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asdm::TotalPowerRow Class Reference

The TotalPowerRow class is a row of a TotalPowerTable. More...

#include <TotalPowerRow.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~TotalPowerRow ()
 friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<TotalPowerTable, TotalPowerRow>;
TotalPowerTablegetTable () const
 Return the table to which this row belongs.
bool isAdded () const
 Has this row been added to its table ?
void setTime (ArrayTime time)
 Set time with the specified ArrayTime.
int getScanNumber () const
 ===> Attribute scanNumber
void setScanNumber (int scanNumber)
 Set scanNumber with the specified int.
int getSubscanNumber () const
 ===> Attribute subscanNumber
void setSubscanNumber (int subscanNumber)
 Set subscanNumber with the specified int.
int getIntegrationNumber () const
 ===> Attribute integrationNumber
void setIntegrationNumber (int integrationNumber)
 Set integrationNumber with the specified int.
vector< vector< Length > > getUvw () const
 ===> Attribute uvw
void setUvw (vector< vector< Length > > uvw)
 Set uvw with the specified vector<vector<Length > >.
vector< vector< Interval > > getExposure () const
 ===> Attribute exposure
void setExposure (vector< vector< Interval > > exposure)
 Set exposure with the specified vector<vector<Interval > >.
vector< vector< ArrayTime > > getTimeCentroid () const
 ===> Attribute timeCentroid
void setTimeCentroid (vector< vector< ArrayTime > > timeCentroid)
 Set timeCentroid with the specified vector<vector<ArrayTime > >.
vector< vector< vector< float > > > getFloatData () const
 ===> Attribute floatData
void setFloatData (vector< vector< vector< float > > > floatData)
 Set floatData with the specified vector<vector<vector<float > > >.
vector< int > getFlagAnt () const
 ===> Attribute flagAnt
void setFlagAnt (vector< int > flagAnt)
 Set flagAnt with the specified vector<int >.
vector< vector< int > > getFlagPol () const
 ===> Attribute flagPol
void setFlagPol (vector< vector< int > > flagPol)
 Set flagPol with the specified vector<vector<int > >.
Interval getInterval () const
 ===> Attribute interval
void setInterval (Interval interval)
 Set interval with the specified Interval.
bool isSubintegrationNumberExists () const
 ===> Attribute subintegrationNumber, which is optional
int getSubintegrationNumber () const
 Get subintegrationNumber, which is optional.
void setSubintegrationNumber (int subintegrationNumber)
 Set subintegrationNumber with the specified int.
void clearSubintegrationNumber ()
 Mark subintegrationNumber, which is an optional field, as non-existent.
void setConfigDescriptionId (Tag configDescriptionId)
 Set configDescriptionId with the specified Tag.
Tag getExecBlockId () const
 ===> Attribute execBlockId
void setExecBlockId (Tag execBlockId)
 Set execBlockId with the specified Tag.
Tag getFieldId () const
 ===> Attribute fieldId
void setFieldId (Tag fieldId)
 Set fieldId with the specified Tag.
vector< TaggetStateId () const
 ===> Attribute stateId
void setStateId (vector< Tag > stateId)
 Set stateId with the specified vector<Tag> .
Links *void setStateId (int i, Tag stateId)
 Set stateId[i] with the specified Tag.
void addStateId (Tag id)
 Append a Tag to stateId.
void addStateId (const vector< Tag > &id)
 Append a vector of Tag to stateId.
const Tag getStateId (int i)
 Returns the Tag stored in stateId at position i.
StateRowgetStateUsingStateId (int i)
 Returns the StateRow linked to this row via the tag stored in stateId at position i.
vector< StateRow * > getStatesUsingStateId ()
 Returns the vector of StateRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in stateId.
FieldRowgetFieldUsingFieldId ()
 fieldId pointer to the row in the Field table having Field.fieldId == fieldId
ConfigDescriptionRowgetConfigDescriptionUsingConfigDescriptionId ()
 configDescriptionId pointer to the row in the ConfigDescription table having ConfigDescription.configDescriptionId == configDescriptionId
ExecBlockRowgetExecBlockUsingExecBlockId ()
 execBlockId pointer to the row in the ExecBlock table having ExecBlock.execBlockId == execBlockId
bool compareNoAutoInc (ArrayTime time, Tag configDescriptionId, Tag fieldId, int scanNumber, int subscanNumber, int integrationNumber, vector< vector< Length > > uvw, vector< vector< Interval > > exposure, vector< vector< ArrayTime > > timeCentroid, vector< vector< vector< float > > > floatData, vector< int > flagAnt, vector< vector< int > > flagPol, Interval interval, vector< Tag > stateId, Tag execBlockId)
 Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this TotalPowerRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.
bool compareRequiredValue (int scanNumber, int subscanNumber, int integrationNumber, vector< vector< Length > > uvw, vector< vector< Interval > > exposure, vector< vector< ArrayTime > > timeCentroid, vector< vector< vector< float > > > floatData, vector< int > flagAnt, vector< vector< int > > flagPol, Interval interval, vector< Tag > stateId, Tag execBlockId)
 Compare each mandatory value (i.e.
bool equalByRequiredValue (TotalPowerRow *x)
 Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.
asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL * toIDL () const
 Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.
void toIDL (asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL &x) const
 Define the content of a TotalPowerRowIDL struct from the values found in this row.
void setFromIDL (asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL x)
 Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct TotalPowerRowIDL.
std::string toXML () const
 Return this row in the form of an XML string.
void setFromXML (std::string rowDoc)
 Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.
virtual ~TotalPowerRow ()
TotalPowerTablegetTable () const
 Return the table to which this row belongs.
TotalPowerRowIDL * toIDL () const
 Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.
void setFromIDL (TotalPowerRowIDL x) throw (ConversionException)
 Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct TotalPowerRowIDL.
string toXML () const
 Return this row in the form of an XML string.
void setFromXML (string rowDoc) throw (ConversionException)
 Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.
void toBin (EndianOSStream &eoss)
 Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.
void setTime (ArrayTime &time) throw (IllegalAccessException)
 Set time with the specified ArrayTime.
int getScanNumber () const
 ===> Attribute scanNumber
void setScanNumber (int scanNumber)
 Set scanNumber with the specified int.
int getSubscanNumber () const
 ===> Attribute subscanNumber
void setSubscanNumber (int subscanNumber)
 Set subscanNumber with the specified int.
int getIntegrationNumber () const
 ===> Attribute integrationNumber
void setIntegrationNumber (int integrationNumber)
 Set integrationNumber with the specified int.
vector< vector< Length > > getUvw () const
 ===> Attribute uvw
void setUvw (vector< vector< Length > > &uvw)
 Set uvw with the specified vector<vector<Length > >.
vector< vector< Interval > > getExposure () const
 ===> Attribute exposure
void setExposure (vector< vector< Interval > > &exposure)
 Set exposure with the specified vector<vector<Interval > >.
vector< vector< ArrayTime > > getTimeCentroid () const
 ===> Attribute timeCentroid
void setTimeCentroid (vector< vector< ArrayTime > > &timeCentroid)
 Set timeCentroid with the specified vector<vector<ArrayTime > >.
vector< vector< vector< float > > > getFloatData () const
 ===> Attribute floatData
void setFloatData (vector< vector< vector< float > > > &floatData)
 Set floatData with the specified vector<vector<vector<float > > >.
vector< int > getFlagAnt () const
 ===> Attribute flagAnt
void setFlagAnt (vector< int > &flagAnt)
 Set flagAnt with the specified vector<int >.
vector< vector< int > > getFlagPol () const
 ===> Attribute flagPol
void setFlagPol (vector< vector< int > > &flagPol)
 Set flagPol with the specified vector<vector<int > >.
bool getFlagRow () const
 ===> Attribute flagRow
void setFlagRow (bool flagRow)
 Set flagRow with the specified bool.
Interval getInterval () const
 ===> Attribute interval
void setInterval (Interval &interval)
 Set interval with the specified Interval.
bool isSubintegrationNumberExists () const
 ===> Attribute subintegrationNumber, which is optional
int getSubintegrationNumber () const throw (IllegalAccessException)
 Get subintegrationNumber, which is optional.
void setSubintegrationNumber (int subintegrationNumber)
 Set subintegrationNumber with the specified int.
void clearSubintegrationNumber ()
 Mark subintegrationNumber, which is an optional field, as non-existent.
void setConfigDescriptionId (Tag &configDescriptionId) throw (IllegalAccessException)
 Set configDescriptionId with the specified Tag.
Tag getExecBlockId () const
 ===> Attribute execBlockId
void setExecBlockId (Tag &execBlockId)
 Set execBlockId with the specified Tag.
Tag getFieldId () const
 ===> Attribute fieldId
void setFieldId (Tag &fieldId) throw (IllegalAccessException)
 Set fieldId with the specified Tag.
vector< TaggetStateId () const
 ===> Attribute stateId
void setStateId (vector< Tag > &stateId)
 Set stateId with the specified vector<Tag> .
Links *void setStateId (int i, Tag stateId) throw (OutOfBoundsException)
 Set stateId[i] with the specified Tag.
void addStateId (Tag id)
 Append a Tag to stateId.
void addStateId (const vector< Tag > &id)
 Append a vector of Tag to stateId.
const Tag getStateId (int i)
 Returns the Tag stored in stateId at position i.
StateRowgetState (int i)
 Returns the StateRow linked to this row via the tag stored in stateId at position i.
vector< StateRow * > getStates ()
 Returns the vector of StateRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in stateId.
FieldRowgetFieldUsingFieldId ()
 fieldId pointer to the row in the Field table having Field.fieldId == fieldId
ConfigDescriptionRowgetConfigDescriptionUsingConfigDescriptionId ()
 configDescriptionId pointer to the row in the ConfigDescription table having ConfigDescription.configDescriptionId == configDescriptionId
ExecBlockRowgetExecBlock () const throw (NoSuchRow)
 ===> One to one link from a row of TotalPower table to a row of ExecBlock table.
bool compareNoAutoInc (Tag configDescriptionId, Tag fieldId, ArrayTime time, Tag execBlockId, vector< Tag > stateId, int scanNumber, int subscanNumber, int integrationNumber, vector< vector< Length > > uvw, vector< vector< Interval > > exposure, vector< vector< ArrayTime > > timeCentroid, vector< vector< vector< float > > > floatData, vector< int > flagAnt, vector< vector< int > > flagPol, bool flagRow, Interval interval)
 Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this TotalPowerRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.
bool compareRequiredValue (Tag execBlockId, vector< Tag > stateId, int scanNumber, int subscanNumber, int integrationNumber, vector< vector< Length > > uvw, vector< vector< Interval > > exposure, vector< vector< ArrayTime > > timeCentroid, vector< vector< vector< float > > > floatData, vector< int > flagAnt, vector< vector< int > > flagPol, bool flagRow, Interval interval)
