Box regions in image above given threshold value.
This tool finds all 2-dimensional (RA/dec) regions in the given
image which are contiguous sets of pixels (islands) above the given ]
threshold. It creates a box for each island, a rectangular "cutout".
The boxes are stored as regions in the output regionfile. Works on
multi-plane images, but only boxes 2-D regions in each plane.
(Doesn't create cubes/3D boxes.)
imagename -- Name of input images:
default: none; example: imagename='myimage.image'
regionfile -- Name of output region file (adds extension .rgn).
default: none; if not given uses imagename+'.rgn'
threshold -- value (with units) to use for island threshold.
default: 0.0.
maskname -- Optional output mask name.
default: '' (do not write mask image)
chanrange -- Range of channel ids
default: '' (find boxes for all channels)
example: '5~7' (find boxes for channel 5,6,7
polrange -- Range of polarization ids
default: '' (find boxes for all polarizations)
example: '0~1' (find boxes for polarization 0,1
minsize -- minimum size of island to get a box (in number of pixels)
default: 2
diag -- count diagonal connections as same island or not
default: False
boxstretch -- number of pixels to increase outward size of each box; can
range from -1 to 5.
default: 1
overwrite -- Overwrite existing region file and/or mask?
default: False. If False, gives warning if file exists.