

ImageUtilities -- Utility functions for Image manipulation (full description)

class ImageUtilities


Public Members
static void openImage (PtrHolder<ImageInterface<Float> >& image, const String& fileName, String& os)
static void openImage (ImageInterface<Float>*& image, const String& fileName, String& os)
template <typename T, typename U> static void copyMiscellaneous (ImageInterface<T>& out, const ImageInterface<U>& in)
static void copyMask (ImageInterface<Float>& out, const ImageInterface<Float>& in, const String& maskOut, const String& maskIn, String axesSpecifier)
static void addDegenerateAxes (LogIO& os, PtrHolder<ImageInterface<Float> >& outImage, ImageInterface<Float>& inImage, const String& outFile, Bool direction, Bool spectral, const String& stokes, Bool linear, Bool tabular, Bool overwrite)
template <typename T> static void bin (T<T>& out, MaskedArray& coordOut, const T<T>& in, const MaskedArray& coordIn, uInt axis, uInt bin)
template <typename T> static void fitProfiles (ImageInterface<T>* &pFit, ImageInterface<T>* &pResid, const ImageInterface<T>& inImage, ImageInterface<T>*& pWeight, uInt axis, uInt nGauss=1, Int poly=-1, Bool showProgress=False)
static Bool pixToWorld (Vector<String>& sWorld, CoordinateSystem& cSys, const Int& pixelAxis, const Vector<Int>& cursorAxes, const IPosition& blc, const IPosition& trc, const Vector<Double>& pixels, const Int& prec)
static String shortAxisName (const String& axisName)
static SkyComponent encodeSkyComponent(LogIO& os, Double& facToJy, const ImageInfo& ii, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const Unit& brightnessUnit, ComponentType::Shape type, const Vector<Double>& parameters, Vector::StokesTypes stokes, Bool xIsLong)
static Vector<Double> decodeSkyComponent (const SkyComponent& sky, const ImageInfo& ii, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const Unit& brightnessUnit, Stokes::StokesTypes stokes, Bool xIsLong)
static void worldWidthsToPixel (LogIO& os, Vector<Double>& dParameters, const Vector<Quantum<Double> >& parameters, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& pixelAxes, Bool doRef=False)
static Bool pixelWidthsToWorld (LogIO& os, Vector<Quantum<Double> >& wParameters, const Vector<Double>& pParameters, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& pixelAxes, Bool doRef=False)
Private Members
static Bool skyPixelWidthsToWorld (LogIO& os, Vector<Quantum<Double> >& wParameters, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const Vector<Double>& pParameters, const IPosition& pixelAxes, Bool doRef)
static Double worldWidthToPixel (LogIO& os, Double positionAngle, const Quantum<Double>& length, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& pixelAxes)
static Quantum<Double> pixelWidthToWorld (LogIO& os, Double positionAngle, Double length, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& pixelAxes)


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Some helpful static functions that are common to some of my image analysis application classes.


I needed some bits and pieces. My goal isto move this rag-tag bunch out of here into other classes as time goes on. So far I have eliminated 80% of the original !

To Do

Member Description

static void openImage (PtrHolder<ImageInterface<Float> >& image, const String& fileName, String& os)
static void openImage (ImageInterface<Float>*& image, const String& fileName, String& os)

Open disk image (can be any registered image). Exception if fileName empty or file does not exist or file is not of legal image type. For aips++ images, the default mask is applied.

template <typename T, typename U> static void copyMiscellaneous (ImageInterface<T>& out, const ImageInterface<U>& in)

Copy MiscInfo, ImageInfo, brightness unit and logger (history) from in to out

static void copyMask (ImageInterface<Float>& out, const ImageInterface<Float>& in, const String& maskOut, const String& maskIn, String axesSpecifier)

Copy a mask from one image to another

static void addDegenerateAxes (LogIO& os, PtrHolder<ImageInterface<Float> >& outImage, ImageInterface<Float>& inImage, const String& outFile, Bool direction, Bool spectral, const String& stokes, Bool linear, Bool tabular, Bool overwrite)

Add one degenerate axis for each of the specified coordinate types. If the outfile string is given the new image is a PagedImage. If the outfile string is empty, the new image is a TempImage.

template <typename T> static void bin (T<T>& out, MaskedArray& coordOut, const T<T>& in, const MaskedArray& coordIn, uInt axis, uInt bin)

Function to bin up (average data) one axis of an N-D MaskedArray. The interface is pretty specific to a particular application. It's here because its implemented with ImageRebin. On input, the output MA *must* have zero shape. The input and output Coordinates must have the same type and have only one axis (Linear,Spectral & Tabular). The output coordinate is adjusted for the binning. The binning factor does not have to fit integrally into the shape of the specified axis.

template <typename T> static void fitProfiles (ImageInterface<T>* &pFit, ImageInterface<T>* &pResid, const ImageInterface<T>& inImage, ImageInterface<T>*& pWeight, uInt axis, uInt nGauss=1, Int poly=-1, Bool showProgress=False)