bool equalByRequiredValue (TotalPowerRow *x)
 Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.
virtual ~TotalPowerRow ()
 friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<TotalPowerTable, TotalPowerRow>;
TotalPowerTablegetTable () const
 Return the table to which this row belongs.
bool isAdded () const
 Has this row been added to its table ?
void setTime (ArrayTime time)
 Set time with the specified ArrayTime.
int getScanNumber () const
 ===> Attribute scanNumber
void setScanNumber (int scanNumber)
 Set scanNumber with the specified int.
int getSubscanNumber () const
 ===> Attribute subscanNumber
void setSubscanNumber (int subscanNumber)
 Set subscanNumber with the specified int.
int getIntegrationNumber () const
 ===> Attribute integrationNumber
void setIntegrationNumber (int integrationNumber)
 Set integrationNumber with the specified int.
vector< vector< Length > > getUvw () const
 ===> Attribute uvw
void setUvw (vector< vector< Length > > uvw)
 Set uvw with the specified vector<vector<Length > >.
vector< vector< Interval > > getExposure () const
 ===> Attribute exposure
void setExposure (vector< vector< Interval > > exposure)
 Set exposure with the specified vector<vector<Interval > >.
vector< vector< ArrayTime > > getTimeCentroid () const
 ===> Attribute timeCentroid
void setTimeCentroid (vector< vector< ArrayTime > > timeCentroid)
 Set timeCentroid with the specified vector<vector<ArrayTime > >.
vector< vector< vector< float > > > getFloatData () const
 ===> Attribute floatData
void setFloatData (vector< vector< vector< float > > > floatData)
 Set floatData with the specified vector<vector<vector<float > > >.
vector< int > getFlagAnt () const
 ===> Attribute flagAnt
void setFlagAnt (vector< int > flagAnt)
 Set flagAnt with the specified vector<int >.
vector< vector< int > > getFlagPol () const
 ===> Attribute flagPol
void setFlagPol (vector< vector< int > > flagPol)
 Set flagPol with the specified vector<vector<int > >.
Interval getInterval () const
 ===> Attribute interval
void setInterval (Interval interval)
 Set interval with the specified Interval.
bool isSubintegrationNumberExists () const
 ===> Attribute subintegrationNumber, which is optional
int getSubintegrationNumber () const
 Get subintegrationNumber, which is optional.
void setSubintegrationNumber (int subintegrationNumber)
 Set subintegrationNumber with the specified int.
void clearSubintegrationNumber ()
 Mark subintegrationNumber, which is an optional field, as non-existent.
void setConfigDescriptionId (Tag configDescriptionId)
 Set configDescriptionId with the specified Tag.
Tag getExecBlockId () const
 ===> Attribute execBlockId
void setExecBlockId (Tag execBlockId)
 Set execBlockId with the specified Tag.
Tag getFieldId () const
 ===> Attribute fieldId
void setFieldId (Tag fieldId)
 Set fieldId with the specified Tag.
vector< TaggetStateId () const
 ===> Attribute stateId
void setStateId (vector< Tag > stateId)
 Set stateId with the specified vector<Tag> .
Links *void setStateId (int i, Tag stateId)
 Set stateId[i] with the specified Tag.
void addStateId (Tag id)
 Append a Tag to stateId.
void addStateId (const vector< Tag > &id)
 Append a vector of Tag to stateId.
const Tag getStateId (int i)
 Returns the Tag stored in stateId at position i.
StateRowgetStateUsingStateId (int i)
 Returns the StateRow linked to this row via the tag stored in stateId at position i.
vector< StateRow * > getStatesUsingStateId ()
 Returns the vector of StateRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in stateId.
FieldRowgetFieldUsingFieldId ()
 fieldId pointer to the row in the Field table having Field.fieldId == fieldId
ConfigDescriptionRowgetConfigDescriptionUsingConfigDescriptionId ()
 configDescriptionId pointer to the row in the ConfigDescription table having ConfigDescription.configDescriptionId == configDescriptionId
ExecBlockRowgetExecBlockUsingExecBlockId ()
 execBlockId pointer to the row in the ExecBlock table having ExecBlock.execBlockId == execBlockId
bool compareNoAutoInc (ArrayTime time, Tag configDescriptionId, Tag fieldId, int scanNumber, int subscanNumber, int integrationNumber, vector< vector< Length > > uvw, vector< vector< Interval > > exposure, vector< vector< ArrayTime > > timeCentroid, vector< vector< vector< float > > > floatData, vector< int > flagAnt, vector< vector< int > > flagPol, Interval interval, vector< Tag > stateId, Tag execBlockId)
 Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this TotalPowerRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.
bool compareRequiredValue (int scanNumber, int subscanNumber, int integrationNumber, vector< vector< Length > > uvw, vector< vector< Interval > > exposure, vector< vector< ArrayTime > > timeCentroid, vector< vector< vector< float > > > floatData, vector< int > flagAnt, vector< vector< int > > flagPol, Interval interval, vector< Tag > stateId, Tag execBlockId)
 Compare each mandatory value (i.e.
bool equalByRequiredValue (TotalPowerRow *x)
 Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.
asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL * toIDL () const
 Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.
void setFromIDL (asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL x)
 Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct TotalPowerRowIDL.
std::string toXML () const
 Return this row in the form of an XML string.
void setFromXML (std::string rowDoc)
 Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.

