- MVAngle -- Class to handle angle type conversions and I/O (full description)
- Global Functions -- Global output/input functions (full description)
- CLEAN = 4
- NO_D = 8
- NO_DM = NO_D+16,DIG2=1024
- FITS = TIME+2048,LOCAL=4096
- Private Members
- friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MVAngle &meas)
- friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, MVAngle &meas)
- friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MVAngle::Format &form)
- MVAngle()
- MVAngle(const MVAngle &other)
- MVAngle &operator=(const MVAngle &other)
- MVAngle(Double d)
- MVAngle(const Quantity &other)
- ~MVAngle()
- operator Double() const
- const MVAngle &operator()()
- const MVAngle &operator()(Double norm)
- const MVAngle &operator()(const MVAngle &norm)
- const MVAngle &binorm(Double norm)
- static Bool unitString(UnitVal &uv, String &us, MUString &in)
- static Bool read(Quantity &res, const String &in)
- static Bool read(Quantity &res, MUString &in)
- static Bool read(Quantity &res, const String &in, Bool chk)
- static Bool read(Quantity &res, MUString &in, Bool chk)
- MVAngle coAngle() const
- Double radian() const
- Double degree() const
- Double circle() const
- Quantity get() const
- Quantity get(const Unit &inunit) const
- String string() const
- String string(MVAngle::formatTypes intyp, uInt inprec = 0) const
- String string(uInt intyp, uInt inprec) const
- String string(uInt inprec) const
- String string(const MVAngle::Format &form) const
- void print(ostream &oss, const MVAngle::Format &form) const
- void print(ostream &oss, const MVAngle::Format &form, Bool loc) const
- static Format setFormat(MVAngle::formatTypes intyp, uInt inprec = 0)
- static Format setFormat(uInt intyp, uInt inprec)
- static Format setFormat(uInt inprec = 0)
- static Format setFormat(const Format &form)
- static Format getFormat()
- static MVAngle::formatTypes giveMe(const String &in)
- static Double timeZone()
Review Status
- Programs:
- Tests:
From Measure, Value and Angle
An MVAngle is a simple Double, to be used for angle conversions and I/O.
It can be constructed from a Double (in which case radians are assumed),
or from a Quantity (Quantum<Double>). Quantities must be in
either angle or time units.
It has an automatic conversion to Double, so all standard mathematical
operations can operate on it.
The class has a number of special member operations:
- MVAngle operator() will normalise the angle between
-180 and +180(inclusive) degrees and return the value
- MVAngle operator(Double) will normalise the angle
using the value specified (and return the value)
in fractions of a circle (this was chosen rather than radians to make
for easier and more precise programming) as a lower bound. I.e.
(-0.5) will normalise between -180 and +180 degrees, (0.) between
0 and 360 degrees, (-0.25) between -90 and +270 degrees,
(5.) between 1800 and 2160 dgrees.
- MVAngle operator(MVAngle) will normalise (and
return the normalised value) to within 180 degrees of the
argument value. This is useful for making a range of angles
- MVAngle binorm(Double) will normalise the angle in
steps of 180 degrees.
using the value specified (and return the value)
in fractions of 180 degrees (this was chosen rather than radians to make
for easier and more precise programming) as a lower bound. I.e.
(-0.5) will normalise between -90 and +90 degrees, (0.) between
0 and 180 degrees, (10.) between 1800 and 1980 dgrees.
- Double radian() will return value in radians
- Double degree() will return value in degrees
- Double circle() will return value in fraction of circles
- MVAngle coAngle() will return 90-angle (or rather
pi/2 - angle), with (0) normalisation.
- Quantity get() will return radians
- Quantity get(Unit) will return in specified units
(angle or time)
Output formatting is done with the << statement, with the
following rules:
- standard output is done in the following format: with a floating sign. The number of
digits presented will be based on the precision attached to the
current stream
- output can be formatted by using either the setFormat()
method for global angle format setting, or the output of
MVAngle::Format() data for a once off change (see later).
Formats have a first argument which
determines the type (default, if not given, MVAngle::ANGLE, other
possibility MVAngle::TIME (as,
the second the number of digits wanted (default stream precision),
with a value:
- <3 : ddd.. only
- <5 :
- <7 :
- >6 : with precision-6 t's added
comparable for time.
The added periods are to enable input
checking of the format. Look at the 'clean' types to bypass them.
The output format can be modified with modifiers (specify as
MVAngle::ANGLE | MVAngle::MOD (or + MVAngle::MOD)).
For overloading/casting problems with some compilers, the
use of modifiers necessitates either the presence of a precision
(i.e. (A|B, prec)), or an explicit cast:
((MVAngle::formatTypes)(A|B)), or make use of
the provided ANGLE[_CLEAN][_NO_D[M]] and
The modifiers can be:
- MVAngle::CLEAN to suppress leading or trailing
periods (or colons for TIME). + and leading zeroes in degree
field for angle representation will be replaced with a space.
Note that he result can not be
read automatically.
- MVAngle::NO_D (or NO_H) to suppress
the output of degrees (or hours): useful for offsets
- MVAngle::NO_DM (or NO_HM), to
suppress the degrees and minutes.
- MVAngle::DIG2 to allow only 2 digits for degrees,
or -12 - +12 range for hours
- MVAngle::LOCAL to indicate local time to FITS
formatting only
- MVAngle::FITS to produce, if
LOCAL set, the time zone (note that if local set
here, as opposed to in MVTime) the angle is supposed
to be in local time already).
Output in formats like 20' can be done via the standard
Quantum output (e.g. stream << angle.get("'") ).
