Proxy of C++ casac::componentlist class
Definition at line 70 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.__init__ | ( | self | ) |
__init__(self) -> componentlist
Definition at line 77 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.add | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
add(self, thecomponent, iknow=True) -> bool Summary Add a component to the list. Input Parameters: thecomponent A record that represents a component. any record that contains the required fields iknow Suppress the warning message true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 941 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.addcomponent | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
addcomponent(self, flux=initialize_variant(""), fluxunit=string("Jy"), polarization=string("Stokes"), dir=initialize_variant("J2000 00h00m00.0 90d00m00.0"), shape=string("point"), majoraxis=initialize_variant("2.0arcmin"), minoraxis=initialize_variant("1.0arcmin"), positionangle=initialize_variant("0.0deg"), freq=initialize_variant("LSRK 1.415GHz"), spectrumtype=string("constant"), index=1.0, label=string("")) -> bool Summary Add a component to the list Input Parameters: flux The flux value. A vector with four real or complex numbers fluxunit The units of the flux. Any string with the same dimensions as the Jansky Jy polarization The polarization of the value field. ``Stokes'', ``linear'' or ``circular'' Circular Linear Stokes dir The direction measure of the source, it can a be any direction measure from the measures tool or a string of the type 'J2000 10h30m00 -20d00m00.0' or a vector of strings of the type ['J2000', '10:30:00.00', '-']. Basically the string or strings should have the direction frame and quantities for Ra and Dec J2000 00h00m00.0 90d00m00.0 shape The new shape type. A string that is either 'point', 'Gaussian' or 'disk' disk Gaussian point majoraxis The width of the larger axis. A quantity with angular units 2.0arcmin minoraxis The width of the smaller axis. A quantity with angular units 1.0arcmin positionangle The rotation of the axes with respect to the reference frame. A quantity with angular units 0.0deg freq The reference frequency. A quantity with units equivalent to the 'Hz' and frame or a frequency measure, e.g ['TOPO', '1.6GHz'], or simply default frame (LSRK) '1.6GHz' LSRK 1.415GHz spectrumtype The spectrum type, a string that is either 'constant' or 'spectral index' spectral index constant index The spectral index 1.0 label The label for the component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 315 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.asciitocomponentlist | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
asciitocomponentlist(self, filename, asciifile, refer=string("J2000"), format=string("ST"), direction=initialize_record(""), spectrum=initialize_record(""), flux=initialize_record(""), log=True) -> int Summary Create a componentlist from an ascii file Input Parameters: filename Name of output component list table asciifile Name of input ascii file refer Input reference frame B1950 J2000 format Name of format (only ST supported) ST direction Direction measure (for relative coordinates) spectrum Default spectrum field, valid spectrum field [type='Constant', frequency=[type='frequency' , refer='LSR' , m0=[unit='GHz' , value=1.0]] flux Default flux field, valid flux field [value=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], unit='Jy', polarization='Stokes'] log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 102 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.close | ( | self, | |
log = True |
) |
close(self, log=True) -> bool Summary Save the componentlist to disk and reset its state. Input Parameters: log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 345 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.concatenate | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
concatenate(self, list=initialize_variant(""), which=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), log=True) -> bool Summary Append components from another componentlist. Input Parameters: list list to copy from. Can be a componentlist record or a componentlist file name from disk which which components to copy, -1 unset -1 log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 126 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.convertfluxpol | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
convertfluxpol(self, which, polarization=string("Stokes")) -> bool Summary Change (convert) the polarization representation of the specified components Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively polarization The new polarization representation circular linear Stokes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 558 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.convertfluxunit | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
convertfluxunit(self, which, unit=string("Jy")) -> bool Summary Change (convert) the flux units of the specified components Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively unit The units of the flux. Any string with the same dimensions as the Jansky Jy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 542 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.convertfrequnit | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
convertfrequnit(self, which, unit=string("'GHz'")) -> bool Summary Convert the reference frequency to a new unit Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively unit The new frequency unit. Any string with the same dimensions as the 'Hz' 'GHz' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 909 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.convertrefdir | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
convertrefdir(self, which, frame) -> bool Summary Convert the reference direction to a new frame Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively frame The new reference frame A string like 'B1950', 'J2000' or 'galactic' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 673 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.convertshape | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
