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00001 //# ConcatTable.h: Class to view a concatenation of tables as a single table
00002 //# Copyright (C) 2008
00003 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
00004 //#
00005 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00007 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
00008 //# option) any later version.
00009 //#
00010 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
00013 //# License for more details.
00014 //#
00015 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00016 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00017 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 //#
00019 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
00020 //#        Internet email:
00021 //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
00022 //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
00023 //#                        520 Edgemont Road
00024 //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
00025 //#
00026 //# $Id: ConcatTable.h 21254 2012-07-18 06:20:53Z gervandiepen $
00032 //# Includes
00033 #include <casa/aips.h>
00034 #include <tables/Tables/BaseTable.h>
00035 #include <tables/Tables/ConcatRows.h>
00036 #include <tables/Tables/TableRecord.h>
00037 #include <tables/Tables/Table.h>
00038 #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
00039 #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
00040 #include <casa/Containers/SimOrdMap.h>
00042 namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
00044   //# Forward Declarations
00045   class TSMOption;
00046   class ConcatColumn;
00047   class AipsIO;
00050   // <summary>
00051   // Class to view a concatenation of tables as a single table.
00052   // </summary>
00054   // <use visibility=local>
00056   // <reviewed reviewer="UNKNOWN" date="" tests="">
00057   // </reviewed>
00059   // <prerequisite>
00060   //# Classes you should understand before using this one.
00061   //   <li> BaseTable
00062   //   <li> ConcatColumn
00063   // </prerequisite>
00065   // <etymology>
00066   // ConcatTable represents the concatenation of one or more tables.
00067   // </etymology>
00069   // <synopsis> 
00070   // ConcatTable is used to virtually concatenate one or more tables.
00071   // Those tables must have the same description.
00072   //
00073   // It acts to the user as a normal table. All gets and puts are
00074   // handled by ConcatColumn which directs them to the referenced columns
00075   // while (if needed) converting the given row number to the row number
00076   // in the referenced tables. For that purpose ConcatTable keeps the
00077   // number of rows in the referenced tables.
00078   // <note>Currently it cannot handle changes in the number of rows in the
00079   // underlying tables. </note>
00080   //
00081   // It is possible to specify the keyword names of the subtables that have
00082   // to be concatenated as well. The other subtables are assumed to be
00083   // identical for all tables, so only the subtable of the first table is used.
00084   //
00085   // The ConcatTable maintains its own keyword set, which is initially a copy
00086   // of the keyword set of the first table. It replaces the keywords of the
00087   // subtables to be concatenated.
00088   // The keyword set is not persistent. One can add or change keywords, but
00089   // these changes are not kept when the ConcatTable object is made persistent.
00090   // </synopsis> 
00092   // <motivation>
00093   // Sometimes a very large MeasurementSet is split into multiple smaller ones
00094   // using the time axis. Using ConcatTable they can still b viewed as a
00095   // single MS. The SYSCAL subtable is split in time as well, thus it has
00096   // to be possible to concatenate that one as well.
00097   // <note>An MS split in subband could be concatenated as well provided that
00098   // at least the first part contains the full SPECTRAL_WINDOW subtable and
00099   // that unique SPWids are used.
00100   // </note>
00101   // </motivation>
00103   // <todo asof="$DATE:$">
00104   //# A List of bugs, limitations, extensions or planned refinements.
00105   //   <li> Maybe not allocating the row number vector for a projection.
00106   //          This saves space and time, but each rownr conversion will
00107   //          take a bit more time because it has to test if there is a vector.
00108   //   <li> Maybe maintain a Vector<String> telling on which columns
00109   //          the table is ordered. This may speed up selection, but
00110   //          it is hard to check if the order is changed by a put.
00111   //   <li> Allow to remove a row or column from the ConcatTable
00112   //   <li> Allow to rename a column in the ConcatTable
00113   //   <li> Maybe implement doSort one time for a more efficient sort.
00114   //          (now everything is handled by BaseTable).
00115   // </todo>
00118   class ConcatTable : public BaseTable
00119   {
00120   public:
00122     // Create a virtual table as the concatenation of the given tables.
00123     // It checks if the table descriptions of the tables are the same.
00124     // Subtables with the given names will be concatenated as well.
00125     // It is assumed that the other subtables are the same for all tables,
00126     // so the ones of the first table are used.
00127     // <br>The option can be Table::Old or Table::Update.