Fit all profiles in image. The output images must be already created; if the pointer is 0, that image won't be filled. The mask from the input image is transferred to the output images. If the weights image is pointer is non-zero, the values from it will be used to weight the data points in the fit. You can fit some combination of gaussians and a polynomial (-1 means no polynomial). Initial estimates are not required.

static Bool pixToWorld (Vector<String>& sWorld, CoordinateSystem& cSys, const Int& pixelAxis, const Vector<Int>& cursorAxes, const IPosition& blc, const IPosition& trc, const Vector<Double>& pixels, const Int& prec)

This function converts pixel coordinates to world coordinates. You specify a vector of pixel coordinates (pixels) for only one axis, the pixelAxis. For the other pixel axes in the CoordinateSystem, if a pixel axis "i" is found in the CursorAxes vector, its pixel coordinate is set to the average of the selected region from the image for that axis ((blc(i)+trc(i))/2)), otherwise it is set to the reference pixel. The vector of world coordinates for pixelAxis is returned as formatted Strings. If for some reason it can't make the conversion, the element element is returned as "?" Returns False if the lengths of <blc and trc are not equal to the number of pixel axes in the coordinate system.

static String shortAxisName (const String& axisName)

Convert long axis names "Right Ascension", "Declination", "Frequency" and "Velocity" to "RA", "Dec", "Freq", "Vel" respectively. Unknown strings are returned as given.

static SkyComponent encodeSkyComponent(LogIO& os, Double& facToJy, const ImageInfo& ii, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const Unit& brightnessUnit, ComponentType::Shape type, const Vector<Double>& parameters, Vector::StokesTypes stokes, Bool xIsLong)
static Vector<Double> decodeSkyComponent (const SkyComponent& sky, const ImageInfo& ii, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const Unit& brightnessUnit, Stokes::StokesTypes stokes, Bool xIsLong)

These functions convert between a vector of doubles holding SkyComponent values (the output from SkyComponent::toPixel) and a SkyComponent. The coordinate values are in the 'x' and 'y' frames. It is possible that the x and y axes of the pixel array are lat/long (xIsLong=False) rather than long/lat. facToJy converts the brightness units from whatevers per whatever to Jy per whatever (e.g. mJy/beam to Jy/beam). It is unity if it can't be done and you get a warning. In the SkyComponent the flux is integral. In the parameters vector it is peak.

pars(0) = FLux image units (e.g. Jy/beam). pars(1) = x cen abs pix pars(2) = y cen abs pix pars(3) = major pix pars(4) = minor pix pars(5) = pa radians (pos +x -> +y)

5 values for ComponentType::Gaussian, CT::Disk. 3 values for CT::Point.

static void worldWidthsToPixel (LogIO& os, Vector<Double>& dParameters, const Vector<Quantum<Double> >& parameters, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& pixelAxes, Bool doRef=False)

Convert 2d shape from world (world parameters=x, y, major axis, minor axis, position angle) to pixel (major, minor, pa). Can handle quantum units 'pix'. If one width is in pixel units both must be in pixel units. pixelAxes describes which 2 pixel axes of the coordinate system our 2D shape is in. If axes are not from the same coordinate type units must be pixels. If doRef is True, then x and y are taken from the reference value rather than the parameters vector.

On input, pa is N->E (at ref pix) for celestial planes. Otherwise pa is in pixel coordinate system +x -> +y On output, pa (radians) is positive +x -> +y in pixel frame

static Bool pixelWidthsToWorld (LogIO& os, Vector<Quantum<Double> >& wParameters, const Vector<Double>& pParameters, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& pixelAxes, Bool doRef=False)

Convert 2d shape from pixels (parameters=x,y, major axis, minor axis, position angle) to world (major, minor, pa) at specified location. pixelAxes describes which 2 pixel axes of the coordinate system our 2D shape is in. If doRef is True, then x and y are taken from the reference pixel rather than the paraneters vector.

On input pa is positive for +x -> +y in pixel frame On output pa is positive N->E Returns True if major/minor exchanged themselves on conversion to world.

static Bool skyPixelWidthsToWorld (LogIO& os, Vector<Quantum<Double> >& wParameters, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const Vector<Double>& pParameters, const IPosition& pixelAxes, Bool doRef)

Convert 2d sky shape (parameters=major axis, minor axis, position angle) from pixels to world at reference pixel. pixelAxes describes which 2 pixel axes of the coordinate system our 2D shape is in. On input pa is positive for +x -> +y in pixel frame On output pa is positive N->E Returns True if major/minor exchanged themselves on conversion to world.

static Double worldWidthToPixel (LogIO& os, Double positionAngle, const Quantum<Double>& length, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& pixelAxes)

Convert a length and position angle in world units (for a non-coupled coordinate) to pixels. The length is in some 2D plane in the CoordinateSystem specified by pixelAxes.

static Quantum<Double> pixelWidthToWorld (LogIO& os, Double positionAngle, Double length, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& pixelAxes)