Static Public Member Functions

static TotalPowerRowfromBin (EndianIStream &eis, TotalPowerTable &table)
 Deserialize a stream of bytes read from an EndianIStream to build a TotalPowerRow.

Public Attributes

Intrinsic Table Attributes
Extrinsic Table Attributes

Private Member Functions

void isAdded (bool added)
 This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.
 TotalPowerRow (TotalPowerTable &table)
 Create a TotalPowerRow.
 TotalPowerRow (TotalPowerTable &table, TotalPowerRow &row)
 Create a TotalPowerRow using a copy constructor mechanism.
void timeFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void configDescriptionIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void fieldIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void scanNumberFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void subscanNumberFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void integrationNumberFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void uvwFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void exposureFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void timeCentroidFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void floatDataFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void flagAntFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void flagPolFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void intervalFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void stateIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void execBlockIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void subintegrationNumberFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void timeFromText (const string &s)
void configDescriptionIdFromText (const string &s)
void fieldIdFromText (const string &s)
void scanNumberFromText (const string &s)
void subscanNumberFromText (const string &s)
void integrationNumberFromText (const string &s)
void uvwFromText (const string &s)
void exposureFromText (const string &s)
void timeCentroidFromText (const string &s)
void floatDataFromText (const string &s)
void flagAntFromText (const string &s)
void flagPolFromText (const string &s)
void intervalFromText (const string &s)
void stateIdFromText (const string &s)
void execBlockIdFromText (const string &s)
void subintegrationNumberFromText (const string &s)
void toBin (EndianOSStream &eoss)
 Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.
void isAdded ()
 This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.
 TotalPowerRow (TotalPowerTable &table)
 Create a TotalPowerRow.
 TotalPowerRow (TotalPowerTable &table, TotalPowerRow &row)
 Create a TotalPowerRow using a copy constructor mechanism.
void isAdded (bool added)
 This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.
 TotalPowerRow (TotalPowerTable &table)
 Create a TotalPowerRow.
 TotalPowerRow (TotalPowerTable &table, TotalPowerRow &row)
 Create a TotalPowerRow using a copy constructor mechanism.
void timeFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void configDescriptionIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void fieldIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void scanNumberFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void subscanNumberFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void integrationNumberFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void uvwFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void exposureFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void timeCentroidFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void floatDataFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void flagAntFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void flagPolFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void intervalFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void stateIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void execBlockIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void subintegrationNumberFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void timeFromText (const string &s)
void configDescriptionIdFromText (const string &s)
void fieldIdFromText (const string &s)
void scanNumberFromText (const string &s)
void subscanNumberFromText (const string &s)
void integrationNumberFromText (const string &s)
void uvwFromText (const string &s)
void exposureFromText (const string &s)
void timeCentroidFromText (const string &s)
void floatDataFromText (const string &s)
void flagAntFromText (const string &s)
void flagPolFromText (const string &s)
void intervalFromText (const string &s)
void stateIdFromText (const string &s)
void execBlockIdFromText (const string &s)
void subintegrationNumberFromText (const string &s)
void fromText (const std::string &attributeName, const std::string &t)
void toBin (EndianOSStream &eoss)
 Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.

Private Attributes

 The table to which this row belongs.
bool hasBeenAdded
 Whether this row has been added to the table or not.
int scanNumber
 ===> Attribute scanNumber
int subscanNumber
 ===> Attribute subscanNumber
int integrationNumber
 ===> Attribute integrationNumber
vector< vector< Length > > uvw
 ===> Attribute uvw
vector< vector< Interval > > exposure
 ===> Attribute exposure
vector< vector< ArrayTime > > timeCentroid
 ===> Attribute timeCentroid
vector< vector< vector< float > > > floatData
 ===> Attribute floatData
vector< int > flagAnt
 ===> Attribute flagAnt
vector< vector< int > > flagPol
 ===> Attribute flagPol
Interval interval
 ===> Attribute interval
bool subintegrationNumberExists
 ===> Attribute subintegrationNumber, which is optional
int subintegrationNumber
Tag execBlockId
 ===> Attribute execBlockId
Tag fieldId
 ===> Attribute fieldId
vector< TagstateId
 ===> Attribute stateId
Links *binary deserialization
material from an EndianIStream
std::map< std::string,
*text deserialization material
std::map< std::string,
bool flagRow
 ===> Attribute flagRow


class asdm::TotalPowerTable
class asdm::RowTransformer< TotalPowerRow >

Detailed Description

The TotalPowerRow class is a row of a TotalPowerTable.

Generated from model's revision "1.64", branch "HEAD"

Generated from model's revision "1.61", branch "HEAD"

Definition at line 134 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual asdm::TotalPowerRow::~TotalPowerRow ( ) [virtual]

friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<TotalPowerTable, TotalPowerRow>;

Create a TotalPowerRow.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.

Create a TotalPowerRow using a copy constructor mechanism.

Given a TotalPowerRow row and a TotalPowerTable table, the method creates a new TotalPowerRow owned by table. Each attribute of the created row is a copy (deep) of the corresponding attribute of row. The method does not add the created row to its table, its simply parents it to table, a call to the add method has to be done in order to get the row added (very likely after having modified some of its attributes). If row is null then the method returns a row with default values for its attributes.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
rowThe row which is to be copied.
virtual asdm::TotalPowerRow::~TotalPowerRow ( ) [virtual]

Create a TotalPowerRow.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.

Create a TotalPowerRow using a copy constructor mechanism.

Given a TotalPowerRow row and a TotalPowerTable table, the method creates a new TotalPowerRow owned by table. Each attribute of the created row is a copy (deep) of the corresponding attribute of row. The method does not add the created row to its table, its simply parents it to table, a call to the add method has to be done in order to get the row added (very likely after having modified some of its attributes). If row is null then the method returns a row with default values for its attributes.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
rowThe row which is to be copied.
virtual asdm::TotalPowerRow::~TotalPowerRow ( ) [virtual]

friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<TotalPowerTable, TotalPowerRow>;

Create a TotalPowerRow.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.

Create a TotalPowerRow using a copy constructor mechanism.

Given a TotalPowerRow row and a TotalPowerTable table, the method creates a new TotalPowerRow owned by table. Each attribute of the created row is a copy (deep) of the corresponding attribute of row. The method does not add the created row to its table, its simply parents it to table, a call to the add method has to be done in order to get the row added (very likely after having modified some of its attributes). If row is null then the method returns a row with default values for its attributes.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
rowThe row which is to be copied.

Member Function Documentation

Append a Tag to stateId.

idthe Tag to be appended to stateId

Append a Tag to stateId.

idthe Tag to be appended to stateId

Append a Tag to stateId.

idthe Tag to be appended to stateId
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::addStateId ( const vector< Tag > &  id)

Append a vector of Tag to stateId.

idan array of Tag to be appended to stateId
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::addStateId ( const vector< Tag > &  id)

Append a vector of Tag to stateId.

idan array of Tag to be appended to stateId
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::addStateId ( const vector< Tag > &  id)

Append a vector of Tag to stateId.

idan array of Tag to be appended to stateId

Mark subintegrationNumber, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

Mark subintegrationNumber, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

Mark subintegrationNumber, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

bool asdm::TotalPowerRow::compareNoAutoInc ( Tag  configDescriptionId,
Tag  fieldId,
ArrayTime  time,
Tag  execBlockId,
vector< Tag stateId,
int  scanNumber,
int  subscanNumber,
int  integrationNumber,
vector< vector< Length > >  uvw,
vector< vector< Interval > >  exposure,
vector< vector< ArrayTime > >  timeCentroid,
vector< vector< vector< float > > >  floatData,
vector< int >  flagAnt,
vector< vector< int > >  flagPol,
bool  flagRow,
Interval  interval 

Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this TotalPowerRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

bool asdm::TotalPowerRow::compareNoAutoInc ( ArrayTime  time,
Tag  configDescriptionId,
Tag  fieldId,
int  scanNumber,
int  subscanNumber,
int  integrationNumber,
vector< vector< Length > >  uvw,
vector< vector< Interval > >  exposure,
vector< vector< ArrayTime > >  timeCentroid,
vector< vector< vector< float > > >  floatData,
vector< int >  flagAnt,
vector< vector< int > >  flagPol,
Interval  interval,
vector< Tag stateId,
Tag  execBlockId 

Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this TotalPowerRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

bool asdm::TotalPowerRow::compareNoAutoInc ( ArrayTime  time,
Tag  configDescriptionId,
Tag  fieldId,
int  scanNumber,
int  subscanNumber,
int  integrationNumber,
vector< vector< Length > >  uvw,
vector< vector< Interval > >  exposure,
vector< vector< ArrayTime > >  timeCentroid,
vector< vector< vector< float > > >  floatData,
vector< int >  flagAnt,
vector< vector< int > >  flagPol,
Interval  interval,
vector< Tag stateId,
Tag  execBlockId 

Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this TotalPowerRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

bool asdm::TotalPowerRow::compareRequiredValue ( Tag  execBlockId,
vector< Tag stateId,
int  scanNumber,
int  subscanNumber,
int  integrationNumber,
vector< vector< Length > >  uvw,
vector< vector< Interval > >  exposure,
vector< vector< ArrayTime > >  timeCentroid,
vector< vector< vector< float > > >  floatData,
vector< int >  flagAnt,
vector< vector< int > >  flagPol,
bool  flagRow,
Interval  interval 
bool asdm::TotalPowerRow::compareRequiredValue ( int  scanNumber,
int  subscanNumber,
int  integrationNumber,
vector< vector< Length > >  uvw,
vector< vector< Interval > >  exposure,
vector< vector< ArrayTime > >  timeCentroid,
vector< vector< vector< float > > >  floatData,
vector< int >  flagAnt,
vector< vector< int > >  flagPol,
Interval  interval,
vector< Tag stateId,
Tag  execBlockId 

Compare each mandatory value (i.e.

not in the key) attribute with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

bool asdm::TotalPowerRow::compareRequiredValue ( int  scanNumber,
int  subscanNumber,
int  integrationNumber,
vector< vector< Length > >  uvw,
vector< vector< Interval > >  exposure,
vector< vector< ArrayTime > >  timeCentroid,
vector< vector< vector< float > > >  floatData,
vector< int >  flagAnt,
vector< vector< int > >  flagPol,
Interval  interval,
vector< Tag stateId,
Tag  execBlockId 

Compare each mandatory value (i.e.

not in the key) attribute with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

void asdm::TotalPowerRow::configDescriptionIdFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::configDescriptionIdFromText ( const string &  s) [private]

Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.

xa pointer on the TotalPowerRow whose required attributes of the value part will be compared with those of this.
a boolean.

Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.

xa pointer on the TotalPowerRow whose required attributes of the value part will be compared with those of this.
a boolean.

Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.

xa pointer on the TotalPowerRow whose required attributes of the value part will be compared with those of this.
a boolean.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::execBlockIdFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::execBlockIdFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::exposureFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::exposureFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::fieldIdFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::fieldIdFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::flagAntFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::flagAntFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::flagPolFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::flagPolFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::floatDataFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::floatDataFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
static TotalPowerRow* asdm::TotalPowerRow::fromBin ( EndianIStream eis,
TotalPowerTable table 
) [static]

Deserialize a stream of bytes read from an EndianIStream to build a TotalPowerRow.

eisthe EndianIStream to be read. the TotalPowerTable to which the row built by deserialization will be parented.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::fromText ( const std::string &  attributeName,
const std::string &  t 
) [private]

configDescriptionId pointer to the row in the ConfigDescription table having ConfigDescription.configDescriptionId == configDescriptionId

a ConfigDescriptionRow*

configDescriptionId pointer to the row in the ConfigDescription table having ConfigDescription.configDescriptionId == configDescriptionId

a ConfigDescriptionRow*

configDescriptionId pointer to the row in the ConfigDescription table having ConfigDescription.configDescriptionId == configDescriptionId

a ConfigDescriptionRow*

===> One to one link from a row of TotalPower table to a row of ExecBlock table.

Get the row in table ExecBlock by traversing the defined link to that table.

A row in ExecBlock table.
NoSuchRowif there is no such row in table ExecBlock.

===> Attribute execBlockId


Get execBlockId.

execBlockId as Tag

===> Attribute execBlockId


Get execBlockId.

execBlockId as Tag

===> Attribute execBlockId


Get execBlockId.

execBlockId as Tag

execBlockId pointer to the row in the ExecBlock table having ExecBlock.execBlockId == execBlockId

a ExecBlockRow*

execBlockId pointer to the row in the ExecBlock table having ExecBlock.execBlockId == execBlockId

a ExecBlockRow*
vector<vector<Interval > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getExposure ( ) const

===> Attribute exposure


Get exposure.

exposure as vector<vector<Interval > >
vector<vector<Interval > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getExposure ( ) const

===> Attribute exposure


Get exposure.

exposure as vector<vector<Interval > >
vector<vector<Interval > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getExposure ( ) const

===> Attribute exposure


Get exposure.

exposure as vector<vector<Interval > >

===> Attribute fieldId


Get fieldId.

fieldId as Tag

===> Attribute fieldId


Get fieldId.

fieldId as Tag

===> Attribute fieldId


Get fieldId.

