeValues);
indgen (baselineValues, float(100));
indgen (freqValues, float(200));
indgen (polValues, float(300));
Record hyperDef;
hyperDef.define ("Time", timeValues);
hyperDef.define ("Baseline", baselineValues);
hyperDef.define ("Freq", freqValues);
hyperDef.define ("Pol", polValues);
// Define the id value as well.
hyperDef.define ("Id", "");
// Now add the hypercube with the given shape, tile shape,
// and coordinate and id values.
accessor.addHypercube (IPosition(4,12,20,30,42),
IPosition(4,4,5,6,7), hyperDef);
ArrayColumn<float> data (table, "Data");
ArrayColumn<float> weight (table, "Weight");
Matrix<float> array(IPosition(2,12,20));
uInt i;
indgen (array);
// Write some data into the data columns.
for (i=0; i<30*42; i++) {
data.put (i, array);
weight.put (i, array+float(100));
array += float(200);
// Prepare for reading the data back.
// Note that time and baseline are in fact scalar columns. They are
// superimposed dimensions on the hypercube.
ScalarColumn<float> time (table, "Time");
ScalarColumn<float> baseline (table, "Baseline");
ArrayColumn<float> freq (table, "Freq");
ArrayColumn<float> pol (table, "Pol");
ScalarColumn<String> id (table, "Id");
float fValue;
String sValue;
for (i=0; i<table.nrow(); i++) {
data.get (i, array);
weight.get (i, array);
pol.get (i, polValues);
freq.get (i, freqValues);
baseline.get (i, fValue);
time.get (i, fValue);
id.get (i, sValue);

Note that in this example an id column was not necessary, because there is only one hypercube.

The following example is more advanced. Two (extensible) hypercubes are used for line and continuum data. Writing such a data set could be done as shown. Reading it back is the same as above.
In this example the data columns contain line and continuum data. So there are two types of data, each with their own shape and stored in their own (extensible) hypercube. Note that the last dimension of the hypercube shape is set to zero (to make extensible), but the last tile shape dimension has been filled in, because the exact tile shape must be known.
Before each put of the data the appropriate hypercube is extended. Also the time has to be put, which is done (as an example) in two different ways (using an explicit put and using the extendHypercube).

// Defining TableDesc and storage manager is same as in first example.
// Create the table.
Table table(newtab);
// Create the accessor to be able to add the hypercubes to this
// storage manager.
TiledDataStManAccessor accessor(table, "TSMExample");
// Fill the coordinate values.
// Note that the time axis of the hypercube will have length 0 to
// make it extensible. Therefore the time coordinate can only be
// filled in when the hypercube is extended.
Vector<float> baselineValues(30);
Vector<float> freqValuesCont(1);
Vector<float> freqValuesLine(20);
Vector<float> polValues(4);
indgen (baselineValues, float(100));
indgen (freqValuesLine, float(200));
indgen (freqValuesCont, float(200));
indgen (polValues, float(300));
Record hyperDefLine;
hyperDefLine.define ("Baseline", baselineValues);
hyperDefLine.define ("Pol", polValues);
// Make similar record for line data.
// Fill the correct id and frequency values for each type.
// Add the 2 hypercubes.
Record hyperDefCont (hyperDefLine);
hyperDefLine.define ("Id", "L");
hyperDefLine.define ("Freq", freqValuesLine);
hyperDefCont.define ("Id", "C");
hyperDefCont.define ("Freq", freqValuesCont);
// Add the hypercubes.
// Define their last dimension as zero to make them extensible.
accessor.addHypercube (IPosition(4,4,20,30,0),
IPosition(4,4,5,6,7), hyperDefLine);
accessor.addHypercube (IPosition(4,4,1,30,0),
IPosition(4,4,1,6,7), hyperDefCont);
ScalarColumn<float> time (table, "Time");
ScalarColumn<float> baseline (table, "Baseline");
ArrayColumn<float> freq (table, "Freq");
ArrayColumn<float> pol (table, "Pol");
ArrayColumn<float> data (table, "Data");
ArrayColumn<float> weight (table, "Weight");
Matrix<float> arrayLine(IPosition(2,4,20));
Matrix<float> arrayCont(IPosition(2,4,1));
indgen (arrayLine);
indgen (arrayCont);
// Write some data into the data columns.
// Alternately line and continuum is written.
// Each hypercube requires 30 rows to be added (i.e. nr of baselines).
// The last dimension of each hypercube is extended with 1.
uInt i, j;
uInt rownr = 0;
for (i=0; i<42; i++) {
if (i%2 == 0) {
accessor.extendHypercube (1, hyperDefLine);
time.put (rownr, float(i));
for (j=0; j<30; j++) {
data.put (rownr, arrayLine);
weight.put (rownr, arrayLine);
Vector<float> timeValue(1);
timeValue(0) = float(i);
hyperDefCont.define ("Time", timeValue);
accessor.extendHypercube (1, hyperDefCont);
time.put (rownr, float(i));
for (j=0; j<30; j++) {
data.put (rownr, arrayCont);
weight.put (rownr, arrayCont);

Note that in this example the time is defined in 2 different ways. The first one by an explicit put, the second one as a record in the extendHypercube call. The second way if the preferred one, although it requires a bit more coding.

