def __casac__.image.image.__init__ | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.adddegaxes | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
adddegaxes(self, outfile=string(""), direction=False, spectral=False, stokes=string(""), linear=False, tabular=False, overwrite=False) -> image Summary Add degenerate axes of the specified type to the image Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. direction Add direction axes? false spectral Add spectral axis? false stokes Add Stokes axis? Default is empty string. linear Add linear axis? false tabular Add tabular axis? false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.addnoise | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
addnoise(self, type=string("normal"), pars=initialize_vector(2,(double)0.0, (double)1.0), region=initialize_record(""), zero=False) -> bool Summary Add noise to the image Input Parameters: type Type of distribution, normal normal pars Parameters of distribution 0.0 1.0 region Region of interest. Default is whole image. zero Zero image first? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.boundingbox | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
boundingbox(self, region=initialize_record("")) -> record * Summary Get the bounding box of the specified region Input Parameters: region The region of interest. Default is whole image. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.brightnessunit | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.calc | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
def __casac__.image.image.calcmask | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
calcmask(self, mask=string(""), name=string(""), asdefault=True) -> bool Summary Image mask calculator Input Parameters: mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. name Mask name. Default is auto new name. asdefault Make specified mask the default mask? true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.close | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.collapse | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
collapse(self, function=string(""), axes=initialize_variant("0"), outfile=string(""), region=initialize_variant(""), box=string(""), chans=string(""), stokes=string(""), mask=string(""), overwrite=False, stretch=False) -> image Summary Collapse image along specified axis, computing aggregate function of pixels along that axis. Input Parameters: function Aggregate function to apply: max, mean, median, min, rms, stdev, sum, variance. axes Zero-based axis number along which to collapse image. 0 outfile Output image file name. If blank, no image is written but a new image tool referencing the collapsed image is returned. region Region specification. See help par.region. Default is to use the full image. box Box to use in position plane specified by four numbers 'blcx, blcy, trcx, trcy' chans Channels to use. Channels must be contigous. Default is to use all channels. stokes Stokes planes to use. Planes must be contiguous. Default is to use all stokes. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? Ignored if outfile is blank. false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.continuumsub | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
continuumsub(self, outline=string(""), outcont=string(""), region=initialize_record(""), channels=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), pol=string(""), fitorder=0, overwrite=False) -> image Summary Image plane continuum subtraction Input Parameters: outline Output line image filename. Default is unset. outcont Output continuum image filename region Region over which output is desired. Default is whole image. channels Channels to use for continuum estimation. Default is all. -1 pol Polarization to process. String from 'I Q U V XX RR' etc. Default is unset. I Q U V XX RR fitorder Polynomial order for continuum estimation 0 overwrite Auto-overwrite output files if they exist? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.convertflux | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
convertflux(self, value=initialize_variant("0Jy/beam"), major=initialize_variant("1arcsec"), minor=initialize_variant("1arcsec"), type=string("Gaussian"), topeak=True, channel=-1, polarization=-1) -> record * Summary Convert flux density between peak and integral Input Parameters: value Flux density to convert. Must be specified. 0Jy/beam major Major axis of component. Must be specified. 1arcsec minor Minor axis of component. Must be specified. 1arcsec type Type of component. String from Gaussian, Disk. Gaussian topeak Convert to peak or integral flux desnity true channel Channel to use if and only if image has per plane beams. -1 polarization Zero-based polarization number to use for beam if and only if image has per plane beams. -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.convolve | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
convolve(self, outfile=string(""), kernel=initialize_variant(""), scale=-1.0, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), overwrite=False, stretch=False, async=False) -> image Summary Convolve image with an array or another image Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. kernel Convolution kernel - array or image filename. Must be specified. scale Scale factor. Default is autoscale. -1.0 region Region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. false async Run asynchronously? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.convolve2d | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
convolve2d(self, outfile=string(""), axes=initialize_vector(2,(int)0, (int)1), type=string("gaussian"), major=initialize_variant("0deg"), minor=initialize_variant("0deg"), pa=initialize_variant("0deg"), scale=-1, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), overwrite=False, stretch=False, targetres=False, beam=initialize_record("")) -> image Summary Convolve image by a 2D kernel Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. axes Axes to convolve. Default is [0,1]. 01 type Type of convolution kernel gaussian major Major axis, Quantity, string, numeric. Must be specified. 0deg minor Minor axis, Quantity, string, numeric. Must be specified. 0deg pa Position Angle, Quantity, string, numeric. Default is 0deg. 0deg scale Scale factor. Default is autoscale. -1 region Region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. false targetres If True and type='gaussian', major, minor, and pa are interpreted as the image resolution that the user wants to achieve. false beam Alternate way of describing a Gaussian. Must have fields 'major', 'minor', and 'pa' (or 'positionangle') --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.coordmeasures | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
coordmeasures(self, pixel=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1)) -> record * Summary Convert from pixel to world coordinate wrapped as Measures Input Parameters: pixel Absolute pixel coordinate. Default is reference pixel. -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.coordsys | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
coordsys(self, axes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1)) -> casac::coordsys * Summary Get the Coordinate System of the image Input Parameters: axes Axes to which the Coordinate System pertains. Default is all axes. -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.decompose | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