convertshape(self, which, majoraxis=string("arcmin"), minoraxis=string("arcmin"), positionangle=string("deg")) -> bool Summary Change the units of the shape parameters Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively majoraxis The units to use on the larger axis. A string with angular units rad deg mas arcsec arcmin minoraxis The units to use on the smaller axis. A string with angular units rad deg mas arcsec arcmin positionangle The units to use for the rotation of these axes. A string with angular units rad deg --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 745 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.deselect | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
deselect(self, which) -> bool Summary Unmark components in the list Input Parameters: which A vector of indices Indices must be between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 402 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.done | ( | self | ) |
done(self) -> bool Summary Delete the componentlist tool --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 376 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.edit | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
edit(self, which, log=True) -> bool Summary Start up the component editor gui Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length no default log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 360 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.fromrecord | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fromrecord(self, record=initialize_record("")) -> bool Summary make a componentlist tool from a record Input Parameters: record a component list record --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 143 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getcomponent | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getcomponent(self, which, iknow=False) -> record * Summary Extract a component from the list. Input Parameters: which index of which component to extract. integers between 0 and one less than the length of the list, inclusively iknow Suppress the warning message false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 925 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getfluxerror | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getfluxerror(self, which) -> std::vector< double > Summary Get the error in the flux of the specified component Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 505 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getfluxpol | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getfluxpol(self, which) -> string Summary Get the polarization representation for the flux of the specified component Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 490 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getfluxunit | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getfluxunit(self, which) -> string Summary Get the flux unit of the specified component Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 475 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getfluxvalue | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getfluxvalue(self, which) -> std::vector< double > Summary Get the flux value of the specified component Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively no default --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 460 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getfreq | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getfreq(self, which) -> record * Summary Get the reference frequency Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 814 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getfreqframe | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getfreqframe(self, which) -> string Summary Get the reference frequency frame Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 859 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getfrequnit | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getfrequnit(self, which) -> string Summary Get the reference frequency unit Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 844 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getfreqvalue | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getfreqvalue(self, which) -> double Summary Get the reference frequency value Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 829 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getlabel | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getlabel(self, which) -> string Summary Get the label of the specified component Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 428 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getrefdir | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getrefdir(self, which) -> record * Summary Return the reference direction Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 574 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getrefdirdec | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getrefdirdec(self, which, unit=string("deg"), precision=6) -> string Summary Get the declination of the reference direction. Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively unit The angular unit of the returned value. Any string containing an angular unit or 'angle' or 'time' deg precision The number of digits in the returned string. Numbers between 1 and 16 make the most sense 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 606 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getrefdirframe | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getrefdirframe(self, which) -> string Summary Get the reference frame of the reference direction. Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 623 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getrefdirra | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getrefdirra(self, which, unit=string("deg"), precision=6) -> string Summary Get the RA of the reference direction. Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively unit The angular unit of the returned value. Any string containing an angular unit or 'angle' or 'time' deg precision The number of digits in the returned string. Numbers between 1 and 16 make the most sense 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 589 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getshape | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getshape(self, which) -> record * Summary Return the shape parameters the component Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 704 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.getspectrum | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getspectrum(self, which) -> record * Summary Return the spectral parameters the component Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 778 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.indices | ( | self | ) |
