- VisBuffer -- VisBuffers encapulsate one chunk of visibility data for processing. (full description)
- Public Members
- VisBuffer()
- VisBuffer(ROVisibilityIterator & iter)
- VisBuffer(const VisBuffer& vb)
- ~VisBuffer()
- VisBuffer& operator=(const VisBuffer& vb)
- VisBuffer& assign(const VisBuffer& vb, Bool copy=True)
- VisBuffer& operator-=(const VisBuffer& vb)
- void attachToVisIter(ROVisibilityIterator & iter)
- void invalidate()
- Int& nChannel()
- Int nChannel() const
- Vector<Int>& channel()
- const Vector<Int>& channel() const
- Int& nRow()
- Int nRow() const
- Vector<Int>& antenna1()
- const Vector<Int>& antenna1() const
- Vector<Int>& antenna2()
- const Vector<Int>& antenna2() const
- Vector<Int>& feed1()
- const Vector<Int>& feed1() const
- Vector<Int>& feed2()
- const Vector<Int>& feed2() const
- Vector<Float>& feed1_pa()
- const Vector<Float>& feed1_pa() const
- Vector<Float>& feed2_pa()
- const Vector<Float>& feed2_pa() const
- Vector<SquareMatrix<Complex,2> >& CJones()
- const Vector<SquareMatrix<Complex,2> >& CJones() const
- const Vector<Float>& feed_pa(Double time) const
- Vector<MDirection>& direction1()
- const Vector<MDirection>& direction1() const
- Vector<MDirection>& direction2()
- const Vector<MDirection>& direction2() const
- const Vector<MDirection>& azel(Double time) const
- Int fieldId() const
- Int arrayId() const
- Matrix<Bool>& flag()
- const Matrix<Bool>& flag() const
- Cube<Bool>& flagCube()
- const Cube<Bool>& flagCube() const
- Vector<Bool>& flagRow()
- const Vector<Bool>& flagRow() const
- Vector<Int>& scan()
- const Vector<Int>& scan() const
- Int scan0()
- Vector<Double>& frequency()
- const Vector<Double>& frequency() const
- Vector<Double>& lsrFrequency()
- const Vector<Double>& lsrFrequency() const
- void lsrFrequency(const Int& spw, Vector<Double>& freq, Bool convert=False)
- void lsrFrequency(const Int& spw, Vector<Double>& freq, Bool convert=False) const
- MDirection& phaseCenter()
- const MDirection& phaseCenter() const
- Int polFrame() const
- Vector<Int>& corrType()
- const Vector<Int>& corrType() const
- Vector<Float>& sigma()
- const Vector<Float>& sigma() const
- Int& spectralWindow()
- Int spectralWindow() const
- Vector<Double>& time()
- const Vector<Double>& time() const
- Vector<Double>& timeInterval()
- const Vector<Double>& timeInterval() const
- Vector<RigidVector<Double,3> >& uvw()
- const Vector<RigidVector<Double,3> >& uvw() const
- Matrix<CStokesVector>& visibility()
- const Matrix<CStokesVector>& visibility() const
- Matrix<CStokesVector>& modelVisibility()
- const Matrix<CStokesVector>& modelVisibility() const
- Matrix<CStokesVector>& correctedVisibility()
- const Matrix<CStokesVector>& correctedVisibility() const
- Cube<Complex>& visCube()
- const Cube<Complex>& visCube() const
- Cube<Complex>& modelVisCube()
- const Cube<Complex>& modelVisCube() const
- Cube<Complex>& correctedVisCube()
- const Cube<Complex>& correctedVisCube() const
- Vector<Float>& weight()
- const Vector<Float>& weight() const
- Matrix<Float>& imagingWeight()
- const Matrix<Float>& imagingWeight() const
- Vector<Int> vecIntRange(const MSCalEnums::colDef& calEnum) const
- Vector<Int> antIdRange() const
- Bool timeRange(MEpoch& rTime, MVEpoch& rTimeEP, MVEpoch& rInterval) const
- void freqAverage()
- void updateCoordInfo()
- void setVisCube(Complex c)
- void setModelVisCube(Complex c)
- void setCorrectedVisCube(Complex c)
- void setVisCube(const Cube<Complex>& vis)
- void setModelVisCube(const Cube<Complex>& vis)
- void setCorrectedVisCube(const Cube<Complex>& vis)
- void refModelVis(const Matrix<CStokesVector>& mvis)
- void removeScratchCols()
- const ROMSColumns& msColumns() const
- void allSelectedSpectralWindows(Vector<Int>& spws, Vector<Int>& nvischan)
- void allSelectedSpectralWindows(Vector<Int>& spws, Vector<Int>& nvischan) const
- Int msId() const
- Bool newMS() const
- Private Members
- void validate()
- Int & fillnChannel()
- Vector<Int>& fillChannel()
- Int & fillnRow()
- Vector<Int>& fillAnt1()
- Vector<Int>& fillAnt2()
- Vector<Int>& fillFeed1()
- Vector<Int>& fillFeed2()
- Vector<Float>& fillFeed1_pa()
- Vector<Float>& fillFeed2_pa()
- Vector<MDirection>& fillDirection1()
- Vector<MDirection>& fillDirection2()
- Vector<SquareMatrix<Complex,2> >& fillCjones()
- Int& fillFieldId()
- Int& fillArrayId()
- Matrix<Bool>& fillFlag()
- Cube<Bool>& fillFlagCube()
- Vector<Bool> & fillFlagRow()
- Vector<Int> & fillScan()
- Vector<Double>& fillFreq()
- Vector<Double>& fillLSRFreq()