decompose(self, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), simple=False, threshold=-1, ncontour=11, minrange=1, naxis=2, fit=True, maxrms=-1, maxretry=-1, maxiter=256, convcriteria=0.0001, stretch=False) -> record * Summary Separate a complex image into individual components Input Parameters: region Region of interest. Default is unset. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. simple Skip contour deblending and scan for local maxima false threshold Value of minimum positive contour. Must be set and nonnegative. -1 ncontour Number of contours to use in deblending (>= 2) 11 minrange Minimum number of closed contours in a component (> 0) 1 naxis Max number of perpendicular steps between contiguous pixels. Values of 1, 2 or 3 are allowed. 2 fit Fit to the components after deblending? true maxrms Maximum RMS of fit residuals to not retry fit (> 0). Default is unset. -1 maxretry Maximum number of times to retry the fit (>= 0). Default is unset. -1 maxiter Maximum number of iterations allowed in a single fit (> 0) 256 convcriteria Criterion to establish convergence (>=0) 0.0001 stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.deconvolvecomponentlist | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
deconvolvecomponentlist(self, complist, channel=-1, polarization=-1) -> record * Summary Deconvolve a componentlist from the restoring beam Input Parameters: complist Componentlist to deconvolve channel Zero-based channel number to use for beam for per plane images. Not used if the image has a single beam. -1 polarization Zero-based polarization number to use for beam for per plane images. Not used if the image has a single beam. -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.deconvolvefrombeam | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
deconvolvefrombeam(self, source=initialize_variant(""), beam=initialize_variant("")) -> record * Summary Helper function to deconvolve the given source Gaussian from a beam Gaussian to return a model Gaussian Input Parameters: source Three quantities that define the source majoraxis, minoraxis and Position angle beam Three quantities that define the beam majoraxis, minoraxis and Position angle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.done | ( | self, | |
remove = False , |
verbose = True |
) |
done(self, remove=False, verbose=True) -> bool Summary Destroy this image tool Input Parameters: remove Delete disk file as well? false verbose Send a progress report to the logger. true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.echo | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
def __casac__.image.image.fft | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fft(self, real=string(""), imag=string(""), amp=string(""), phase=string(""), axes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), stretch=False) -> bool Summary FFT the image Input Parameters: real Output real image file name imag Output imaginary image file name amp Output amplitude image file name phase Output phase image file name axes Specify pixel axes to FFT. Default is sky plane(s). -1 region The region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.findsources | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
findsources(self, nmax=20, cutoff=0.1, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), point=True, width=5, negfind=False) -> record * Summary Find point sources in the sky Input Parameters: nmax Maximum number of sources to find, > 0 20 cutoff Fractional cutoff level 0.1 region The 2-D region of interest to fit. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. point Find only point sources? true width Half-width of fit grid when point=F 5 negfind Find negative sources as well as positive? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.fitcomponents | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fitcomponents(self, box=string(""), region=initialize_variant(""), chans=initialize_variant(""), stokes=string(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), includepix=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), excludepix=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), residual=string(""), model=string(""), estimates=string(""), logfile=string(""), append=True, newestimates=string(""), complist=string(""), overwrite=False, dooff=False, offset=0.0, fixoffset=False, stretch=False) -> record * Summary Fit 2-dimensional models to an image. Input Parameters: box One or more boxes to use for fit region(s). Default is to use the entire plane. region The 2-D region of interest to fit. Default is entire plane. If both box and region are specified, box is used and region is not. chans The frequency planes to use in the fit. Default is 0 (first plane). stokes The polarization to use in the fit. Default is to use the first stokes plane. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. includepix Range of pixel values to include. Default is to include all pixels. -1 excludepix Range of pixel values to exclude. Default is to exclude no pixels. -1 residual Name of the residual image to write. Default is not to write the residual. model Name of the model image to write. Default is not to write the model. estimates Name of the input estimates file. Default is to auto-estimate in which case a single gaussian will be fit. logfile File in which to log results. Default is not to write a logfile. append Append results to logfile? Logfile must be specified. Default is to append. False means overwrite existing file if it exists. true newestimates File to which to write results in 'estimates' format suitable as estimates input for another run. Default is do not write an estimates file. complist Output component list table name. Default is do not write a component list table. overwrite Overwrite component list if it already exists. Default is False. false dooff Also fit a zero level offset? Default is False false offset Initial estimate of zero-level offset. Only used if doff is True. Default is 0.0 0.0 fixoffset Keep the zero level offset fixed during fit? Default is False false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.fitprofile | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fitprofile(self, box=string(""), region=initialize_variant(""), chans=string(""), stokes=string(""), axis=-1, mask=initialize_variant(""), ngauss=1, poly=-1, estimates=string(""), minpts=0, multifit=False, model=string(""), residual=string(""), amp=string(""), amperr=string(""), center=string(""), centererr=string(""), fwhm=string(""), fwhmerr=string(""), integral=string(""), integralerr=string(""), stretch=False, logresults=True, pampest=initialize_variant(""), pcenterest=initialize_variant(""), pfwhmest=initialize_variant(""), pfix=initialize_variant(""), gmncomps=initialize_variant("0"), gmampcon=initialize_variant(""), gmcentercon=initialize_variant(""), gmfwhmcon=initialize_variant(""), gmampest=initialize_vector(1, (double)0.0), gmcenterest=initialize_vector(1, (double)0.0), gmfwhmest=initialize_vector(1, (double)0.0), gmfix=initialize_variant(""), logfile=string(""), append=True, pfunc=initialize_variant(""), goodamprange=initialize_vector(1, (double)0.0), goodcenterrange=initialize_vector(1, (double)0.0), goodfwhmrange=initialize_vector(1, (double)0.0), sigma=initialize_variant(""), outsigma=string("")) -> record * Summary Fit gaussians and/or polynomials to a 1-dimensional profile. Input Parameters: box Rectangular box in direction coordinate blc, trc. Default: entire image (''). region Region name, Default: no region (''). chans Channels to use. Channels must be contigous. Default: all channels (''). stokes Stokes planes to use. Planes must be contiguous. Default: all stokes (''). axis The profile axis. Default: use the spectral axis if one exists, axis 0 otherwise (<0). -1 mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. ngauss Number of Gaussian elements. Default: 1. 