Definition at line 349 of file TiledDataStMan.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casacore::TiledDataStMan::TiledDataStMan ( const String hypercolumnName,
uInt  maximumCacheSize = 0 

Create a TiledDataStMan storage manager for the hypercolumn with the given name.

The hypercolumn name is also the name of the storage manager. The given maximum cache size (default is unlimited) is persistent, thus will be reused when the table is read back. Note that the class ROTiledStManAccessor allows one to overwrite the maximum cache size temporarily.
The constructor taking a Record expects fields in the record with the name of the arguments in uppercase. If not defined, their default value is used.

casacore::TiledDataStMan::TiledDataStMan ( const String hypercolumnName,
const Record spec 
casacore::TiledDataStMan::~TiledDataStMan ( )
casacore::TiledDataStMan::TiledDataStMan ( )

Create a TiledDataStMan.

This constructor is private, because it should only be used by makeObject.

casacore::TiledDataStMan::TiledDataStMan ( const TiledDataStMan )

Forbid copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

void casacore::TiledDataStMan::addHypercube ( const IPosition cubeShape,
const IPosition tileShape,
const Record values 

Add a hypercube.

The number of rows in the table must be large enough to accommodate this hypercube. The possible id values must be given in the record, while coordinate values are optional. The field names in the record should match the coordinate and id column names. The last dimension in the cube shape can be zero, indicating that the hypercube is extensible.

void casacore::TiledDataStMan::addRow ( uInt  nrrow)

Add rows to the storage manager.

This will only increase the number of rows. When a hypercube is added or extended, it will be checked whether the number of rows is sufficient.

Reimplemented from casacore::DataManager.

void casacore::TiledDataStMan::checkNrrow ( const IPosition cubeShape,
uInt  incrInLastDim 
) const

Check if the table is large enough to hold this hypercube extension.

DataManager* casacore::TiledDataStMan::clone ( ) const

Clone this object.

It does not clone TSMColumn objects possibly used.

Implements casacore::DataManager.

virtual void casacore::TiledDataStMan::create ( uInt  nrrow)

Let the storage manager create files as needed for a new table.

This allows a column with an indirect array to create its file.

Implements casacore::DataManager.

String casacore::TiledDataStMan::dataManagerType ( ) const

Get the type name of the data manager (i.e.


Implements casacore::DataManager.

void casacore::TiledDataStMan::extendHypercube ( uInt  incrInLastDim,
const Record values 

Extend the hypercube with the given number of elements in the last dimension.

The record should contain the id values (to get the correct hypercube) and optionally coordinate values for the elements added.

virtual Bool casacore::TiledDataStMan::flush ( AipsIO ,
Bool  fsync 

Flush and optionally fsync the data.

It returns a True status if it had to flush (i.e. if data have changed).

Implements casacore::DataManager.

virtual TSMCube* casacore::TiledDataStMan::getHypercube ( uInt  rownr)

Get the hypercube in which the given row is stored.

Implements casacore::TiledStMan.

virtual TSMCube* casacore::TiledDataStMan::getHypercube ( uInt  rownr,
IPosition position 

Get the hypercube in which the given row is stored.

It also returns the position of the row in that hypercube.

Implements casacore::TiledStMan.

static DataManager* casacore::TiledDataStMan::makeObject ( const String dataManagerType,
const Record spec 

Make the object from the type name string.

This function gets registered in the DataManager "constructor" map.

TiledDataStMan& casacore::TiledDataStMan::operator= ( const TiledDataStMan )

Forbid assignment.

virtual void casacore::TiledDataStMan::readHeader ( uInt  nrrow,
Bool  firstTime 

Read the header info.

Implements casacore::TiledStMan.

void casacore::TiledDataStMan::updateRowMap ( uInt  cubeNr,
uInt  incrInLastDim 

Update the map of row numbers to cube number plus offset.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class TiledDataStManAccessor

Definition at line 351 of file TiledDataStMan.h.

Member Data Documentation

Block<uInt> casacore::TiledDataStMan::cubeMap_p

Definition at line 451 of file TiledDataStMan.h.

uInt casacore::TiledDataStMan::nrrowLast_p

The row number since the last hypercube extension.

Definition at line 456 of file TiledDataStMan.h.

uInt casacore::TiledDataStMan::nrUsedRowMap_p

The nr of elements used in the map blocks.

Definition at line 454 of file TiledDataStMan.h.

Block<uInt> casacore::TiledDataStMan::posMap_p

Definition at line 452 of file TiledDataStMan.h.

Block<uInt> casacore::TiledDataStMan::rowMap_p

The map of row number to cube and position in cube.

Definition at line 450 of file TiledDataStMan.h.

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