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sdimprocess Namespace Reference


def sdimprocess

Function Documentation

def sdimprocess.sdimprocess (   infiles = [''],
  mode = '',
  numpoly = 2,
  beamsize = 0.0,
  smoothsize = 2.0,
  direction = [],
  masklist = 1.0,
  tmax = 0.0,
  tmin = 0.0,
  outfile = '',
  overwrite = False 
SD task: task for single-dish image processing
  Keyword arguments:
infiles -- name of input SD (FITS or CASA) image
mode -- processing mode
        default: 'basket'
        options: 'basket', 'press'

    >>>mode expandable parameter
         direction -- scan direction in unit of degree
             default: []
             example: [0.0,90.0]
         masklist -- mask width for Basket-Weaving on percentage
             default: 1.0 (1.0% of map size)
         numpoly -- order of polynomial fit in Presssed-out
             default: 2
         beamsize -- beam size 
             default: 0.0
             example: 10.0 (interpreted as '10arcsec'), '1arcmin'
         smoothsize -- smoothing beam in Pressed-out
             default: 2.0 (interpreted as 2.0 * beamsize)
             example: '1arcmin' (set smoothsize directly)

tmax -- maximum value used for process
        default: 0.0 (no threshold in maximum)
        example: 10.0 (mask data larger value than 10.0)
tmin -- minimum value used for process
        default: 0.0 (no threshold in minimum)
        example: -10.0 (mask data smaller value than -10.0)
outfile -- output CASA image name
        default: '' (use default name)
        example: ''
overwrite -- overwrite option for outfile
        default: False (not overwrite)
        options: True, False
        example: if True, existing file will be overwritten


Task sdimprocess is used to remove a scanning noise that appears 
as a striped noise pattern along the scan direction in a raster 
scan data. 

By default, the scanning noise is removed by using the 
'Basket-Weaving' method (Emerson & Grave 1988) that requires 
multiple images that observed exactly the same area with different 
scanning direction. If only one image is available, the 'Pressed-out' 
method (Sofue & Reich 1979) can be used to remove the scanning 

For 'Basket-Weaving', scanning directions must have at least two 
different values. Normally, the scanning direction should be 
specified for each input image. Otherwise, specified scanning 
directions will be used iteratively. The masklist is a width of 
masking region in the Fourier plane. It is specified as a fraction 
(percentage) of the image size. 

For 'Pressed-out', the scanning direction must be unique. There are 
two ways to specify a size of smoothing beam used for process. One 
is to specify smoothing size directly. To do this, smoothsize should 
be specified as string that consists of a numerical value and an unit 
(e.g. '10.0arcsec'). A value of beamsize will be ignored in this case. 
Another way to specify smoothing size is to set an observed beam size 
and indicate smoothing size as a scale factor of the observed beam 
size. In this case, the beamsize is interpreted as the observed beam 
size, and the smoothsize is the scale factor. If the beamsize is 
provided as float value, its unit is assumed to 'arcsec'. It is also 
possible to set the beamsize as string consisting of the numerical 
value and the unit. The smoothsize must be float value.

The infiles only allows an image data (CASA or FITS), and not does
not work with MS or Scantable. The direction is an angle with respect 
to the horizontal direction, and its unit is degree. Any value may be 
interpreted properly, but the value ranging from 0.0 to 180.0 will be 
secure. The tmax and the tmin is used to specify a threshold that 
defines a range of spectral values used for processing. The data point 
that has the value larger than tmax or smaller than tmin will be 
excluded from the processing. The default (0.0) is no threshold. 
The outfile specifies an output CASA image name. If the outfile is 
empty, the default name ('') will be used. 

Definition at line 13 of file