

TableLogSink -- Save log messages in an AIPS++ Table (full description)

class TableLogSink : public LogSinkInterface


enum Columns

MJD in seconds, UT. (Double.)
Message importance. (String).
Informational message. (String).
Source code origin of the log message. Usually a combination of class name, method name, file name and line number, but any String is legal.
ObjectID of distributed object that created the message (String). If empty, no OBJECT_ID was set.


Public Members
TableLogSink (LogMessage::Priority filter, const String& fileName, Bool useSSM=True)
TableLogSink (const LogFilterInterface& filter, const String& fileName, Bool useSSM=True)
explicit TableLogSink (const String& fileName)
TableLogSink (const TableLogSink& other)
TableLogSink& operator= (const TableLogSink& other)
void reopenRW (const LogFilterInterface& filter)
virtual Bool postLocally (const LogMessage& message)
virtual uInt nelements() const
virtual Double getTime (uInt i) const
virtual String getPriority (uInt i) const
virtual String getMessage (uInt i) const
virtual String getLocation (uInt i) const
virtual String getObjectID (uInt i) const
const Table& table() const
Table& table()
const ROScalarColumn<Double>& roTime() const
ScalarColumn<Double>& time()
const ROScalarColumn<String>& roPriority() const
ScalarColumn<String>& priority()
const ROScalarColumn<String>& roMessage() const
ScalarColumn<String>& message()
const ROScalarColumn<String>& roLocation() const
ScalarColumn<String>& location()
const ROScalarColumn<String>& roObjectID() const
ScalarColumn<String>& objectID()
static String columnName(Columns which)
static TableDesc logTableDescription()
virtual void flush (Bool global=True)
virtual void writeLocally (Double time, const String& message, const String& priority, const String& location, const String& objectID)
virtual void clearLocally()
static String localId( )
String id( ) const
static LogSink makeSink (const String& fileName)
static LogSink makeSink (LogMessage::Priority filter, const String& fileName)
static LogSink makeSink (const LogFilterInterface& filter, const String& fileName)
Private Members
void copy_other(const TableLogSink& other)
void makeTable (SetupNewTable&, Bool useSSM)
void attachCols()
void init (const String& fileName, Bool useSSM)


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Log to an AIPS++ Table.


Unlike the other classes derived from LogSinkInterface, there are utility functions in this class which might be of some modest interest. In particular, the member functions which define the structure of the table and define the column names might be of interest.

This class posts messages which pass the filter to an AIPS++ Table. It puts ever field of the LogMessage into its own column.


See Logging.h.


"Persistent" log messages must be stored in a Table.

To Do

Member Description

TableLogSink (LogMessage::Priority filter, const String& fileName, Bool useSSM=True)
TableLogSink (const LogFilterInterface& filter, const String& fileName, Bool useSSM=True)

If fileName exists, attach and append to it, otherwise create a table with that name. If the table exists, it must have all the required columns defined by logTableDescription().

The useSSM is a temmporary fix to make it possible to use the old StManAipsIO storage manager for a log table. It is used by PagedImage to make it possible to access release 1.4 images with release 1.3 software.

explicit TableLogSink (const String& fileName)

Open the log table for readonly. If needed, reopenRW can be used later to define a filter and to open the logtable for writing.

TableLogSink (const TableLogSink& other)
TableLogSink& operator= (const TableLogSink& other)

After copying, both sinks will write to the same Table.


void reopenRW (const LogFilterInterface& filter)

Reopen the logtable for read/write (if needed). When it actually reopens, the given filter will be used.

virtual Bool postLocally (const LogMessage& message)

If the message passes the filter, write it to the log table.

virtual uInt nelements() const

Get number of messages in sink.

virtual Double getTime (uInt i) const
virtual String getPriority (uInt i) const
virtual String getMessage (uInt i) const
virtual String getLocation (uInt i) const
virtual String getObjectID (uInt i) const

Get given part of the i-th message from the sink.

enum Columns

Defines the minimal set of columns in the table (more may exist, but are ignored.

const Table& table() const
Table& table()
const ROScalarColumn<Double>& roTime() const
ScalarColumn<Double>& time()
const ROScalarColumn<String>& roPriority() const
ScalarColumn<String>& priority()
const ROScalarColumn<String>& roMessage() const
ScalarColumn<String>& message()
const ROScalarColumn<String>& roLocation() const
ScalarColumn<String>& location()
const ROScalarColumn<String>& roObjectID() const
ScalarColumn<String>& objectID()

Access to the actual log table and its columns.

Caution Functions time, priority, message, location, objectID return a null ScalarColumn object when the logtable is not writable. Using it may result in using a null pointer causing a core dump. In debug mode it is checked if the object is not null.

static String columnName(Columns which)

Turn the Columns enum into a String which is the actual column name in the Table.

static TableDesc logTableDescription()

Description of the log table. You can use this if, e.g., you do not want to use the storage managers that this class creates by default (currently Miriad).

virtual void flush (Bool global=True)

Write out any pending output to the table.

virtual void writeLocally (Double time, const String& message, const String& priority, const String& location, const String& objectID)

Write a message (usually from another logsink) into the local one.

virtual void clearLocally()

Clear the local sink (i.e. remove all messages from it).

static String localId( )

Returns the id for this class...

String id( ) const

Returns the id of the LogSink in use...

static LogSink makeSink (const String& fileName)
static LogSink makeSink (LogMessage::Priority filter, const String& fileName)
static LogSink makeSink (const LogFilterInterface& filter, const String& fileName)

Make a LogSink for a TableLogSink with a new table. Default filter is NORMAL.


Undefined and inaccessible

void copy_other(const TableLogSink& other)

Avoid duplicating code in copy ctor and assignment operator

void makeTable (SetupNewTable&, Bool useSSM)

Make a new log table.

void attachCols()

Attach the column objects and create unit keywor if needed.

void init (const String& fileName, Bool useSSM)

Initialize the object.