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plotuv Namespace Reference


def plotuv

Function Documentation

def plotuv.plotuv (   vis = '',
  field = '',
  antenna = '',
  spw = '',
  observation = '',
  array = '',
  maxnpts = 100000,
  colors = ['r',
  symb = ',
  ncycles = 1,
  figfile = '' 
Plot the baseline distribution
    Plots the uv coverage of vis in klambda.  ncycles of colors will be
    allocated to representative wavelengths.

    Keyword arguments:
      vis -- Name of input visibility file
     default: none; example: vis=''

      --- Data Selection (see help par.selectdata for more detailed

       field -- Select field using field id(s) or field name(s).
         [run listobs to obtain the list IDs or names]
      default: ''=all fields.  If field is a non-negative
      integer, it is assumed to be a field index.
      Otherwise, it is assumed to be a field name
      field='0~2'; field ids 0,1,2
      field='0,4,5~7'; field ids 0,4,5,6,7
      field='3C286,3C295'; fields named 3C286 and 3C295
      field = '3,4C*'; field id 3, all names starting with 4C
antenna -- Select data based on antenna/baseline
        default: '' (all)
        Non-negative integers are assumed to be antenna indices, and
        anything else is taken as an antenna name.

        antenna='5&6': baseline between antenna index 5 and index 6.
        antenna='VA05&VA06': baseline between VLA antenna 5 and 6.
        antenna='5&6;7&8': baselines 5-6 and 7-8
        antenna='5': all baselines with antenna 5
        antenna='5,6,10': all baselines including antennas 5, 6, or 10
        antenna='5,6,10&': all baselines with *only* antennas 5, 6, or
                               10.  (cross-correlations only.  Use &&
                               to include autocorrelations, and &&&
                               to get only autocorrelations.)
        antenna='!ea03,ea12,ea17': all baselines except those that
                                   include EVLA antennas ea03, ea12, or
       spw -- Select spectral windows.  Channel selection is ignored for now.
      default: ''=all spectral windows
      spw='0~2,4'; spectral windows 0,1,2,4
      spw='<2';  spectral windows less than 2 (i.e. 0,1)
      spw='0'; spw 0
      spw='0,10,3'; spws 0, 10, and 3
       observation -- Select by observation ID(s). default: '' = all
       array -- (Sub)array number range. default: ''=all

      maxnpts -- Save memory and/or screen space by plotting a maximum of maxnpts
         (or all of them if maxnpts < 1).  There is a very sharp
         slowdown if the plotter starts swapping.
         default: 100000
      colors -- a list of matplotlib color codes, used in order of decreasing
        visibility wavelength.
        default: ['r', 'y', 'g', 'b']  (red, yellow, green, blue)
      symb -- One of matplotlib's codes for plot symbols: .:,o^v<>s+xDd234hH|_
      default: ',':  The smallest points I could find.
      ncycles -- The number of times colors will be cycled through per plot.
         default: 1
      figfile -- If not '', save the plots using names based on figfile.
         Example: if figfile is 'test.png', and field is '1,2,4', the plots
                  will be saved to test_fld1.png, test_fld2.png,
                  and test_fld4.png.
         default: '' (Do not save)

Definition at line 13 of file