Module FITS

Changes made in the current development cycle can be found in the changelog.

Description (classes)

Classes and global functions for system use


This module is a bag of related fits classes and global functions.

The following functionality is available:

Tip You may want to look at the individual header files to see whether you might not prefer to include only the header files you really need; it may be more efficient to do so.


ArrayFITSFieldCopier -- A FITSFieldCopier for copying Array RecordFields to FitsFields (full description)
AsciiTableExtension -- (ascii) TABLE extension (full description)
BinaryTable -- BinaryTable is used to translate a FITS binary table to an aips++ Table. (full description)
BinaryTableExtension -- BINTABLE extension (full description)
BlockIO -- fixed-length blocked sequentual I/O base class (full description)
BlockInput -- fixed-length blocked sequential input base class (full description)
BlockOutput -- fixed-length blocked sequential output base class (full description)
ConstFitsKeywordList -- list of read-only FITS keywords (full description)
CopyRecordToRecord -- Copies fields between Records, possibly to fields with another name. (full description)
CopyRecordToTable -- Copies fields from a Record to columns of a Table. (full description)
ExtensionHeaderDataUnit -- base class for generalized exentensions HDU (full description)
FITS -- static functions and enumerations (full description)
FITSDateUtil -- A class with static functions to help deal with FITS dates (full description)
FITSError -- default FITS error handling function, typdef, and enumeration (full description)
FITSFieldCopier -- Virtual base class for copying RORecordFields to FitsFields (full description)
FITSGroupWriter -- Simplified interface to create and write to FITS random groups (full description)
FITSHistoryUtil -- A class with static functions to help deal with FITS History cards. (full description)
FITSKeywordUtil -- A class with static functions to help deal with FITS Keywords. (full description)
FITSMultiTable -- View multiple FITS files as a single table (full description)
FITSSpectralUtil -- A class with static functions to help deal with FITS spectral axes. (full description)
FITSTable -- Attach a FITSTabular to a binary or ASCII table (full description)
FITSTableWriter -- Simplified interface to create and write to a FITS Binary Table (full description)
FITSTabular -- Simplified interface to FITS tables with AIPS++ Look and Feel. (full description)
FITSTimedTable -- (full description)
FitsArray -- FITS array of FitsBit type (full description)
FitsBase -- helper class ??? (full description)
FitsBit -- helper class for FITS Binary Tables (full description)
FitsDiskInput -- FITS input from disk (full description)
FitsDiskOutput -- FITS output to disk (full description)
FitsFPUtil -- Utility functions for floating point values (full description)
FitsField -- helper class ??? (full description)
FitsIO -- sequential FITS I/O (full description)
FitsInput -- fixed-length sequential blocked FITS input (full description)
FitsKeyCardTranslator -- translator between Keyword lists and fixed FITS cars (full description)
FitsKeyword -- FITS keyword (full description)
FitsKeywordList -- linked list of FITS keywords (full description)
FitsLogical -- FITS helper class (full description)
FitsNameResult -- analyse the name of a header card (full description)
FitsOutput -- fixed-length sequential blocked FITS output (full description)
FitsParse -- parse a header card (full description)
FitsStdInput -- FITS input from standard input (full description)
FitsStdOutput -- FITS output to standard output (full description)
FitsTape9Input -- FITS input from 9-track tape (full description)
FitsTape9Output -- FITS output to 9-track tape (full description)
FitsVADesc -- Variable Length Array Descriptor (full description)
FitsValueResult -- analyse the value of a header card (full description)
GBTACSTable -- A GBTBackendTable for the ACS (full description)
GBTAntennaFile -- GBTAntennaFile digests the FITS file holding GBT Antenna info (full description)
GBTBackendTable -- Attach a FITSTabular to a GBT backend FITS file (full description)
GBTDAPFile -- (full description)
GBTFITSBase -- A base class for GBT FITS files - primary keywords. (full description)
GBTGOFile -- GBTGOFile serves up the information from a GBT GO FITS file. (full description)
GBTLO1File -- Digests the LO1 FITS file. (full description)
GBTMultiACSTable -- A GBTMultiBackendTable for the ACS (full description)
GBTSampler -- (full description)
GBTScanLogReader -- (full description)
GBTStateTable -- Class for dealing with the STATE table in GBT FITS files. (full description)
HeaderDataUnit -- base class that defines a HDU (full description)
ImageExtension -- IMAGE extension of given type (full description)
NoConvert -- FITS templated helper class (full description)
OldGBTBackendTable -- Attach a FITSTabular to a GBT backend FITS file (full description)
OldGBTPositionTable -- Attach a FITSTabular to a binary or ASCII table (full description)
PrimaryArray -- templated primary array base class of given type (full description)
PrimaryGroup -- Random Group datastructure (full description)
ReadFITS -- read a FITS file from an AIPS++ array (full description)
ReadFITSin -- helper function for ReadFITS and WriteFITS (full description)
ReservedFitsKeyword -- reserved FITS keyword (full description)
ReservedFitsKeywordCollection -- collection of reserved FITS keywords (full description)
SDFITSTable -- SDFITSTable is a FITSTable which follows the Single Dish FITS Convention. (full description)
ScalarFITSFieldCopier -- A FITSFieldCopier for copying scalar non-string RecordFields to FitsFields (full description)
StringFITSFieldCopier -- A FITSFieldCopier for copying String RecordFields to FitsFields (full description)
VariableArrayFITSFieldCopier -- (full description)
WriteFITS -- write a FITS file to an AIPS++ array (full description)