fieldId as Tag

fieldId pointer to the row in the Field table having Field.fieldId == fieldId

a FieldRow*

fieldId pointer to the row in the Field table having Field.fieldId == fieldId

a FieldRow*

fieldId pointer to the row in the Field table having Field.fieldId == fieldId

a FieldRow*
vector<int > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getFlagAnt ( ) const

===> Attribute flagAnt


Get flagAnt.

flagAnt as vector<int >
vector<int > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getFlagAnt ( ) const

===> Attribute flagAnt


Get flagAnt.

flagAnt as vector<int >
vector<int > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getFlagAnt ( ) const

===> Attribute flagAnt


Get flagAnt.

flagAnt as vector<int >
vector<vector<int > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getFlagPol ( ) const

===> Attribute flagPol


Get flagPol.

flagPol as vector<vector<int > >
vector<vector<int > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getFlagPol ( ) const

===> Attribute flagPol


Get flagPol.

flagPol as vector<vector<int > >
vector<vector<int > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getFlagPol ( ) const

===> Attribute flagPol


Get flagPol.

flagPol as vector<vector<int > >

===> Attribute flagRow


Get flagRow.

flagRow as bool
vector<vector<vector<float > > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getFloatData ( ) const

===> Attribute floatData


Get floatData.

floatData as vector<vector<vector<float > > >
vector<vector<vector<float > > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getFloatData ( ) const

===> Attribute floatData


Get floatData.

floatData as vector<vector<vector<float > > >
vector<vector<vector<float > > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getFloatData ( ) const

===> Attribute floatData


Get floatData.

floatData as vector<vector<vector<float > > >

===> Attribute integrationNumber


Get integrationNumber.

integrationNumber as int

===> Attribute integrationNumber


Get integrationNumber.

integrationNumber as int

===> Attribute integrationNumber


Get integrationNumber.

integrationNumber as int

===> Attribute interval


Get interval.

interval as Interval

===> Attribute interval


Get interval.

interval as Interval

===> Attribute interval


Get interval.

interval as Interval

===> Attribute scanNumber


Get scanNumber.

scanNumber as int

===> Attribute scanNumber


Get scanNumber.

scanNumber as int

===> Attribute scanNumber


Get scanNumber.

scanNumber as int

Returns the StateRow linked to this row via the tag stored in stateId at position i.

ithe position in stateId.
a pointer on a StateRow whose key (a Tag) is equal to the Tag stored at position i in the stateId.

===> Attribute stateId


Get stateId.

stateId as vector<Tag>

===> Attribute stateId


Get stateId.

stateId as vector<Tag>

===> Attribute stateId


Get stateId.

stateId as vector<Tag>

Returns the Tag stored in stateId at position i.

ithe position in stateId where the Tag is retrieved.
the Tag stored at position i in stateId.

Returns the Tag stored in stateId at position i.

ithe position in stateId where the Tag is retrieved.
the Tag stored at position i in stateId.

Returns the Tag stored in stateId at position i.

ithe position in stateId where the Tag is retrieved.
the Tag stored at position i in stateId.

Returns the vector of StateRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in stateId.

an array of pointers on StateRow.

Returns the vector of StateRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in stateId.

an array of pointers on StateRow.

Returns the vector of StateRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in stateId.

an array of pointers on StateRow.

Returns the StateRow linked to this row via the tag stored in stateId at position i.

ithe position in stateId.
a pointer on a StateRow whose key (a Tag) is equal to the Tag stored at position i in the stateId.

Returns the StateRow linked to this row via the tag stored in stateId at position i.

ithe position in stateId.
a pointer on a StateRow whose key (a Tag) is equal to the Tag stored at position i in the stateId.

Get subintegrationNumber, which is optional.

subintegrationNumber as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf subintegrationNumber does not exist.

Get subintegrationNumber, which is optional.

subintegrationNumber as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf subintegrationNumber does not exist.

Get subintegrationNumber, which is optional.

subintegrationNumber as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf subintegrationNumber does not exist.

===> Attribute subscanNumber


Get subscanNumber.

subscanNumber as int

===> Attribute subscanNumber


Get subscanNumber.

subscanNumber as int

===> Attribute subscanNumber


Get subscanNumber.

subscanNumber as int

Return the table to which this row belongs.

Return the table to which this row belongs.

Return the table to which this row belongs.

vector<vector<ArrayTime > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getTimeCentroid ( ) const

===> Attribute timeCentroid


Get timeCentroid.

timeCentroid as vector<vector<ArrayTime > >
vector<vector<ArrayTime > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getTimeCentroid ( ) const

===> Attribute timeCentroid


Get timeCentroid.

timeCentroid as vector<vector<ArrayTime > >
vector<vector<ArrayTime > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getTimeCentroid ( ) const

===> Attribute timeCentroid


Get timeCentroid.

timeCentroid as vector<vector<ArrayTime > >
vector<vector<Length > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getUvw ( ) const

===> Attribute uvw


Get uvw.

uvw as vector<vector<Length > >
vector<vector<Length > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getUvw ( ) const

===> Attribute uvw


Get uvw.

uvw as vector<vector<Length > >
vector<vector<Length > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::getUvw ( ) const

===> Attribute uvw


Get uvw.

uvw as vector<vector<Length > >
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::integrationNumberFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::integrationNumberFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::intervalFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::intervalFromText ( const string &  s) [private]

Has this row been added to its table ?

true if and only if it has been added.

Has this row been added to its table ?

true if and only if it has been added.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::isAdded ( ) [private]

This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.

void asdm::TotalPowerRow::isAdded ( bool  added) [private]

This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.

void asdm::TotalPowerRow::isAdded ( bool  added) [private]

This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.

===> Attribute subintegrationNumber, which is optional


The attribute subintegrationNumber is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the subintegrationNumber attribute exists.

===> Attribute subintegrationNumber, which is optional


The attribute subintegrationNumber is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the subintegrationNumber attribute exists.