- Available formats:
- MVAngle::ANGLE in format
- MVAngle::TIME in hh:mm:ss.ttt format
- MVAngle::[ANGLE|TIME]_CLEAN format without superfluous periods
- MVAngle::[ANGLE|TIME][_CLEAN]_NO_[D|H][M] in format with
leading zero fields left empty.
- MVAngle::CLEAN modifier for suppressing superfluous periods
- MVAngle::NO_[D|H][M] modifier to suppress first field(s)
- MVAngle::DIG2 modifier to output in format or
in time format in range -12 to +12h
The default formatting can be overwritten by a
MVAngle::setFormat(); statement; which returns an
structure, that can be used in a subsequent one to reset to previous.
The format set holds for all MVAngle output on all streams.
Temporary formats (i.e. for one MVAngle output only), can be set by
outputting a format (i.e. stream << MVAngle::Format() << ... ).
A setFormat() will also reset any lingering temporary format.
A setFormat(getFormat()) will reset without changing. Problems could
arise in parallel processors.
Input can be read if the values are in any of the above (non-clean) output
For other formatting practice, the output can be written to a String with
the string() member function.
Strings and input can be converted to an MVAngle (or Quantity) by
Bool read(Quantity &out, const String &in) and
istream >> MVAngle &. In the latter case the actual
reading is done by the String read, which reads between white-spaces.
The following input formats (note no blanks allowed) are supported
(+stands for an optional + or -; v for an unsigned integer; dv for a
floating number. [] indicate optional values. Separating codes are
case insensitive):
- +[v].[v].[dv] -- value in deg, arcmin, arcsec
- +[v]D[v[M[dv]]] -- value in deg, arcmin, arcsec
- +[v]:[v[:[dv]]] -- value in h, min, s
- +[v]H[v[M[dv]]] -- value in h, min, s
- +[v]{D|H|:}[dv] -- value in deg (or h), arcmin (or min)
- +dv[unit string] -- value in time or angle units. rad default
Examples of valid strings:
5::2.59 5h + 0min + 2.59 s
5..2.59 5deg + 0arcmin + 2.59arcsec
5.259 5.259 rad
5..259 5deg + 259arcsec
5.259a 5.259 * pi * 2 *365.25 rad (normalised)
In general the input will be read as a Quantity.
Reading of Quantities will always try to read special formats (like
MVAngle, MVTime) first. In
that case problems could arise converting strings like 5d, 5::, 5hm, 5dm.
In 'angle' mode they could have meant to be
5d0m, 5:0:, 5h0m, 5d0m, but they could have
meant: days, min, hectometre, decimetre. In the same vain 5d2 could have
meant 5d2m or 5 d2.
To try to guess the general use, the following interpretation is made:
- 5d, 5:: == 5deg, 5h0m; make float (like 5.d) to make it days/min
- 5dm, 5hm == decimetre, hectometre; use 5d0m 5h0m for
- 5d2, 5h2, 5:2 == 5d2m, 5h2m, 5:2:; use float 5 or explicit () for
other interpretation
See synopsis
To be able to format angle-like values in user-required ways.
To Do
- Use AipsrcData once moved to aips from trial
Member Description
Format types
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MVAngle &meas)
Output an angle
friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, MVAngle &meas)
Input an angle
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MVAngle::Format &form)
Set a temporary format
Default constructor: generate a zero value
MVAngle(const MVAngle &other)
Copy constructor
MVAngle &operator=(const MVAngle &other)
Copy assignment
Constructor from Double
MVAngle(const Quantity &other)
Constructor from Quantum : value can be an angle or time
Thrown Exceptions
- AipsError if not a time or angle
operator Double() const
Conversion operator
Normalisation between -180 and +180 degrees (-pi and +pi)
const MVAngle &operator()(Double norm)
Normalisation between 2pi*norm and 2pi*norm + 2pi
const MVAngle &operator()(const MVAngle &norm)
Normalisation between norm-pi and norm+pi
const MVAngle &binorm(Double norm)
Normalisation between pi*norm and pi*norm + pi
Check if String unit
static Bool read(Quantity &res, const String &in)
static Bool read(Quantity &res, MUString &in)
static Bool read(Quantity &res, const String &in, Bool chk)
static Bool read(Quantity &res, MUString &in, Bool chk)
Make res angle Quantity from string in angle/time-like format. In the
case of String input, also quantities are recognised. chk checks eos
MVAngle coAngle() const
Make co-angle (e.g. zenith distance from elevation)
Double radian() const
Double degree() const
Double circle() const
Quantity get() const
Quantity get(const Unit &inunit) const
Get value in given unit
String string() const
String string(MVAngle::formatTypes intyp, uInt inprec = 0) const
String string(uInt intyp, uInt inprec) const
String string(uInt inprec) const
String string(const MVAngle::Format &form) const
void print(ostream &oss, const MVAngle::Format &form) const
void print(ostream &oss, const MVAngle::Format &form, Bool loc) const
Output data
static Format setFormat(MVAngle::formatTypes intyp, uInt inprec = 0)
static Format setFormat(uInt intyp, uInt inprec)
static Format setFormat(uInt inprec = 0)
static Format setFormat(const Format &form)
Set default format
Get default format
Get code belonging to string. 0 if not known
Get time zone offset (in days)
- ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MVAngle &meas)
- ostream &operator>>(ostream &is, MVAngle &meas)
- ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MVAngle::Format &form)
Global functions
Member Description
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MVAngle &meas)
ostream &operator>>(ostream &is, MVAngle &meas)
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MVAngle::Format &form)