indices(self) -> std::vector< int > Summary Return a vector of indices. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 222 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.iscomponentlist | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
iscomponentlist(self, tool) -> bool Summary Is the argument a componentlist tool? Input Parameters: tool The variable that you wish to test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 989 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.isphysical | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
isphysical(self, which=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1)) -> bool Summary Check if a component is physically plausible Input Parameters: which A vector of indices Indices must be between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 249 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.length | ( | self | ) |
length(self) -> int Summary Find the number of components in the list. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 211 of file
def | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
open(self, filename=string(""), nomodify=False, log=True) -> bool Summary Construct an componentlist from the data in an aipspp table Input Parameters: filename The filename of the table nomodify Should the table be opened read only false log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 84 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.purge | ( | self | ) |
purge(self) -> bool Summary Permanently delete removed components. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 185 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.recover | ( | self, | |
log = True |
) |
recover(self, log=True) -> bool Summary Obtain removed components. Input Parameters: log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 196 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.remove | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
remove(self, which=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), log=True) -> bool Summary Remove a component from the list. Input Parameters: which indices of which component(s) to remove a vector containing unique integers between 0 and one less than the length of the list, -1 for all -1 log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 169 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.rename | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
rename(self, filename, log=True) -> bool Summary Give the list a name so it can save itself. use close to save to disk Input Parameters: filename The filename of the table log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 283 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.replace | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
replace(self, which, list, whichones=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1)) -> bool Summary Replace components in the list. Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to replace. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively list The list containing the components to copy. A componentlist tool whichones A vector of indices specifying the components to copy A vector with indices between 1 and the length of the list in the second argument -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 957 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.sample | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
sample(self, direction=initialize_variant("J2000 00h00m00.00 90d00m00.0"), pixellatsize=initialize_variant("0.0deg"), pixellongsize=initialize_variant("0.0deg"), frequency=initialize_variant("1.4GHz")) -> std::vector< double > Summary Sample the flux of the list in a specified direction. Input Parameters: direction The direction to sample any valid direction measure. A valid Direction measure or vector of string or string, e.g me.direction('J2000','19h30m00', '-20d00m00') or ['J2000','19h30m00', '-20d00m00'] or 'J2000 19h30m00 -20d00m00' J2000 00h00m00.00 90d00m00.0 pixellatsize the x-size of the in pixels to use when sampling any quantity that has angular units. 0.0deg pixellongsize the y-size of the in pixels to use when sampling any quantity that has angular units. 0.0deg frequency The frequency to sample at Any frequency measure 1.4GHz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 264 of file
def | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
select(self, which) -> bool Summary Mark components in the list Input Parameters: which A vector of indices. Indices must be between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 387 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.selected | ( | self | ) |
selected(self) -> std::vector< int > Summary Determine which components are selected --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 417 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.setflux | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setflux(self, which, value=initialize_variant(""), unit=string("Jy"), polarization=string("Stokes"), error=initialize_variant(""), log=True) -> bool Summary Set the flux of the specified components Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively value The flux values for the specified components A vector with four real or complex numbers unit The units of the flux. Any string with the same dimensions as the Jansky Jy polarization The polarization of the value field circular linear Stokes error The error in the value field. A complex vector of length four. log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 521 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.setfreq | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setfreq(self, which, value, unit=string("'GHz'"), log=True) -> bool Summary Set the reference frequency Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively no default value The new frequency value. A number unit The units of the frequency. Any string with the same dimensions as the 'Hz' 'GHz' log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 874 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.setfreqframe | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setfreqframe(self, which, frame=string("LSRK"), log=True) -> bool Summary Set the reference frame for the frequency Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively frame The new reference frame, A string like 'LSR', 'GEO' or 'TOPO TOPO GEO LSR LSRK log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 892 