- Complex to Complex transforms.
- Real to Complex or Complex to Real transforms.
- Real to Real transforms with symmetric Arrays.
The FFTServer class provides methods for performing n-dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms with real and complex Array's of arbitrary size and dimensionality. It can do either real to complex, complex to real, or complex to complex transforms with the "origin" of the transform either at the centre of the Array or at the first element.
Because the output from a real to complex transform is Hermitian only half of the complex result is returned. Similarly with a complex to real transform only half of the complex plane is required, the other half is implicitly assumed to be the complex conjugate of the supplied half-plane.
The complex to real transform does not check that the imaginary component of the values where u=0 are zero
This class can be initialised with a shape that indicates the length of the transforms that will be performed, and whether they are going to be real<->complex transforms or complex<->complex ones. This initialisation sets up a variety of internal buffers and computes factorizations and twiddle factors used during the transform. The initialised transform shape is always compared with the shape of the supplied arguments when a transform is done and the FFTServer class will automatically resize itself if necessary. So the default constructor is perfectly safe to use.
With any transform the output Array must either be the correct shape for the desired output or zero length (ie not contain any elements). If it is zero length then it will be resized to the correct shape. For a complex->complex transform the output Array will be the same shape as the input Array. For a real->complex transform the output Array will be the same size as the input Array except in the first dimension which will have a length of (nx+2)/2. So if nx=7 the output length will be 4 and if nx=8 the output length will be 5, on the first axis. nx is the length of the first axis on the real input Array and cx (which is used later) is the length of the first axis on the complex input Array.
For complex to real transforms the output length on the first axis is not uniquely defined by the shape of the complex input Array. This class uses the following algorithm to work out the length of the first axis on the output Array.
This class does transforms using the widely used FORTRAN fftpack
P.N. Swarztrauber, Vectorizing the FFTs, in Parallel Computations
(G. Rodrigue, ed.), Academic Press, 1982, pp. 51--83.
This package only does one dimensional transforms and this class decomposes
multi-dimensional transforms into a series of 1-dimensional ones.
In this class a forward transform is defined as one that goes from the real to the complex (or the time to frequency) domain. In a forward transform the sign of the exponent is negative and no scaling is done on the output. The backward transform goes from the complex to the real (or the frequency to the time) domain. The sign of the exponent is positive and the result is always scaled by 1/N were N is the total number of elements in the Array.
The origin of the transform is defined as the point where setting only that element to one, and then doing a forward transform results in an Array that is all one. The fft member functions in this class all assume that the origin of the Transform is at the centre of the Array ie. at [nx/2,ny/2,...] were the indexing begins at zero. Because the fftpack software assumes the origin of the transform is at the first element ie.,[0,0,...] this class flips the data in the Array around to compensate. This flipping currently takes about one 20% of the total transform time and can be avoided by using the fft0 member functions which do not flip the data.
Some of the member functions in this class scramble the input Array, possibly by flipping the quandrants of the data although this is not guaranteed. Modifification of the input Array can be avoided, at the expense of copying the data to temporary storage, by either:
This class assumes that a Complex array is stored as pairs of floating point numbers, with no intervening gaps, and with the real component first ie., [re0,im0,re1,im1, ...]. This means that the following type casts work,
S * complexPtr; T * realPtr = (T * ) complexPtr;and allow a Complex number to be accessed as a pair of real numbers. If this assumption is bad then real Arrays will have to generated by copying the complex ones. Ultimately this assumption about Complex<->Real Array conversion should be put somewhere central like Array2Math.cc.
FFTServer<Float,Complex> server; Vector<Float> input(32); Vector<Complex> output(17); input = 0.0f; input(16) = 1.0f; cout << "Input:" << input << endl; server.fft(output, input); cout << "Output:" << output << endl;
Initialise the server to do transforms on Arrays of the specified shape. The server will, however, resize to do transforms of other lengths if necessary. See the resize function for a description of the TransformType enumerator.
copy constructor. The copied server is initialised to do transforms of the same length as the other server. Uses copy (and not reference) semantics so that changing the transform length of one server does not affect the other server.
The assignment operator which does the same thing as the copy constructor.
Modify the FFTServer object to do transforms of the supplied shape. The amount of internal storage, and the initialisation, depends on the type of transform that will be done. Th etransform type is specified with the TransformTypes enumerator. Currently there is no difference in initialisation for the COMPLEXTOREAL and REALTOCOMPLEX transforms. The shape argument is the shape of the real array (or complex one if complex to complex transforms are being done). In general it is not necessary to use this function as all the fft & fft0 functions will automatically resize the server, if necessary, to match their input arguments.
Real to complex fft. The origin of the transform is in the centre of the Array. Because of the Hermitian property the output Array only contains half of the complex result. The output Array must either have no elements or be a size that is appropriate to the input Array size, ie. shape = [(nx+2)/2, ny, nz,...]. Otherwise an AipsError is thrown. See the synopsis for a description of the constInput flag.
Complex to real fft. The origin of the transform is in the centre of the
Array. Because of the Hermitian property the input Array only contains
half of the complex values. The output Array must either have no elements,
or be a size that is appropriate to the input Array size ie.,
shape = [2*cx-2, cy, cz,...] or
shape = [2*cx-1, cy, cz,...].
Otherwise an AipsError is thrown. See the description in the synopsis for
the algorithm used to choose between the two possible output shapes and a
description of the constInput Flag.
Complex to complex in-place fft. The origin of the transform is in the centre of the Array. The direction of the transform is controlled by the toFrequency variable. If True then a forward, or time to frequency, transform is performed. If False a backward or frequency to time transform is done. Scaling is always done on the backward transform.
Complex to complex fft. The origin of the transform is in the centre of the Array. The direction of the transform is controlled by the toFrequency variable. If True then a forward, or time to frequency, transform is performed. If False a backward or frequency to time transform is done. Scaling is always done on the backward transform. The output Array must either either contain no elements or be the same as the input Array, ie. shape = [cx, cy, cz,...]. Otherwise an AipsError is thrown.
The fft0 functions are equivalent to the fft functions described above except that the origin of the transform is the first element of the Array, ie. [0,0,0...], rather than the centre element, ie [nx/2, ny/2, nz/2, ...]. As the underlying FORTRAN functions assume that the origin of the transform is the first element these routines are in general faster than the equivalent ones with the origin at the centre of the Array.