===> Attribute subintegrationNumber, which is optional


The attribute subintegrationNumber is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the subintegrationNumber attribute exists.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::scanNumberFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::scanNumberFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setConfigDescriptionId ( Tag  configDescriptionId)

Set configDescriptionId with the specified Tag.

configDescriptionIdThe Tag value to which configDescriptionId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setConfigDescriptionId ( Tag  configDescriptionId)

Set configDescriptionId with the specified Tag.

configDescriptionIdThe Tag value to which configDescriptionId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.

Set configDescriptionId with the specified Tag.

configDescriptionIdThe Tag value to which configDescriptionId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.

Set execBlockId with the specified Tag.

execBlockIdThe Tag value to which execBlockId is to be set.

Set execBlockId with the specified Tag.

execBlockIdThe Tag value to which execBlockId is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setExecBlockId ( Tag execBlockId)

Set execBlockId with the specified Tag.

execBlockIdThe Tag value to which execBlockId is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setExposure ( vector< vector< Interval > > &  exposure)

Set exposure with the specified vector<vector<Interval > >.

exposureThe vector<vector<Interval > > value to which exposure is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setExposure ( vector< vector< Interval > >  exposure)

Set exposure with the specified vector<vector<Interval > >.

exposureThe vector<vector<Interval > > value to which exposure is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setExposure ( vector< vector< Interval > >  exposure)

Set exposure with the specified vector<vector<Interval > >.

exposureThe vector<vector<Interval > > value to which exposure is to be set.

Set fieldId with the specified Tag.

fieldIdThe Tag value to which fieldId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.

Set fieldId with the specified Tag.

fieldIdThe Tag value to which fieldId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.

Set fieldId with the specified Tag.

fieldIdThe Tag value to which fieldId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFlagAnt ( vector< int > &  flagAnt)

Set flagAnt with the specified vector<int >.

flagAntThe vector<int > value to which flagAnt is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFlagAnt ( vector< int >  flagAnt)

Set flagAnt with the specified vector<int >.

flagAntThe vector<int > value to which flagAnt is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFlagAnt ( vector< int >  flagAnt)

Set flagAnt with the specified vector<int >.

flagAntThe vector<int > value to which flagAnt is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFlagPol ( vector< vector< int > > &  flagPol)

Set flagPol with the specified vector<vector<int > >.

flagPolThe vector<vector<int > > value to which flagPol is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFlagPol ( vector< vector< int > >  flagPol)

Set flagPol with the specified vector<vector<int > >.

flagPolThe vector<vector<int > > value to which flagPol is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFlagPol ( vector< vector< int > >  flagPol)

Set flagPol with the specified vector<vector<int > >.

flagPolThe vector<vector<int > > value to which flagPol is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFlagRow ( bool  flagRow)

Set flagRow with the specified bool.

flagRowThe bool value to which flagRow is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFloatData ( vector< vector< vector< float > > > &  floatData)

Set floatData with the specified vector<vector<vector<float > > >.

floatDataThe vector<vector<vector<float > > > value to which floatData is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFloatData ( vector< vector< vector< float > > >  floatData)

Set floatData with the specified vector<vector<vector<float > > >.

floatDataThe vector<vector<vector<float > > > value to which floatData is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFloatData ( vector< vector< vector< float > > >  floatData)

Set floatData with the specified vector<vector<vector<float > > >.

floatDataThe vector<vector<vector<float > > > value to which floatData is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFromIDL ( TotalPowerRowIDL  x) throw (ConversionException)

Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct TotalPowerRowIDL.

xThe IDL struct containing the values used to fill this row.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFromIDL ( asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL  x)

Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct TotalPowerRowIDL.

xThe IDL struct containing the values used to fill this row.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFromIDL ( asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL  x)

Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct TotalPowerRowIDL.

xThe IDL struct containing the values used to fill this row.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFromXML ( string  rowDoc) throw (ConversionException)

Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.

xThe XML string being used to set the values of this row.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFromXML ( std::string  rowDoc)

Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.

rowDocthe XML string being used to set the values of this row.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setFromXML ( std::string  rowDoc)

Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.

rowDocthe XML string being used to set the values of this row.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setIntegrationNumber ( int  integrationNumber)

Set integrationNumber with the specified int.

integrationNumberThe int value to which integrationNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setIntegrationNumber ( int  integrationNumber)

Set integrationNumber with the specified int.

integrationNumberThe int value to which integrationNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setIntegrationNumber ( int  integrationNumber)

Set integrationNumber with the specified int.

integrationNumberThe int value to which integrationNumber is to be set.

Set interval with the specified Interval.

intervalThe Interval value to which interval is to be set.

Set interval with the specified Interval.

intervalThe Interval value to which interval is to be set.

Set interval with the specified Interval.

intervalThe Interval value to which interval is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setScanNumber ( int  scanNumber)

Set scanNumber with the specified int.

scanNumberThe int value to which scanNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setScanNumber ( int  scanNumber)

Set scanNumber with the specified int.

scanNumberThe int value to which scanNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setScanNumber ( int  scanNumber)

Set scanNumber with the specified int.

scanNumberThe int value to which scanNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setStateId ( vector< Tag stateId)

Set stateId with the specified vector<Tag> .

stateIdThe vector<Tag> value to which stateId is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setStateId ( vector< Tag stateId)

Set stateId with the specified vector<Tag> .

stateIdThe vector<Tag> value to which stateId is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setStateId ( vector< Tag > &  stateId)

Set stateId with the specified vector<Tag> .

stateIdThe vector<Tag> value to which stateId is to be set.
Links* void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setStateId ( int  i,
Tag  stateId 

Set stateId[i] with the specified Tag.

iThe index in stateId where to set the Tag value.
stateIdThe Tag value to which stateId[i] is to be set.
Links* void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setStateId ( int  i,
Tag  stateId 

Set stateId[i] with the specified Tag.

iThe index in stateId where to set the Tag value.
stateIdThe Tag value to which stateId[i] is to be set.
Links* void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setStateId ( int  i,
Tag  stateId 
) throw (OutOfBoundsException)