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.setlabel | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setlabel(self, which, value, log=True) -> bool Summary Set the label of the specified components Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively no default value The label for the specified components log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 443 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.setrefdir | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setrefdir(self, which=1, ra=initialize_variant(""), dec=initialize_variant(""), log=True) -> bool Summary Set the reference direction Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively 1 ra The RA of the new direction, A formatted string or a number dec The declination of the new direction. A formatted string or a number log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 638 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.setrefdirframe | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setrefdirframe(self, which, frame, log=True) -> bool Summary Set the reference frame for the direction Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively frame The new reference frame, A string like 'B1950', 'J2000' or 'galactic' log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 656 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.setshape | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setshape(self, which, type=string("Point"), majoraxis=initialize_variant("1.0arcmin"), minoraxis=initialize_variant("1.0arcmin"), positionangle=initialize_variant("0.0deg"), majoraxiserror=initialize_variant("0.0arcmin"), minoraxiserror=initialize_variant("0.0arcmin"), positionangleerror=initialize_variant("0.0deg"), log=True) -> bool Summary Change the shape of the component Input Parameters: which A vector of indices specifying the components to modify. A vector with indices between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively type The new shape type. A string that is either 'point', 'Gaussian' or 'disk' disk Gaussian Point majoraxis The width of the larger axis. A quantity with angular units 1.0arcmin minoraxis The width of the smaller axis. A quantity with angular units 1.0arcmin positionangle The rotation of the axes with respect to the reference frame. A quantity with angular units 0.0deg majoraxiserror Error ~The width of the larger axis. A quantity with angular units 0.0arcmin minoraxiserror Error of the width of the smaller axis. A quantity with angular units 0.0arcmin positionangleerror Error of the rotation of the axes with respect to the reference frame. A quantity with angular units 0.0deg log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 719 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.setspectrum | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setspectrum(self, which, type=string("spectral index"), index=0.0, tabularfreqs=initialize_vector(1,(double)1.0e11), tabularflux=initialize_vector(1,(double)1.0), tabularframe=string("LSRK")) -> bool Summary Change the spectrum of the component Input Parameters: which The index specifying the component to modify. A value between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively type The new spectrum type. A string that is either 'constant or 'spectral index' or 'tabular' spectral index spectral index constant tabular index The spectral index. 0.0 tabularfreqs The frequencies of for the tabular values, in Hz 1.0e11 tabularflux tabular flux density values, in Jy (same length as tabularfreqs) 1.0 tabularframe The frame for which the frequencies given are in LSRK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 793 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.shapetype | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
shapetype(self, which) -> string Summary Returns the shape type of the component Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 689 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.simulate | ( | self, | |
howmany = 1 , |
log = True |
) |
simulate(self, howmany=1, log=True) -> bool Summary Add some simulated components to the list Input Parameters: howmany How many components to simulate, greater than zero 1 log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 299 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.sort | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
sort(self, criteria=string("Flux"), log=True) -> bool Summary Sort the components in a list Input Parameters: criteria a string containg the criteria to use to sort the list Polarization Position Flux log Send a message to the logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 233 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.spectrumtype | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
spectrumtype(self, which) -> string Summary Returns the spectral shape of the component Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. An integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusively --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 763 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.summarize | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
summarize(self, which=-1) -> bool Summary Summarize the specified component to the logger Input Parameters: which An index specifying which component. Unset or an integer between 0 and one less than the list length, inclusive -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 974 of file
def __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.torecord | ( | self | ) |
torecord(self) -> record * Summary convert componentlist to a record --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definition at line 158 of file
__casac__.componentlist.componentlist.__del__ [static, private] |
Definition at line 83 of file
tuple __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.__getattr__ [static, private] |
Definition at line 75 of file
__casac__.componentlist.componentlist.__repr__ [static, private] |
Definition at line 76 of file
tuple __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.__setattr__ [static, private] |
Definition at line 73 of file
__casac__.componentlist.componentlist.__swig_destroy__ [static, private] |
Definition at line 82 of file
dictionary __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.__swig_getmethods__ [static, private] |
Definition at line 74 of file
dictionary __casac__.componentlist.componentlist.__swig_setmethods__ [static, private] |
Definition at line 72 of file
Definition at line 81 of file