

RecordFieldPtr -- Access to an individual field in a record. (full description)
RORecordFieldPtr -- Read-Only access to an individual field from a Record. (full description)

template<class T> class RecordFieldPtr : public NoticeTarget


Public Members
RecordFieldPtr (RecordInterface& record, Int whichField)
RecordFieldPtr (RecordInterface& record, const RecordFieldId&)
RecordFieldPtr (const RecordFieldPtr<T>& other)
RecordFieldPtr<T>& operator= (const RecordFieldPtr<T>& other)
void attachToRecord (RecordInterface& record, Int whichField)
void attachToRecord (RecordInterface& record, const RecordFieldId&)
void detach()
T& operator*()
const T& operator*() const
const T& get() const
void define (const T& value)
const String& comment() const
void setComment (const String& comment)
Int fieldNumber() const
String name() const
Bool isAttached() const
Private Members
virtual void notify (const Notice& message)


Review Status

Reviewed By:
Mark Wieringa
Date Reviewed:



RecordFieldPtr indicates that an object of this type is pointing to a field in a record.


RecordFieldPtr allows access to the fields in a record object. A record object is an object of a class derived from RecordInterface. RecordFieldPtr<T> objects can only be instantiated for types `T' which are valid fields of a record object (e.g. Int, float, String, Record, TableRecord). It can, however, NOT be instantiated for a Table field, because Table fields are accessed indirectly via a TableKeyword object. Table fields have to be accessed directly through the TableRecord interface.

The RecordFieldPtr is pointer-like in the sense that it points to an object that is physically inside of another object (the enclosing record object). Access to the value is obtained via the dereference operator (operator*()) to emphasize the pointer like nature of these classes.
An alternative way to get access to the values is using the functions define and get. Note that in

    RecordFieldPtr<Array<Int> > field (record, fieldNumber);
    Array<Int> value;
    *field = value;
    field.define (value);
the assignment (in line 3) and define (in line 4) are not equivalent. The assignment uses the normal Array assignment, thus it takes the Array conformance rules into account (an assign is only possible when the new array value conforms the current array value or when the current array value is empty). On the other hand, define does not take the current array value into account. Thus an array value can always be redefined.
However, note that if the field is defined with a non-fixed shape in the record description, a value must always conform that shape (in case of assignment as well as in case of define).

RecordFieldPtr is derived from NoticeTarget to get messages from the mother record class when it changes. For example, when the record is destructed, all RecordFieldPtr's pointing to that record will automatically be detached.


See the example in the Record class.


RecordFieldPtr provides a fast way to access the data in a record.

Member Description


This object does not point to any field, i.e. this->isAttached() == False;

RecordFieldPtr (RecordInterface& record, Int whichField)
RecordFieldPtr (RecordInterface& record, const RecordFieldId&)

Attach this field pointer to the given field. If it does not exist an exception is thrown.

RecordFieldPtr (const RecordFieldPtr<T>& other)
RecordFieldPtr<T>& operator= (const RecordFieldPtr<T>& other)

After calling, this and other point to the same field, i.e. it uses reference semantics.


void attachToRecord (RecordInterface& record, Int whichField)
void attachToRecord (RecordInterface& record, const RecordFieldId&)

Change our pointer to the supplied field. If it doesn't exist an exception is thrown.

void detach()

Point to no field in any Record.

T& operator*()
const T& operator*() const
const T& get() const

Provide access to the field's value. To be sure a const function is called, it is best to use get(). For a non-const object, a non-const function is called, even if used as an rvalue.

void define (const T& value)

Store a value in the field using redefinition. Define differs from assignment w.r.t. arrays. For define a variable shaped array is deleted first with the effect that array conformance rules are not applied for them.

const String& comment() const

Get the comment of this field.

void setComment (const String& comment)

Set the comment for this field.

Int fieldNumber() const

Return the fieldnumber of this field.

String name() const

Return the name of the field.

Bool isAttached() const

Is this field pointer attached to a valid record? Operations which might cause it to become detached are:

  1. Destruction of the Record
  2. Restructuring of the record.
  3. Explicit call of the detach() member.

virtual void notify (const Notice& message)

Not important for users - the mechanism by which field pointers are notified when there is a change in the record.

template<class T> class RORecordFieldPtr


Public Members
RORecordFieldPtr (const RecordInterface& record, Int whichField) : fieldPtr_p((RecordInterface&)record, whichField)
RORecordFieldPtr (const RecordInterface& record, const record& id) : fieldPtr_p((RecordInterface&)record, id)
RORecordFieldPtr (const RecordFieldPtr<T>& other) : fieldPtr_p(other)
RORecordFieldPtr (const RORecordFieldPtr<T>& other) : fieldPtr_p(other.fieldPtr_p)
RORecordFieldPtr<T>& operator= (const RORecordFieldPtr<T>& other)
void attachToRecord (const RecordInterface& record, Int whichField)
void attachToRecord (const RecordInterface& record, const RecordFieldId& id)
const T& operator*() const
const T& get() const
const String& comment() const
Int fieldNumber() const
void detach()
Bool isAttached() const


Review Status

Reviewed By:
Mark Wieringa
Date Reviewed:
  • tRecord



This class is entirely like RecordFieldPtr, except that it only allows Read-Only access to fields in a Record. The documentation for that class should be consulted.

Note that RecordFieldPtr is not inherited from RORecordFieldPtr, because that would give problems with the function attachToRecord. It would allow RecordFieldPtr to attach to a const RecordInterface object.

Member Description


RORecordFieldPtr (const RecordInterface& record, Int whichField) : fieldPtr_p((RecordInterface&)record, whichField)

RORecordFieldPtr (const RecordInterface& record, const record& id) : fieldPtr_p((RecordInterface&)record, id)

RORecordFieldPtr (const RecordFieldPtr<T>& other) : fieldPtr_p(other)

RORecordFieldPtr (const RORecordFieldPtr<T>& other) : fieldPtr_p(other.fieldPtr_p)

RORecordFieldPtr<T>& operator= (const RORecordFieldPtr<T>& other)


void attachToRecord (const RecordInterface& record, Int whichField)

void attachToRecord (const RecordInterface& record, const RecordFieldId& id)

const T& operator*() const

const T& get() const

const String& comment() const

Int fieldNumber() const

void detach()

Bool isAttached() const