Set stateId[i] with the specified Tag.

iThe index in stateId where to set the Tag value.
stateIdThe Tag value to which stateId[i] is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setSubintegrationNumber ( int  subintegrationNumber)

Set subintegrationNumber with the specified int.

subintegrationNumberThe int value to which subintegrationNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setSubintegrationNumber ( int  subintegrationNumber)

Set subintegrationNumber with the specified int.

subintegrationNumberThe int value to which subintegrationNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setSubintegrationNumber ( int  subintegrationNumber)

Set subintegrationNumber with the specified int.

subintegrationNumberThe int value to which subintegrationNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setSubscanNumber ( int  subscanNumber)

Set subscanNumber with the specified int.

subscanNumberThe int value to which subscanNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setSubscanNumber ( int  subscanNumber)

Set subscanNumber with the specified int.

subscanNumberThe int value to which subscanNumber is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setSubscanNumber ( int  subscanNumber)

Set subscanNumber with the specified int.

subscanNumberThe int value to which subscanNumber is to be set.

Set time with the specified ArrayTime.

timeThe ArrayTime value to which time is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.

Set time with the specified ArrayTime.

timeThe ArrayTime value to which time is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.

Set time with the specified ArrayTime.

timeThe ArrayTime value to which time is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setTimeCentroid ( vector< vector< ArrayTime > > &  timeCentroid)

Set timeCentroid with the specified vector<vector<ArrayTime > >.

timeCentroidThe vector<vector<ArrayTime > > value to which timeCentroid is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setTimeCentroid ( vector< vector< ArrayTime > >  timeCentroid)

Set timeCentroid with the specified vector<vector<ArrayTime > >.

timeCentroidThe vector<vector<ArrayTime > > value to which timeCentroid is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setTimeCentroid ( vector< vector< ArrayTime > >  timeCentroid)

Set timeCentroid with the specified vector<vector<ArrayTime > >.

timeCentroidThe vector<vector<ArrayTime > > value to which timeCentroid is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setUvw ( vector< vector< Length > >  uvw)

Set uvw with the specified vector<vector<Length > >.

uvwThe vector<vector<Length > > value to which uvw is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setUvw ( vector< vector< Length > >  uvw)

Set uvw with the specified vector<vector<Length > >.

uvwThe vector<vector<Length > > value to which uvw is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::setUvw ( vector< vector< Length > > &  uvw)

Set uvw with the specified vector<vector<Length > >.

uvwThe vector<vector<Length > > value to which uvw is to be set.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::stateIdFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::stateIdFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::subintegrationNumberFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::subintegrationNumberFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::subscanNumberFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::subscanNumberFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::timeCentroidFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::timeCentroidFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::timeFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::timeFromText ( const string &  s) [private]

Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.

eossthe EndianOSStream to be written to
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::toBin ( EndianOSStream eoss) [private]

Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.

eossthe EndianOSStream to be written to
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::toBin ( EndianOSStream eoss) [private]

Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.

eossthe EndianOSStream to be written to
TotalPowerRowIDL* asdm::TotalPowerRow::toIDL ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.

The values of this row as a TotalPowerRowIDL struct.
asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL* asdm::TotalPowerRow::toIDL ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.

The values of this row as a TotalPowerRowIDL struct.
asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL* asdm::TotalPowerRow::toIDL ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.

The values of this row as a TotalPowerRowIDL struct.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::toIDL ( asdmIDL::TotalPowerRowIDL &  x) const

Define the content of a TotalPowerRowIDL struct from the values found in this row.

xa reference to the TotalPowerRowIDL struct to be set.
string asdm::TotalPowerRow::toXML ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an XML string.

The values of this row as an XML string.
std::string asdm::TotalPowerRow::toXML ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an XML string.

The values of this row as an XML string.
std::string asdm::TotalPowerRow::toXML ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an XML string.

The values of this row as an XML string.
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::uvwFromText ( const string &  s) [private]
void asdm::TotalPowerRow::uvwFromText ( const string &  s) [private]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class asdm::RowTransformer< TotalPowerRow > [friend]

Definition at line 136 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

Definition at line 135 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 159 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

Definition at line 536 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

===> Attribute execBlockId


Definition at line 1130 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

vector< vector< Interval > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::exposure [private]

===> Attribute exposure


Definition at line 1036 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

===> Attribute fieldId


Definition at line 1141 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

vector< int > asdm::TotalPowerRow::flagAnt [private]

===> Attribute flagAnt


Definition at line 1069 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

vector< vector< int > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::flagPol [private]

===> Attribute flagPol


Definition at line 1080 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

===> Attribute flagRow


Definition at line 937 of file TotalPowerRow.ByRef.h.

vector< vector< vector< float > > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::floatData [private]

===> Attribute floatData


Definition at line 1058 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

Links *binary deserialization material from an EndianIStream std::map< std::string, TotalPowerAttributeFromBin > asdm::TotalPowerRow::fromBinMethods [private]

Definition at line 1194 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

*text deserialization material std::map< std::string, TotalPowerAttributeFromText > asdm::TotalPowerRow::fromTextMethods [private]

Definition at line 1218 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

Whether this row has been added to the table or not.

Definition at line 937 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

===> Attribute integrationNumber


Definition at line 1014 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

===> Attribute interval


Definition at line 1091 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

===> Attribute scanNumber


Definition at line 992 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

vector< Tag > asdm::TotalPowerRow::stateId [private]

===> Attribute stateId


Definition at line 1152 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

Definition at line 1104 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

===> Attribute subintegrationNumber, which is optional


Definition at line 1101 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

===> Attribute subscanNumber


Definition at line 1003 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

The table to which this row belongs.

Definition at line 933 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

vector< vector< ArrayTime > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::timeCentroid [private]

===> Attribute timeCentroid


Definition at line 1047 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

vector< vector< Length > > asdm::TotalPowerRow::uvw [private]

===> Attribute uvw


Definition at line 1025 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

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