Module Utilities

Changes made in the current development cycle can be found in the changelog.

Description (classes)

Classes and global functions for general use

Review Status

Reviewed By:
Friso Olnon
Date Reviewed:


This module is a bag of unrelated mini-modules, classes and global functions. The following functional groups can be recognized:

Tip You may want to look at the individual header files to see whether you might not prefer to include only the header files you really need; it may be more efficient to do so.


BitVector -- Bit vectors of any size (full description)
BitVectorHelper -- Helper class for BitVector (full description)
CASATask -- Task interface (full description)
COWPtr -- Copy-On-Write-Pointer class - allows control of copy based on constness. (full description)
CompositeNumber -- This class generates composite numbers (full description)
CountedConstPtr -- Regular referenced counted pointer for constant data (full description)
CountedPtr -- Regular referenced counted pointer for non-constant data (full description)
DataType -- Data types (primarily) in the table system (full description)
DisplayOptions -- Class to provide option parsing routines for display classes. (full description)
DynBuffer -- Store data in dynamically allocated buffers (full description)
Fallible -- Mark a value as valid or invalid. (full description)
GenSort -- General in-place sort functions (full description)
GenSortIndirect -- General indirect sort functions (full description)
MUString -- Pointed String class to aid analysis of quantity strings (full description)
Notice -- abstract base class for notices (full description)
NoticeSource -- base class for notice originators (full description)
NoticeTarget -- abstract base class for notice receptors (full description)
ObjCompare -- compare two objects (full description)
ObjCompareFunc -- signature of comparison functions (full description)
PtrHolder -- Hold and delete pointers not deleted by object destructors (full description)
PtrRep -- Internal representation for CountedPtr (full description)
RecordTransformable -- Interface class for converting to/from records (full description)
RegSequence -- Sequence for the Register() template functions (full description)
Regex -- Regular expression class (full description)
SPtrHolder -- Hold and delete pointers not deleted by object destructors (full description)
Sequence -- virtual templated base class for sequences (full description)
SimpleCountedConstPtr -- Simple referenced counted pointer for constant data (full description)
SimpleCountedPtr -- Simple referenced counted pointer to non-constant data (full description)
Sort -- Sort on one or more keys, ascending and/or descending (full description)
SortError -- Generic Sort exception (full description)
SortInvDT -- Invalid data type used for this sort key (full description)
SortInvIncr -- Invalid increment used for this sort key (full description)
SortInvOpt -- Invalid sort option given to routine dosort. (full description)
SortKey -- Define a Sort key (full description)
SortNoData -- No data array given to Sort constructor. (full description)
Template -- Canonicalise, format and other actions on aips++ template definitions (full description)
ValType -- Data types and their undefined values. (full description)
assert_ -- Utility class for Assert macros. (full description)
binarysearch -- Binary search a sorted, linear, data structure. (full description)
copy -- Copy methods (full description)
def -- Generic gnu macros (full description)
defval -- A templated function which sets a variable to a default value. (full description)
dereference_error -- act on dereference error (full description)
genSortInPlace -- Global in-place sort functions (full description)
genSortIndirect -- Global indirect sort functions (full description)
invalid_access -- throw exception on access of an invalid object (full description)
linearsearch -- Linear search a linear data structure. (full description)
output -- Output global functions (full description)
re_pattern_buffer -- This data structure is used to represent a compiled pattern. (full description)
re_registers -- Data structure to store register contents data in. (full description)
register -- Primitive Run Time Type Information (RTTI) (full description)
test -- Test routines (full description)
throw -- Copy objects from one C-style array to another. (full description)
typeid -- The id-string of a value type (full description)
uIntSequence -- uInt sequence for general use (full description)