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fixplanets Namespace Reference


def fixplanets

Function Documentation

def fixplanets.fixplanets (   vis = '',
  field = "",
  fixuvw = False,
  direction = '',
  refant = 0,
  reftime = 'first' 
Changes FIELD and SOURCE table entries based on user given direction or POINTING table, optionally fixes the UVW coordinates
    This task's main purpose is to correct observations which were performed
    with correct pointing and correlation but for which incorrect direction
    information was entered in the FIELD and SOURCE table of the MS.
    If you actually want to change the phase center of the visibilties in an MS,
    you should use task fixvis.

    Input Parameters
    vis        -- Name of the input visibility set
    field      -- field selection string
    fixuvw     -- recalc uvw coordinates? (default: False)

    direction  -- if set, don't use pointing table but set direction to this value
          default= '' (use pointing table)
          example: 'J2000 19h30m00 -40d00m00'

    refant     -- if using pointing table information, use it from this antenna
          default: 0 (antenna id 0)
          examples: 'DV06' (antenna with name DV06)
                    3 (antenna id 3)
    reftime    -- if using pointing table information, use it from this timestamp
          default: 'first'
          examples: 'median' will use the median timestamp for the given field
                    using only the unflagged maintable rows 
                    '2012/07/11/08:41:32' will use the given timestamp (must be
                    within the observaton time)


    fixplanets('', 'Titan', True)
  will look up the pointing direction from antenna 0 for field 'Titan' in 
  the POINTING table based on the first timestamp in the main table rows for 
  this field, enter this direction in the FIELD and SOURCE tables, and then 
  recalculate the UVW coordinates for this field.

    fixplanets('', 'Titan', False, 'J2000 12h30m15 -02d12m00')
  will set the directions for field 'Titan' in the FIELD and SOURCE table to the
  given direction and not recalculate the UVW coordinates.
  (This can be useful for several purposes, among them preparing a concatenation
  of datasets. Only fields with the same direction will be recognised as identical.
  fixplanets can then be run again after the concatenation using parameters as in
  the first example above.)

Definition at line 13 of file