00128     // <br>If a non-empty subdirectory name is given, the tables will
00129     // be moved to that subdirectory when the concatenated table is written
00130     // (by writeConcatTable).
00131     // <group>
00132     ConcatTable (const Block<BaseTable*>& tables,
00133                  const Block<String>& subTables,
00134                  const String& subDirName);
00135     ConcatTable (const Block<String>& tableNames,
00136                  const Block<String>& subTables,
00137                  const String& subDirName,
00138                  int option,
00139                  const TableLock& lockOptions,
00140                  const TSMOption& tsmOption);
00141     // </group>
00143     // Create a concat table out of a file (written by writeConcatTable).
00144     // The referenced tables will also be opened (if not stored in the cache).
00145     ConcatTable (AipsIO&, const String& name, uInt nrrow, int option,
00146                  const TableLock& lockOptions, const TSMOption& tsmOption);
00148     // The destructor flushes (i.e. writes) the table if it is opened
00149     // for output and not marked for delete.
00150     virtual ~ConcatTable();
00152     // Get the names of the tables this table consists of.
00153     virtual void getPartNames (Block<String>& names, Bool recursive) const;
00155     // Return the layout of a table (i.e. description and #rows).
00156     // This function has the advantage that only the minimal amount of
00157     // information required is read from the table, thus it is much
00158     // faster than a normal table open.
00159     // <br> The number of rows is returned. The description of the table
00160     // is stored in desc (its contents will be overwritten).
00161     static void getLayout (TableDesc& desc, AipsIO& ios);
00163     // Try to reopen the table (the underlying ones) for read/write access.
00164     // An exception is thrown if the table is not writable.
00165     // Nothing is done if the table is already open for read/write.
00166     virtual void reopenRW();
00168     // Is the table stored in big or little endian format?
00169     // It returns the endianness of the first underlying table.
00170     virtual Bool asBigEndian() const;
00172     // Is the table in use (i.e. open) in another process?
00173     // It always returns False.
00174     virtual Bool isMultiUsed (Bool checkSubTable) const;
00176     // Get the locking info.
00177     // All underlying tables have the same lock option.
00178     virtual const TableLock& lockOptions() const;
00180     // Merge the given lock info with the existing one.
00181     virtual void mergeLock (const TableLock& lockOptions);
00183     // Has this process the read or write lock, thus can the table
00184     // be read or written safely?
00185     virtual Bool hasLock (FileLocker::LockType) const;
00187     // Try to lock the table for read or write access.
00188     virtual Bool lock (FileLocker::LockType, uInt nattempts);
00190     // Unlock the table. This will also synchronize the table data,
00191     // thus force the data to be written to disk.
00192     virtual void unlock();
00194     // Flush the table, i.e. write it to disk.
00195     // Nothing will be done if the table is not writable.
00196     // A flush can be executed at any time.
00197     // When a table is marked for delete, the destructor will remove
00198     // files written by intermediate flushes.
00199     // Note that if necessary the destructor will do an implicit flush,
00200     // unless it is executed due to an exception.
00201     virtual void flush (Bool fsync, Bool recursive);
00203     // Resync the Table object with the table files.
00204     virtual void resync();
00206     // Get the modify counter.
00207     virtual uInt getModifyCounter() const;
00209     // Test if all underlying tables are opened as writable.
00210     virtual Bool isWritable() const;
00212     // Read a concat table from a file.
00213     // The underlying tables will be opened (if not stored in the cache).
00214     void getConcat (AipsIO&, int option, const TableLock& lockOptions,
00215                     const TSMOption& tsmOption);
00217     // This is doing a shallow copy.
00218     // It gives an error if the ConcatTable has not been stored yet.
00219     virtual void copy (const String& newName, int tableOption) const;
00221     // Copy the table and all its subtables.
00222     // It copies the contents of each row to get a real copy.
00223     virtual void deepCopy (const String& newName,
00224                            const Record& dataManagerInfo,
00225                            int tableOption, Bool, int endianFormat,
00226                            Bool noRows) const;
00228     // It returns the type of the parent table.
00229     virtual int tableType() const;
00231     // Get the actual table description.
00232     virtual TableDesc actualTableDesc() const;
00234     // Get the data manager info (of the first underlying table).
00235     virtual Record dataManagerInfo() const;
00237     // Get readonly access to the table keyword set.
00238     virtual TableRecord& keywordSet();
00240     // Get read/write access to the table keyword set.
