ASAP SD task: scale the sd spectra
Keyword arguments:
infile -- name of input SD dataset
antenna -- antenna name or id (only effective for MS input).
factor -- scaling factor. float or one- or two-dimensional float list.
default: 1 (no scaling)
scaletsys -- scaling of associated Tsys
default: True
outfile -- output file name
outfile='' will write the data to a file named,
default: ''
overwrite -- overwrite the output file if already exists
options: (bool) True,False
default: False
Task sdscale performs scaling of single-dish spectra.
By setting scaletsys = True, associated Tsys is also scaled.
Tsys informations are written in the casalogger and they are
automatically stored in 'casapy.log'.
The infile can be any of ASAP, MS, SDFITS, or RPFITS format.
If outfile name is given or outfile=''(default), the scaled data
is written to a new file with the same format as the input data
(Note: in case of the RPFITS format input data, it will be written
to SDFITS format).
The scaling factor, factor, accepts both scalar type and list
type value. The list must be one or two dimensional. If factor is
one dimensional, its length must coincide with a number of spectral
channel. If factor is two dimensional, its shape must be
(n, 1) or (n, m), where n is a number of spectrum, while m is a
number of channel for each spcetum. m can be variable for each
spectrum. In addition, the factor can be an ASCII filename that
stores a space-separated list of scaling factor consisting of
adequate number of rows and columns. For example, if the contents
of input ASCII file is shown as,
0.5 0.3 0.2
1.0 0.2 0.9
it is interpreted as a list [[0.5, 0.3, 0.2],[1.0, 0.2, 0.9]].
WARNING for the GBT raw SDFITS format data as input:
SDtasks are able to handle GBT raw SDFITS format data since the
data filler is available. However, the functionality is not well
tested yet, so that there may be unknown bugs.