1 poly Order of polynomial element. Default: do not fit a polynomial (<0). -1 estimates Name of file containing initial estimates. Default: No initial estimates (''). minpts Minimum number of unmasked points necessary to attempt fit. 0 multifit If true, fit a profile along the desired axis at each pixel in the specified region. If false, average the non-fit axis pixels and do a single fit to that average profile. Default False. false model Name of model image. Default: do not write the model image (''). residual Name of residual image. Default: do not write the residual image (''). amp Prefix of name of amplitude solution image. Name of image will have gaussian component number appended. Default: do not write the image (''). amperr Prefix of name of amplitude error solution image. Name of image will have gaussian component number appended. Default: do not write the image (''). center Prefix of name of center solution image. Name of image will have gaussian component number appended. Default: do not write the image (''). centererr Prefix of name of center error solution image. Name of image will have gaussian component number appended. Default: do not write the image (''). fwhm Prefix of name of FWHM solution image. Name of image will have gaussian component number appended. Default: do not write the image (''). fwhmerr Prefix of name of FWHM error solution image. Name of image will have gaussian component number appended. Default: do not write the image (''). integral Prefix of name of integral solution image. Name of image will have gaussian component number appended. Default: do not write the image (''). integralerr Prefix of name of integral error solution image. Name of image will have gaussian component number appended. Default: do not write the image (''). stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. false logresults Output results to logger? true pampest Initial estimate PCF profile amplitudes. pcenterest Initial estimate PCF profile centers, in pixels. pfwhmest Initial estimate PCF profile FWHMs, in pixels. pfix PCF parameters to fix during fit. Any combination of 'p', 'c', or 'f'. gmncomps Number of components in each gaussian multiplet to fit 0 gmampcon The amplitude ratio constraints for non-reference components to reference component in gaussian multiplets. gmcentercon The center offset constraints (in pixels) for non-reference components to reference component in gaussian multiplets. gmfwhmcon The FWHM ratio constraints for non-reference components to reference component in gaussian multiplets. gmampest Initial estimate of individual gaussian amplitudes in gaussian multiplets. 0.0 gmcenterest Initial estimate of individual gaussian centers in gaussian multiplets, in pixels. 0.0 gmfwhmest Initial estimate of individual gaussian FWHMss in gaussian multiplets, in pixels. 0.0 gmfix Parameters of individual gaussians in gaussian multiplets to fix during fit. logfile File in which to log results. Default is not to write a logfile. append Append results to logfile? Logfile must be specified. Default is to append. False means overwrite existing file if it exists. true pfunc PCF singlet functions to fit. 'gaussian' or 'lorentzian' (minimal match supported). Unspecified means all gaussians. goodamprange Acceptable amplitude solution range. [0.0] => all amplitude solutions are acceptable. 0.0 goodcenterrange Acceptable center solution range in pixels relative to region start. [0.0] => all center solutions are acceptable. 0.0 goodfwhmrange Acceptable FWHM solution range in pixels. [0.0] => all FWHM solutions are acceptable. 0.0 sigma Standard deviation array or image name. outsigma Name of output image used for standard deviations. Ignored if sigma is empty. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.fromarray | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fromarray(self, outfile=string(""), pixels=initialize_variant(""), csys=initialize_record(""), linear=False, overwrite=False, log=True) -> bool Summary Construct a casa image from a numerical (integer or float) array Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. pixels Numeric array csys Coordinate System. Default is unset. linear Make a linear Coordinate System if csys not given false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false log Write image creation messages to logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.fromascii | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fromascii(self, outfile=string(""), infile=string(""), shape=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), sep=string(":"), csys=initialize_record(""), linear=False, overwrite=False) -> bool Summary This function converts a pre-existing ascii file into a casa image. Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. infile Input ascii disk file name. Must be specified.. shape Shape of image. Must be specified. -1 sep Separator in ascii file. Default is space character. : csys Coordinate System record from coordsys torecord(). Default is unset. linear Make a linear Coordinate System if csys not given false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.fromfits | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fromfits(self, outfile=string(""), infile=string(""), whichrep=0, whichhdu=0, zeroblanks=False, overwrite=False) -> bool Summary Construct a casa image by conversion from a FITS image file Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. infile Input FITS disk file name. Must be specified. whichrep If this FITS file contains multiple coordinate representations, which one should we read (0-based) 0 whichhdu If this FITS file contains multiple images, which one should we read (0-based). 0 zeroblanks If there are blanked pixels, set them to zero instead of NaN false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.fromimage | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fromimage(self, outfile=string(""), infile=string(""), region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), dropdeg=False, overwrite=False) -> bool Summary Construct a (sub)image from a region of a casa image Input Parameters: outfile Output sub-image file name. Default is unset. infile Input image file name. Must be specified. region The region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. dropdeg Drop degenerate axes false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.fromrecord | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fromrecord(self, record, outfile=string("")) -> bool Summary Generate an image from a record Input Parameters: record Record containing the image outfile The name of the diskfile to be created for image from record --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.fromshape | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
