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imview Namespace Reference


def imview

Function Documentation

def imview.imview (   raster = [],
  contour = [],
  zoom = 1,
  axes = [],
  out = '' 
View an image
The imview task provides access to a subset of all of the configuration
options for loading and configuring the display of images in the casaviewer.
This interface will evolve and eventually provide access to nearly all of 
the image options available in the casaviewer.

To simply create a casaviewer to set up interactively, you can use:


To open a particular image:

    imview "ngc5921.clean.image"

to open an image and overlay a contour:

    imview "ngc5921.clean.image", "ngc5921.clean.image"

or equivalently:

    imview( raster="ngc5921.clean.image", contour="ngc5921.clean.image" )

to output an image:

    imview( raster="ngc5921.clean.image", out="ngc5921-01.png" )    

There are five optional parameters for imview -- raster, contour, zoom,
axes, and out. Each of these parameters can take a few different forms and 
are treated as python dictionaries:

raster  -- (string) image file to open
           (dict)   file (string)     => image file to open
                    scaling (float)   => scaling power cycles
                    range (float*2)   => data range
                    colormap (string) => name of colormap
                    colorwedge (bool) => show color wedge?
contour -- (string) file to load as a contour
           (dict)   file (string)     => file to load
                    levels (float*N)  => relative levels
                    base (numeric)    => zero in relative levels
                    unit (numeric)    => one in the relative levels
zoom    -- (int)    integral zoom level
           (string) region file to load as the zoom region
           (dict)   blc (numeric*2)   => bottom left corner
                    trc (numeric*2)   => top right corner
                    coord (string)    => pixel or world
                    channel (int)     => chanel to display
           (dict)   <region record>   => record loaded
                                         e.g. rg.fromfiletorecord( )
axes    -- (string*3) demension to display on the x, y, and z axes
           (dict)     x               => dimension for x-axes
                      y               => dimension for y-axes
                      z               => dimension for z-axes
out     -- (string) file with a supported extension
                    [jpg, pdf, eps, ps, png, xbm, xpm, ppm]
            (dict)    file (string)   => filename
                      format (string) => valid ext (filename ext overrides)
                      scale (numeric) => scale for non-eps, non-ps output
                      dpi (numeric)   => dpi for eps or ps output
                      orient (string) => portrait or landscape


1)  A subset (zoom) of a raster image. Note the notation of curly brackets:

    imview(raster="ngc5921.clean.image", out="ngc5921-02.png",
           zoom={'channel': 10, 'blc': [113,109], 'trc': [141,136]} )

2) An overlay of a raster image, ngc5921.clean.image, with a
contour map of the same image ngc5921.clean.image. Data ranges
are selected, as well as the colormap and the scaling cycles
of the raster image. Contours are autogenerated and The x-axis
will be Declination. The image is written out to a file named 
myout.png in the png format.

imview(raster={'file': 'ngc5921.clean.image',
               'range': [-0.01,0.03],
               'colormap': 'Hot Metal 2',
               'scaling': -1},
       contour={'file': 'ngc5921.clean.image'},
       axes={'x':'Declination'} ,
       zoom={'channel': 7, 'blc': [75,75], 'trc': [175,175],
             'coord': 'pixel'},

3) As example (2) but with an integral zoom level and no output to a file

imview(raster={'file': 'ngc5921.clean.image', 
               'range': [-0.01,0.03], 
               'colormap': 'Hot Metal 2'}, 
       contour={'file': 'ngc5921.clean.image'}, 
       axes={'x':'Declination'} , 

4) Now, the contour levels are explicitely given, a region file is used
to define the zoom area

imview(raster={'file': 'ngc5921.clean.image',
               'range': [-0.01,0.03],
               'colormap': 'Hot Metal 2'},
       contour={'file': 'ngc5921.clean.image',
                'levels': [-0.2, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8] },

specifying "zoom={'file': 'myregion.rgn', 'channel': 10}" would result
in the same level of zoom and would display channel number 10 from
the cube.

Definition at line 13 of file