00241     // This requires that the table is locked (or it gets locked
00242     // when using AutoLocking mode).
00243     virtual TableRecord& rwKeywordSet();
00245     // Get a column object using its index.
00246     virtual BaseColumn* getColumn (uInt columnIndex) const;
00248     // Get a column object using its name.
00249     virtual BaseColumn* getColumn (const String& columnName) const;
00251     // Test if it is possible to remove a row from this table (no).
00252     virtual Bool canRemoveRow() const;
00254     // Remove the given row.
00255     virtual void removeRow (uInt rownr);
00257     // Test if columns can be removed (no).
00258     virtual Bool canRemoveColumn (const Vector<String>& columnNames) const;
00260     // Add one or more columns to the table.
00261     // The column is added to the parent tables if told so and if not existing.
00262     // <group>
00263     virtual void addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
00264                             Bool addToParent);
00265     virtual void addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
00266                             const String& dataManager, Bool byName,
00267                             Bool addToParent);
00268     virtual void addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
00269                             const DataManager& dataManager,
00270                             Bool addToParent);
00271     virtual void addColumn (const TableDesc& tableDesc,
00272                             const DataManager& dataManager,
00273                             Bool addToParent);
00274     // </group>
00276     // Remove a column.
00277     virtual void removeColumn (const Vector<String>& columnNames);
00279     // Test if a column can be renamed (no).
00280     virtual Bool canRenameColumn (const String& columnName) const;
00282     // Rename a column.
00283     virtual void renameColumn (const String& newName, const String& oldName);
00285     // Rename a hypercolumn.
00286     virtual void renameHypercolumn (const String& newName,
00287                                     const String& oldName);
00289     // Find the data manager with the given name or for the given column.
00290     virtual DataManager* findDataManager (const String& name,
00291                                           Bool byColumn) const;
00293     // Get the rows object.
00294     const ConcatRows& rows() const
00295       { return rows_p; }
00297     // Get the column objects in the referenced tables.
00298     Block<BaseColumn*> getRefColumns (const String& columnName);
00300     // Create a (temporary) Table object from it.
00301     Table asTable()
00302       { return Table (this, False); }
00304   private:
00305     // Copy constructor is forbidden, because copying a table requires
00306     // some more knowledge (like table name of result).
00307     // Declaring it private, makes it unusable.
00308     ConcatTable (const ConcatTable&);
00310     // Assignment is forbidden, because copying a table requires
00311     // some more knowledge (like table name of result).
00312     // Declaring it private, makes it unusable.
00313     ConcatTable& operator= (const ConcatTable&);
00315     // Show the extra table structure info (names of used tables).
00316     void showStructureExtra (std::ostream&) const;
00318     // Open all tables in the required way.
00319     void openTables (const Block<String>& tableNames, int option,
00320                      const TableLock& lockOptions, const TSMOption& tsmOption);
00322     // Initialize.
00323     // It checks if the descriptions of all tables are equal.
00324     // It creates the keyword setfor which it concatenates subtables as needed.
00325     void initialize();
00327     // Setup the main parts of the object.
00328     // <br>First create the name map (mapping column name in ConcatTable to
00329     // the column in the original table).
00330     // If the BaseTable is a ConcatTable, use its name map.
00331     // Otherwise create the initial name map from the table description.
00332     // A rename might change the map.
00333     // <br>Create the ConcatColumn objects.
00334     // <br>Create the initial TableInfo as a copy of the original BaseTable.
00335     void setup (BaseTable* btp, const Vector<String>& columnNames);
00337     // Add lines containing the concatenated tables to the info.
00338     void addInfo();
00340     // Create the ConcatColumn objects for all columns in the description.
00341     void makeConcatCol();
00343     // Handle the subtales that have to be concatenated.
00344     void handleSubTables();
00346     // Write a reference table.
00347     void writeConcatTable (Bool fsync);
00349     // Check if the column can be added, thus does not exist yet.
00350     void checkAddColumn (const String& name, Bool addToParent);
00352     //# Data members
00353     Block<String>     subTableNames_p;
00354     String            subDirName_p;
00355     Block<BaseTable*> baseTabPtr_p;        //# pointers to parent tables
00356     SimpleOrderedMap<String,ConcatColumn*> colMap_p; //# map name to column
00357     TableRecord       keywordSet_p;
00358     Bool              changed_p;           //# True = changed since last write
00359     ConcatRows        rows_p;
00360   };
00363 } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
00365 #endif