fromshape(self, outfile=string(""), shape=initialize_vector(1, (int)0), csys=initialize_record(""), linear=False, overwrite=False, log=True) -> bool Summary Construct an empty casa image from a shape Input Parameters: outfile Name of output image file. Default is unset. shape Shape of image. Must be specified. 0 csys Coordinate System. Default is unset. linear Make a linear Coordinate System if csys not given? false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false log Write image creation messages to logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.getchunk | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getchunk(self, blc=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), trc=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), inc=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), axes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), list=False, dropdeg=False, getmask=False) -> variant * Summary Get the pixel values from a regular region of the image into an array Input Parameters: blc Bottom-Left-Corner (beginning) of pixel section. Default is start of image. -1 trc Top-Right-Corner (end) of pixel section. Default is end of image. -1 inc increment (stride) along axes 1 axes Axes to average over. Default is none. -1 list List bounding box to logger? false dropdeg Drop degenerate axes? false getmask Get the pixel mask rather than the pixel values false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.getregion | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getregion(self, region=initialize_record(""), axes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), mask=initialize_variant(""), list=False, dropdeg=False, getmask=False, stretch=False) -> variant * Summary Get pixels or mask from a region-of-interest of the image Input Parameters: region The region of interest. Default is whole image. axes Axes to average over. Default is none. -1 mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. list List the bounding box to the logger false dropdeg Drop degenerate axes false getmask Get the pixel mask rather than pixel values false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.getslice | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
getslice(self, x, y, axes=initialize_vector(2,(int)0, (int)1), coord=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), npts=0, method=string("linear")) -> record * Summary Get 1-D slice from the image Input Parameters: x Polyline x vertices in absolute pixel coordinates y Polyline y vertices in absolute pixel coordinates axes Pixel axes of plane holding slice. Default is first two axes. 01 coord Specify pixel coordinate for other axes. Default is first pixel. -1 npts Number of points in slice. Default is auto determination. 0 method The interpolation method, String from 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic' linear --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.hanning | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
hanning(self, outfile=string(""), region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), axis=-10, drop=True, overwrite=False, async=False, stretch=False) -> image Summary Convolve one axis of image with a Hanning kernel Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. region Dictionary (record) defining the region of interest, most often obtained from an rg tool method. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. axis Zero based axis to convolve. ia.coordsys().names() gives the order of the axes in the image. Less than 0 means use the spectral axis if there is one, if not an exception is thrown. -10 drop Drop every other pixel on output? true overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false async Run asynchronously? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.haslock | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.histograms | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
histograms(self, axes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), nbins=25, includepix=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), gauss=False, cumu=False, log=False, list=True, force=False, disk=False, async=False, stretch=False) -> record * Summary Compute histograms from the image Input Parameters: axes List of axes to compute histograms over. Default is all axes. -1 region Region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. nbins Number of bins in histograms, > 0 25 includepix Range of pixel values to include. Default is to include all pixels. -1 gauss If T overlay a Gaussian on each histogram false cumu If T plot cumulative histograms, otherwise plot non-cumulatively false log If T plot the ordinate logarithmically, otherwise plot linearly false list If T then list some statistics as well true force If T then force the stored statistical accumulations to be regenerated false disk If T then force the storage image to disk false async Run asynchronously? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.history | ( | self, | |
list = True , |
browse = False |
) |
history(self, list=True, browse=False) -> std::vector< std::string > Summary Recover and/or list the history file Input Parameters: list List history to the logger? true browse Browse history with table browser? (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!) false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.imagecalc | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
imagecalc(self, outfile=string(""), pixels=string(""), overwrite=False) -> image Summary Perform mathematical calculations on an image or images. Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. If blank the resulting image is not written, but it can still be accessed via the returned image analysis tool. pixels LEL expression. Must be specified. For example ' +'. overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.imageconcat | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
imageconcat(self, outfile=string(""), infiles=initialize_variant(""), axis=-1, relax=False, tempclose=True, overwrite=False) -> image Summary Construct a casa image by concatenating images Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. infiles List of input \casa\ image files to concatenate; wild cards accepted. Default is empty string. axis Concatenation pixel axis. Use ia.coordsys().names() to get a list of axes. A negative value means use the spectral axis if there is one, if not an exception is thrown. -1 relax Relax constraints that axis coordinate descriptors match false tempclose Keep all lattices closed until needed true overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.insert | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
insert(self, infile=string(""), region=initialize_record(""), locate=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1)) -> image Summary Insert specified image into this image Input Parameters: infile Image file name. region The region of interest of the input image. Default is whole image. locate Location of input image in output image. Default is centrally located. -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.isconform | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
