Module Containers

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Description (classes)

Non-mathematical Containers

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This module provides non-mathematical containers. These containers are the prototypical computer science types of containers -- queues, stacks, lists, associative arrays, recordssimple arrays. These classes are useful for all of the various types of low level data management. In general, these classes will have familiar semantics and an unsurprising interface.

Most of the important classes in this module also have IO shift operators, e.g. for writing out a Block (simple array). These operators typically allow the container (and the objects it contains) to be written out to both AipsIO and the standard ostream.


50 ListMap IO -- Input/output operators for ListMaps. (full description)
50 OrderedMap IO -- Input/output operators for OrderedMaps. (full description)
54 List IO -- Input/output operators for Lists. (full description)
Block -- simple 1-D array (full description)
BlockIO -- IO functions for Block (full description)
ConstDlistIter -- Deprecated use ConstListIter (full description)
ConstHashMapIter -- Step through a const HashMap (full description)
ConstListIter -- Doubly linked constant list iterator (full description)
ConstMapIter -- Const associative array iterator (full description)
Dlink -- Deprecated use Link instead (full description)
Dlist -- Deprecated use List instead (full description)
DlistIter -- Deprecated use ListIter instead (full description)
EmptyStackError -- Error class for the Stack class (full description)
HashClass -- Hash function with state (full description)
HashMap -- Associative Array with a hash table implementation (full description)
HashMapIter -- Step through a non-const HashMap (full description)
InvalidIterError -- Invalide iteration error class (full description)
IterBoundaryError -- Iteration Boundary error class (full description)
IterError -- Iteration error class (full description)
IterInitError -- Iteration initialization error (full description)
Link -- doubly linked list primitive (full description)
List -- Doubly linked list (full description)
ListIter -- Doubly linked non-constant list iterator (full description)
ListMap -- Map with list ordering/operations (full description)
ListMapIterRep -- ListMap iterator "letter" (full description)
ListMapRep -- Representation of a ListMap class (full description)
ListNotice -- Linked list update notice (full description)
Map IO -- Input/output operators for Maps. (full description)
Map -- Abstract base class for associative arrays (full description)
MapIter -- Associative array iterator (full description)
MapIterRep -- Abstract base class for associative array iterators (full description)
MapRep -- Map representation class (full description)
MultiRecordFieldWriter -- Multi field writer. Copy many fields with a single call. (full description)
ObjectPool -- A parameterized stack of re-usable objects (full description)
OrderedMap -- Map with keys ordered (full description)
OrderedMapIterRep -- OrderedMap iterator "letter" (full description)
OrderedMapNotice -- Message used for OrderedMap notification (full description)
OrderedMapRep -- Representation class for an Ordered Map (full description)
OrderedPair -- Ordered pair class (full description)
PoolStack -- A parameterized stack of re-usable objects (full description)
PtrBlock -- A drop-in replacement for Block<T*>. (full description)
Queue -- A First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure. (full description)
RORecordFieldPtr -- Read-Only access to an individual field from a Record. (full description)
Record -- A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types (full description)
RecordDesc -- Description of the fields in a record object (full description)
RecordDescRep -- Representation of a RecordDesc (full description)
RecordFieldCopier -- Record field copier. Copies field to field as is. (full description)
RecordFieldId -- The identification of a record field. (full description)
RecordFieldPtr -- Access to an individual field in a record. (full description)
RecordFieldWriter -- Record field writer. Base class for the copiers. (full description)
RecordInterface -- Abstract base class for Record classes (full description)
RecordNotice -- Helper class to notify class Record about changes (full description)
RecordRep -- The representation of a Record (full description)
SimpleOrderedMap -- Simple map with keys ordered (full description)
Stack -- A Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure. (full description)
UnequalShapeCopier -- Unequal shape copier. (full description)
ValueHolder -- A holder for a value of any basic AIPS++ data type. (full description)
ValueHolderRep -- A holder for a value of any basic type. (full description)
defaulthashvalue -- Specify the default values for HashMap keys (full description)
hashfunc -- Hash functions for standard types (full description)
hashmapio -- HashMap/HashMapIter IO functions (full description)
inoutput -- Global IO functions (full description)
inoutput -- Global IO functions (full description)
inoutput -- Global IO functions (full description)