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fixvis Namespace Reference


def fixvis

Function Documentation

def fixvis.fixvis (   vis = '',
  outputvis = '',
  field = "",
  refcode = '',
  reuse = True,
  phasecenter = '',
  datacolumn = 'all' 
Recalculates (u, v, w) and/or changes Phase Center 

If the phase center is changed, the corresponding modifications are applied to the 
visibility columns given by the parameter "datacolumn" which is by default set 
to "all" (DATA, CORRECTED, and MODEL).

    Input Parameters
    vis        -- Name of the input visibility set
    outputvis  -- Name of the output visibility set, default: same as vis

    field      -- field selection string

    refcode    -- Reference frame to convert to, default: the refcode of PHASE_DIR in the 
          FIELD table
          example: 'B1950'
    reuse      -- base recalculation on existing UVW coordinates? default=True
          ignored if parameter 'phasecenter' is set

    phasecenter  --  if set to a valid direction: change the phase center for the given 
             field to this value
       example: 'J2000 9h25m00s -05d12m00s'
       If given without the equinox, e.g. '0h01m00s +00d12m00s', the parameter
       is interpreted as a pair of offsets in RA and DEC to the present 
       phasecenter. The RA offset can be given in units of time or angle. If given 
       as a time, it is applied as is. If given as an angle, it is corrected for 
       the cos(DEC) before it is applied.

    datacolumn -- when applying a phase center shift, modify visibilities only in 
          this/these column(s)
          default: 'all' (DATA, CORRECTED, and MODEL)
          example: 'DATA,CORRECTED' (will not modify MODEL)

  will recalculate the UVW coordinates for all fields based on the existing
  phase center information in the FIELD table.

    fixvis('','','Moon', '', 'J2000 9h25m00s 05d12m00s')
  will set the phase center for field 'Moon' to the given direction and recalculate
  the UVW coordinates.

Definition at line 13 of file