isconform(self, other) -> bool Summary Returns true of the shape, coordinate system, and axes order of the specified image matches this image. Input Parameters: other name of image to test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.isopen | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.ispersistent | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.lock | ( | self, | |
writelock = False , |
nattempts = 0 |
) |
lock(self, writelock=False, nattempts=0) -> bool Summary Acquire a lock on the image Input Parameters: writelock Acquire a read/write (T) or a readonly (F) lock false nattempts Number of attempts, > 0. Default is unlimiited. 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.makearray | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
makearray(self, v=0.0, shape=initialize_vector(1, (int)0)) -> variant * Summary Construct an initialized multi-dimensional array. Input Parameters: v Value with which to initial array elements 0.0 shape Vector containing array dimensions. 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.makecomplex | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
makecomplex(self, outfile, imag, region=initialize_record(""), overwrite=False) -> bool Summary Make a complex image Input Parameters: outfile Output Complex (disk) image file name imag Imaginary image file name region The region of interest. Default is whole image. overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.maketestimage | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
maketestimage(self, outfile=string(""), overwrite=False) -> bool Summary Construct a casa image from a test FITS file Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.maskhandler | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
maskhandler(self, op=string("default"), name=std::vector< string >(1, "")) -> std::vector< std::string > Summary Handle pixel masks Input Parameters: op The operation. One of 'set', 'delete', 'rename', 'get', 'copy' or 'default' default name Name of mask or masks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.maxfit | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
maxfit(self, region=initialize_record(""), point=True, width=5, negfind=False, list=True) -> record * Summary Find maximum and do parabolic fit in the sky Input Parameters: region The 2-D region of interest to fit. Default is whole image. point Find only point sources? true width Half-width of fit grid when point=F 5 negfind Find negative sources as well as positive? false list List the fitted parameters to the logger? true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.miscinfo | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.modify | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
modify(self, model, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), subtract=True, list=True, async=False, stretch=False) -> bool Summary Modify image with a model Input Parameters: model Record representation of a ComponentList model region The 2-D region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. subtract Subtract or add the model true list List informative messages to the logger true async Run asynchronously? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.moments | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
moments(self, moments=initialize_vector(1, (int)0), axis=-10, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), method=std::vector< string >(1, ""), smoothaxes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), smoothtypes=initialize_variant(""), smoothwidths=initialize_vector(1, (double)0.0), includepix=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), excludepix=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), peaksnr=3.0, stddev=0.0, doppler=string("RADIO"), outfile=string(""), smoothout=string(""), plotter=string(""), nx=1, ny=1, yind=False, overwrite=False, drop=True, stretch=False, async=False) -> image Summary Compute moments from an image Input Parameters: moments List of moments that you would like to compute. Default is integrated spectrum. 0 axis The moment axis. Default is the spectral axis if there is one. -10 region Region specification. See help par.region. Default is to not use a region. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. method List of windowing and/or fitting functions you would like to invoke. Vector of strings from 'window', 'fit' and 'interactive'. The default is to not invoke the window or fit functions, and to not invoke any interactive functions. smoothaxes List of axes to smooth. Default is no smoothing. -1 smoothtypes List of smoothing kernel types, one for each axis to smooth. Vector of strings from 'gauss', 'boxcar', 'hanning'. Default is no smoothing. smoothwidths List of widths (full width for boxcar, full width at half maximum for gaussian, 3 for Hanning) in pixels for the smoothing kernels. Vector of numeric. Default is no smoothing. 0.0 includepix Range of pixel values to include. Vector of 1 or 2 doubles. Default is include all pixel. -1 excludepix Range of pixel values to exclude. Default is exclude no pixels. -1 peaksnr The SNR ratio below which the spectrum will be rejected as noise (used by the window and fit functions only) 3.0 stddev Standard deviation of the noise signal in the image (used by the window and fit functions only) 0.0 doppler Velocity doppler definition for velocity computations along spectral axes RADIO outfile Output image file name (or root for multiple moments). Default is input + an auto-determined suffix. smoothout Output file name for convolved image. Default is don't save the convolved image. plotter The PGPLOT device name to make plots on. Default is no plotting. nx The number of subplots per page in the x direction. 1 ny The number of subplots per page in the y direction. 1 yind Scale the y axis of the profile plots independently false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false drop Drop moments axis from output images? true stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? false async Run asynchronously? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def | ( | self, | |
strippath = False |
) |
def __casac__.image.image.newimage | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
newimage(self, infile) -> image Summary Construct a new image analysis tool using the specified image. (Also known as newimagefromfile.) Input Parameters: infile Input image file name --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.newimagefromarray | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
newimagefromarray(self, outfile=string(""), pixels=initialize_variant(""), csys=initialize_record(""), linear=False, overwrite=False, log=True) -> image Summary Construct a casa image from an array Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. pixels A numeric array is required. csys Coordinate System. Default is unset. linear Make a linear Coordinate System if csys not given false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false log Write image creation messages to logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.newimagefromfile | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
