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imhead Namespace Reference


def imhead

Function Documentation

def imhead.imhead (   imagename = '',
  mode = 'summary',
  hdkey = '',
  hdvalue = '',
  hdtype = '',
  hdcomment = '',
  verbose = False 
List, get and put image header parameters

This task allows the user to manipulate some meta-data parameters in an
image.  The mode='list' shows those keywords that are
presently implemented, with their values.  The contents associated
with the keywords can be obtained (get) and changed (put).

Additional image parameter listings are available.

[For visibility files, the taskname='vishead' should be used.]

The modes that are available are:

   list    --- Lists the image header keywords and values.
               Use this if 'get' and 'put' are executed.
   get     --- Get the specified keyword value(s) from the image
   put     --- Put the specified keyword value(s) into the image 

   history --- Display the history information in hte CASA logger.
   summary --- Information summarizing the CASA image file.
   fits    --- Lists the header information in a FITS style (not available)
   add     --- Adds a new header key.  Use with caution
   del     --- Delete a header key, hdkey.  Use with caution

Parameters currently implemented are listed using mode = 'list'

   beammaj         Major axis of the clean beam
   beammin         Minor axis of the clean beam
   beampa          Position angle of the clean beam
   NOTE: If the image contains multiple beams, use mode="summary" to get
   a listing.
   bunit           Brightness unit (K, Jy/beam, etc)
   cdeltn          Pixel size, nth axis  (max n is 4)
   crpixn          Pixel coordinate of reference point, nth axis
   crvaln          Pixel location of reference point, nth axis
   ctypen          Axis name, nth axis
   cunitn          Pixel units, nth axis
   datamax         Maximum pixel value in image
   datamin         Minimum pixel value in image
   date-obs        Date of the observation
   equinox         Reference frame for directional coordinates
   imtype          Image type: intensity, 
   object          Source name
   observer        Observer name
   projection      Image projection ('SIN','TAN', or 'ZEA')
   reffreqtype     Reference frame for the spectral coordinates
   restfreq        Rest Frequency
   shape           Number of pixels along each axis
   telescope       Telescope name

Keyword arguments:

imagename --- Name of input image
                default: none; example: imagename='ngc5921_task.image'
mode      --- Mode: options: 
                default: none; 'list', 'summary', 'fits', 'history',
                'get', 'put', 'add', and 'del'

                NOTE:  'add' and 'del' should be used with caution

hdkey     --- keyword to use with get, put, add, or del
                default: none;  example: hdkey='telescope'
hdvalue   --- keyword value that is 'got', or to be 'put' or
              to be 'added'
                default: ''; example: hdvalue='VLA'
hdcomment --- comment to be stored with the keyword for mode='put' or mode='add'
          hdkey='restfrequency';hdvalue='1.421GHz, 115.272GHz'
          hdkey='crval1';hdvalue=qa.quantity( '763180', 'arsec')

hdtype    --- Used only with 'add' mode.  It is the data type that
                   is used to store the hdkey.  It can not be used to
                   change the data type of an exiting keyword.
              options: bool, int, string, doubple, complex
              default: none; example hdtype='double'

Note that hdvalue will contain numbers, strings as well as units.

If mode="summary", verbose=True and the image contains multiple beams, the output,
will contain information on every beam in the dataset. If mode="summary",
verbose=False and the image has multiple beams, only a brief summary of
beams for each polarization is listed. In this
case, the beams with the maximum area, the minimum area, and the median area for
each polarization are listed. If mode is not "summary" and/or the image does not
have multiple beams, verbose is not used.


1)  get the clean beam from one image and put it in a second image

   Get the clean beam from image1 into hdvalue
        imagename = ''; mode = 'get'; hdkey = 'beam'
        hdvalue = imhead()
        print hdvalue   #  to see values

   To then put the clean beam into image2
        imagename = '', mode = 'put'; imhead()

2)  Most output values are dictionaries:

       mode = 'get'; hdkey = 'maxpos'; aa = imhead()

    would give for the command print aa
        {'value': '03:19:48.160, +, I, 4.88163e+09Hz', 'unit': ''}
    print aa['value'] gives 
        03:19:48.160, +, I, 4.88163e+09Hz
    print aa['value'[1][0:12] gives 03:19:48.160

       mode = 'get'; hdkey = 'crpix1'; aa = imhead()

    would give for the command print aa
        {'value': '128.0', 'unit': ''}
    print aa['value'] gives 
        128.0    (a string)

3)  The use of put is a bit more straight-forward

       mode = 'put'; hdkey = 'crpix1'; hdvalue = '200'; imhead()
       mode = 'get'; hdkey = 'crpix1'; aa = imhead()  would give
           {'value': '200.0', 'unit': ''}

Definition at line 13 of file