- MDirection& fillPhaseCenter()
- Int& fillPolFrame()
- Vector<Int>& fillCorrType()
- Vector<Float>& fillSigma()
- Int& fillSpW()
- Vector<Double>& fillTime()
- Vector<Double>& fillTimeInterval()
- Vector<RigidVector<Double,3> >& filluvw()
- Matrix<CStokesVector>& fillVis(VisibilityIterator::DataColumn whichOne)
- Cube<Complex>& fillVisCube(VisibilityIterator::DataColumn whichOne)
- Vector<Float>& fillWeight()
- Matrix<Float>& fillImagingWeight()
- Bool checkMSId()
- Vector<Int> unique(const Vector<Int>& indices) const
VisBuffer is a buffer for visibility data
This class contains 'one iteration' of the
It is a modifiable
buffer of values to which calibration and averaging can be applied.
This allows processing of the data in larger blocks, avoiding some
overheads for processing per visibility point or spectrum.
See MeasurementEquations
for more details on how the VisBuffer is to be used.
To Do
- reconcile vis/visCube usage: visCube, flagCube and weightMatrix
are currently only correct when this VisBuffer got them from a
VisIter, operations like -=, freqAverage() are only done for
visibility() and flag().
Member Description
Create empty VisBuffer you can assign to or attach.
Construct VisBuffer for a particular VisibilityIterator
The buffer will remain synchronized with the iterator.
VisBuffer(const VisBuffer& vb)
Copy construct, looses synchronization with iterator: only use buffer for
current iteration (or reattach).
Destructor (detaches from VisIter)
VisBuffer& operator=(const VisBuffer& vb)
Assignment, looses synchronization with iterator: only use buffer for
current iteration (or reattach)
VisBuffer& assign(const VisBuffer& vb, Bool copy=True)
Assignment, optionally without copying the data across; with copy=True
this is identical to normal assignment operator
VisBuffer& operator-=(const VisBuffer& vb)
subtraction: return the difference of the visibilities, flags of
this and other are or-ed. An exception is thrown if the number of
rows or channels differs, but no further checks are done.
Attach to a VisIter. Detaches itself first if already attached
to a VisIter. Will remain synchronized with iterator.
Invalidate the cache
Access functions
feed1_pa() and feed2_pa() return an array of parallactic angles
(each corresponds to the first receptor of the feed) one for each
row in the current buffer. In contrast, feed_pa() calculates
the angles for each antenna. These methods are implemented for
VisBuffer only to benefit from caching of the feed and antenna IDs.
const Vector<Float>& feed_pa(Double time) const
Note that feed_pa is a function instead of a cached value
direction1() and direction2() return arrays of directions where
the first and the second antenna/feed are pointed to. One value for
each row in the current buffer.
Note that azel is a function instead of a cached value
scalar version for convenience, when scan known constant for
entire iteration/buffer.
void lsrFrequency(const Int& spw, Vector<Double>& freq, Bool convert=False)
the following method is to convert the observed frequencies
This conversion may not be accurate for some frame
conversion like topo to lsr except if the spw is in the actual buffer
Antenna id. range (includes both ANTENNA1 and ANTENNA2 columns)
Time range
Frequency average the buffer
Update coordinate info - useful for copied VisBuffers that need
to retain some state for later reference.
Presently this fills antenna, array, field and spectralWindow ids, time,
frequency and number of rows. Add more as needed.
Set the visibility to a constant, note that this only changes the buffer,
no values are written back to tables from here.
Set the visibility, note that this only changes the buffer,
no values are written back to tables from here.
Reference external model visibilities
Remove scratch cols data from vb
Access the current ROMSColumns object via VisIter
Get all selected spectral windows not just the one in the actual buffer
Int msId() const
Return the actual msid, useful if using multiple ms to monitor which
ms in the list is being dealt with
Bool newMS() const
checked if the ms has changed since the last chunk processed
validate the cache
functions to fill cache from iterator
calling fillFeed1_pa or fillFeed2_pa will fill antenna, feed
and time caches automatically
calling direction1 or direction2 will fill antenna,feed, time and pa
caches automatically
Vector<RigidVector<Double,3> >& filluvw()
Cube<Complex>& fillVisCube(VisibilityIterator::DataColumn whichOne)
Filter index arrays for unique elements