newimagefromfile(self, infile) -> image Summary Construct a new image analysis tool using the specified image. (Also known as newimage.) Input Parameters: infile Input image file name --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.newimagefromfits | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
newimagefromfits(self, outfile=string(""), infile=string(""), whichrep=0, whichhdu=0, zeroblanks=False, overwrite=False) -> image Summary Construct a casa image by conversion from a FITS image file Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. infile Input FITS disk file name. Required. whichrep If this FITS file contains multiple coordinate representations, which one should we read 0 whichhdu If this FITS file contains multiple images, which one should we read (0-based). 0 zeroblanks If there are blanked pixels, set them to zero instead of NaN false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.newimagefromimage | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
newimagefromimage(self, infile=string(""), outfile=string(""), region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), dropdeg=False, overwrite=False) -> image Summary Construct an on-the-fly image tool from a region of a casa image file Input Parameters: infile Input image file name. Required. outfile Output sub-image file name. Default is unset. region The region of interest. Default is the whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. dropdeg Drop degenerate axes false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.newimagefromshape | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
newimagefromshape(self, outfile=string(""), shape=initialize_vector(1, (int)0), csys=initialize_record(""), linear=False, overwrite=False, log=True) -> image Summary Construct an empty casa image from a shape Input Parameters: outfile Name of output image file. Default is unset. shape Shape of image. Required. 0 csys Record describing Coordinate System. Default is unset. linear Make a linear Coordinate System if csys not given? false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false log Write image creation messages to logger true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
def __casac__.image.image.pbcor | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
pbcor(self, pbimage=initialize_variant(""), outfile=string(""), overwrite=False, box=string(""), region=initialize_variant(""), chans=string(""), stokes=string(""), mask=string(""), mode=string("divide"), cutoff=-1.0, stretch=False) -> image Summary Construct a primary beam corrected image from an image and a primary beam Input Parameters: pbimage Name of the primary beam image which must exist or array of values for the pb response. Default '' outfile Output image name. If empty, no image is written. Default '' overwrite Overwrite the output if it exists? Default False false box One or more boxes to use for fit region(s). Default is to use the entire directional plane. region The region to correct. Default is entire image. If both box and region are specified, box is used and region is not. chans The frequency planes to correct. Default is all frequencies. stokes The correlations to correct. Default is all. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. mode Divide or multiply the image by the primary beam image. Minimal match supported. Default 'divide' divide cutoff PB cutoff. If mode is 'd', all values less than this will be masked. If 'm', all values greater will be masked. Less than 0, no cutoff. Default no cutoff -1.0 stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.pixelvalue | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
def __casac__.image.image.putchunk | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
putchunk(self, pixels, blc=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), inc=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), list=False, locking=True, replicate=False) -> bool Summary Put pixels from an array into a regular region of the image Input Parameters: pixels Numeric array. Required input. blc Bottom-Left-Corner (start) of location in image. Default is start of image. -1 inc increment (stride) along axes 1 list List bounding box to logger? false locking Unlock image after use? true replicate Replicate array through image false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.putregion | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
putregion(self, pixels=initialize_variant(""), pixelmask=initialize_variant(""), region=initialize_record(""), list=False, usemask=True, locking=True, replicate=False) -> bool Summary Put pixels and mask into a region-of-interest of the image Input Parameters: pixels The pixel values. Default is none. pixelmask The pixel mask values. Default is none. region The region of interest. Default is whole image. list List the bounding box and any mask creation to the logger false usemask Honour the mask when putting pixels true locking Unlock image after use? true replicate Replicate array through image false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.rebin | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
rebin(self, outfile, bin, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), dropdeg=False, overwrite=False, async=False, stretch=False) -> image Summary rebin the image by the specified factors Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. bin Binning factors for each axis region The region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. dropdeg Drop degenerate axes false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false async Run asynchronously? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.regrid | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
regrid(self, outfile=string(""), shape=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), csys=initialize_record(""), axes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), method=string("linear"), decimate=10, replicate=False, doref=True, dropdeg=False, overwrite=False, force=False, asvelocity=False, async=False, stretch=False) -> image Summary regrid this image to the specified Coordinate System Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. shape Shape of output image. Default is input shape. -1 csys Coordinate System for output image. Default is input image coordinate system. axes The output pixel axes to regrid. Default is all. -1 region The region of interest. Default is the whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. method The interpolation method. String from 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic'. linear decimate Decimation factor for coordinate grid computation 10 replicate Replicate image rather than regrid? false doref Turn on reference frame changes true dropdeg Drop degenerate axes false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false force Force specified axes to be regridded false asvelocity Regrid spectral axis in velocity space rather than frequency space? false async Run asynchronously? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.remove | ( | self, | |
done = False , |
verbose = True |
) |
remove(self, done=False, verbose=True) -> bool Summary Delete the image file associated with this image tool Input Parameters: done Destroy this tool after deletion false verbose Send a progress report to the logger. true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.removefile | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
removefile(self, file) -> bool Summary Delete an unattached image file from disk. Note: use remove() if the image file is attached to the image tool. Input Parameters: file Name of image file/directory to be removed. Must be specified. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.rename | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
rename(self, name, overwrite=False) -> bool Summary Rename the image file associated with this image tool Input Parameters: name The new image file name overwrite Overwrite target file if it already exists false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.replacemaskedpixels | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
replacemaskedpixels(self, pixels, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), update=False, list=False, stretch=False) -> bool Summary replace the values of pixels which are masked bad Input Parameters: pixels The new value(s), Numeric scalar or LEL expression region The region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. update Update mask as well? false list List the bounding box to the logger false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.restoringbeam | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
restoringbeam(self, channel=-1, polarization=-1) -> record * Summary Get the restoring beam(s). Input Parameters: channel The zero-based spectral channel number for a per-plane beam. Default -1 -1 polarization The zero-based polarization plane number for a per-plane beam. Default -1 -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.rotate | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
rotate(self, outfile=string(""), shape=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), pa=initialize_variant("0deg"), region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), method=string("cubic"), decimate=0, replicate=False, dropdeg=False, overwrite=False, async=False, stretch=False) -> image Summary rotate the direction coordinate axes attached to the image and regrid the image to the rotated Coordinate System Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. shape Shape of output image. Default is shape of input image. -1 pa Angle by which to rotate. Default is no rotation. 0deg region The region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. method The interpolation method. String from 'nearest', 'linear', or 'cubic'. cubic decimate Decimation factor for coordinate grid computation 0 replicate Replicate image rather than regrid? false dropdeg Drop degenerate axes false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false async Run asynchronously? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.sepconvolve | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
sepconvolve(self, outfile=string(""), axes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), types=std::vector< string >(1, ""), widths=initialize_variant(""), scale=-1, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), overwrite=False, async=False, stretch=False) -> image Summary Separable convolution Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. axes Axes to convolve. Default is [0,1,...]. -1 types Type of convolution kernel. Vector of strings from 'boxcar', 'gaussian', and 'hanning'. Default is appropriately sized vector of 'gaussian'. widths Convolution kernel widths, Vector of numeric, quantity or string scale Scale factor. Default is autoscale. -1 region Region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false async Run asynchronously? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.set | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
set(self, pixels=initialize_variant(""), pixelmask=-1, region=initialize_record(""), list=False) -> bool Summary Set pixel and/or mask values with a scalar in a region-of-interest of the image Input Parameters: pixels The pixel value, LEL scalar expression or numeric scalar. Default is unset. pixelmask The pixel mask value. Either 0 or 1 if set. Default is unset. -1 region The region of interest. Default is whole image. list List the bounding box and any mask creation to the logger false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.setboxregion | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setboxregion(self, blc=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), trc=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), frac=False, infile=string("")) -> record * Summary DEPRECATED. Use instead. Set a pixel box region of interest in the image Input Parameters: blc Bottom-Left-Corner (beginning) of pixel section. Default is blc of image. -1 trc Top-Right-Corner (end) of pixel section. Default is trc of image. -1 frac Pixel or fractional coordinates false infile Input image file name --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.setbrightnessunit | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
def __casac__.image.image.setcoordsys | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
def __casac__.image.image.sethistory | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
sethistory(self, origin=string(""), history=std::vector< string >(1, "")) -> bool Summary Set the history for an image Input Parameters: origin Used to set message origin. Default is image::sethistory. history New history --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.setmiscinfo | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
def __casac__.image.image.setrestoringbeam | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
setrestoringbeam(self, major=initialize_variant("1arcsec"), minor=initialize_variant("1arcsec"), pa=initialize_variant("0deg"), beam=initialize_record(""), remove=False, log=True, channel=-1, polarization=-1) -> bool Summary Set the restoringbeam Input Parameters: major Major axis FWHM, Quantity or float (e.g., 1arcsec). Default is unset. 1arcsec minor Minor axis FWHM, Quantity or float (e.g., 1arcsec). Default is unset. 1arcsec pa Position angle, Quantity or float (e.g., '5deg'). Default is unset. 0deg beam The complete restoring beam (output of restoringbeam()). Default is unset. remove Delete the restoring beam? false log Write new beam values to the logger? true channel Zero-based channel number for which to set a per plane beam. If the image has a traditional beam, set to less than zero. Default -1. -1 polarization Zero-based polarization number for which to set a per plane beam. If the image has a traditional beam, set to less than zero. Default -1. -1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.shape | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.statistics | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
statistics(self, axes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), plotstats=std::vector< string >(1, ""), includepix=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), excludepix=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), plotter=string(""), nx=1, ny=1, list=True, force=False, disk=False, robust=False, verbose=True, async=False, stretch=False, logfile=string(""), append=True) -> record * Summary Compute statistics from the image Input Parameters: axes List of axes to evaluate statistics over. Default is all axes. -1 region Region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. plotstats List of statistics to plot String containing any combination of 'npts', 'sum', 'flux', 'sumsq', 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'sigma' (or 'stddev'), 'rms', 'median', 'medabsdevmed', 'quartile' Default is ['mean','sigma']. includepix Range of pixel values to include. Vector of 1 or 2 doubles. Default is to include all pixels. -1 excludepix Range of pixel values to exclude. Vector of 1 or 2 doubles. Default is exclude no pixels. -1 plotter The PGPLOT device name to make plots on. Default is no plotting. nx The number of subplots per page in the x direction, > 0 1 ny The number of subplots per page in the y direction, > 0 1 list If True print bounding box and statistics to logger. true force If T then force the stored statistical accumulations to be regenerated false disk If T then force the storage image to disk false robust If T then compute robust statistics as well false verbose If T then log statistics true async Run asynchronously? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false logfile Name of file to which to write statistics. append Append results to logfile? Logfile must be specified. Default is to append. False means overwrite existing file if it exists. true --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.subimage | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
subimage(self, outfile=string(""), region=initialize_variant(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), dropdeg=False, overwrite=False, list=True, stretch=False) -> image Summary Create a (sub)image from a region of the image Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. region Region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. dropdeg Drop degenerate axes false overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false list List informative messages to the logger true stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.summary | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
summary(self, doppler=string("RADIO"), list=True, pixelorder=True, verbose=False) -> record * Summary Summarize basic information about the image Input Parameters: doppler If there is a spectral axis, list velocity too, with this doppler definition RADIO list List the summary to the logger true pixelorder List axis descriptors in pixel or world axis order true verbose Give a full listing of beams or just a short summary? Only used when the image has multiple beams. false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.toASCII | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
toASCII(self, outfile, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), sep=string(":"), format=string("%e"), maskvalue=-999, overwrite=False, stretch=False) -> bool Summary Convert the image to an ASCII file Input Parameters: outfile ASCII file name. Default is input name + '.ascii'. region The region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. sep Separator of data in ascii file. Default is space character. : format Format of data in ascii file %e maskvalue Value to replace masked pixels by, -999 is no change. -999 overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.tofits | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
tofits(self, outfile=string(""), velocity=False, optical=True, bitpix=-32, minpix=1, maxpix=-1, region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), overwrite=False, dropdeg=False, deglast=False, dropstokes=False, stokeslast=True, wavelength=False, airwavelength=False, async=False, stretch=False) -> bool Summary Convert the image to a FITS file Input Parameters: outfile FITS file name. Default is input name + '.fits' velocity prefer velocity (rather than frequency) as primary spectral axis? false optical use the optical (rather than radio) velocity convention? true bitpix Bits per pixel, -32 (floating point) or 16 (integer) -32 minpix Minimum pixel value for BITPIX=16, Default is to autoscale if minpix > maxpix. 1 maxpix Maximum pixel value for BITPIX=16, Default is to autoscale if maxpix < minpix. -1 region The region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false dropdeg Drop degenerate axes? false deglast Put degenerate axes last in header? false dropstokes Drop Stokes axis? false stokeslast Put Stokes axis last in header? true wavelength Write spectral axis in units of wavelength (instead of velocity or frequency)? false airwavelength When wirting the spectral axis in units of wavelength, use air wavelength instead of vacuum wavelength? false async Run asynchronously? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.topixel | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
topixel(self, value) -> record * Summary Convert from world to pixel coordinate Input Parameters: value Absolute world coordinate, Numeric vector, vector of quantities or record. Default is reference value. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.torecord | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.toworld | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
toworld(self, value=initialize_variant(""), format=string("n")) -> record * Summary Convert from pixel to world coordinate Input Parameters: value Absolute pixel coordinate. Numeric vector is allowed. Default is reference pixel. format What type of formatting? String from combination of 'n' (numeric), 'q' (quantity), 'm' (measure), 's' (string). n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.transpose | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
transpose(self, outfile=string(""), order=initialize_variant("")) -> image Summary Transpose the image. Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. order Zero-based order of axes in output image (eg '120' => input->output 0->2, 1->0, 2->1)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.twopointcorrelation | ( | self, | |
args, | |||
kwargs | |||
) |
twopointcorrelation(self, outfile=string(""), region=initialize_record(""), mask=initialize_variant(""), axes=initialize_vector(1, (int)-1), method=string("structurefunction"), overwrite=False, stretch=False) -> bool Summary Compute two point correlation function from the image Input Parameters: outfile Output image file name. Default is unset. region The region of interest. Default is whole image. mask Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none. axes The pixel axes to compute structure function over. The default is sky or first two axes. -1 method The method of computation. String from 'structurefunction'. structurefunction overwrite Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? false stretch Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch. Default False false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __casac__.image.image.type | ( | self | ) |
def __casac__.image.image.unlock | ( | self | ) |
__casac__.image.image.__del__ [static, private] |
tuple __casac__.image.image.__getattr__ [static, private] |
__casac__.image.image.__repr__ [static, private] |
tuple __casac__.image.image.__setattr__ [static, private] |
__casac__.image.image.__swig_destroy__ [static, private] |
dictionary __casac__.image.image.__swig_getmethods__ [static, private] |
dictionary __casac__.image.image.__swig_setmethods__ [static, private] |