- return a constant, default value. The value returned is set with setDefault().
- return a constant value equal to the zero-th order coefficient
- evaluate the polynomial based on its coefficients just as it would be inside the interval. Thus, the function's range is not guaranteed to remain within the characteristic bounds of the Chebyshev interval.
- evaluate the function as if the range is cyclic, repeating the range values from its canonical domain. The period of the cycle will be equal to getIntervalMax()-getIntervalMin(). When the function is evaluated outside this interval, the input value will shifted an integer number of periods until it falls within the Chebyshev interval; the value returned is the polynomial evaluated at the shifted (x-axis) value. Obviously, this mode is most expensive computationally when evaluating outside the range.
- evaluate the function at nearest interval edge
- NOutOfIntervalModes
- number of enumerators
For a full description, see the
Chebyshev class.
The Chebyshev implementation is split between this class,
ChebyshevParam and its child
Chebyshev to better support the
AutoDiff framework for evaluating
create an n-th order Chebyshev polynomial with the coefficients
equal to zero. The bounded domain is [T(-1), T(1)]. The
OutOfDomainMode is CONSTANT, and the default value is T(0).
create a zero-th order Chebyshev polynomical with the first coefficient
equal to one.
min is the minimum value of its Chebyshev interval, and
max is the maximum value.
mode sets the behavior of the function outside the Chebyshev interval
(see setOutOfIntervalMode() and OutOfIntervalMode enumeration
definition for details).
defval is the value returned when the function is evaluated outside
the Chebyshev interval and mode=CONSTANT.
create a fully specified Chebyshev polynomial.
coeffs holds the coefficients of the Chebyshev polynomial (see
setCoefficients() for details).
min is the minimum value of its canonical range, and
max is the maximum value.
mode sets the behavior of the function outside the Chebyshev interval
(see setOutOfIntervalMode() and OutOfIntervalMode enumeration
definition for details).
defval is the value returned when the function is evaluated outside
the canonical range and mode=CONSTANT.
create a fully specified Chebyshev polynomial.
config is a record that contains the non-coefficient data
that configures this class.
The fields recognized by this class are those documented for the
setMode() function below.
create a deep copy of another Chebyshev polynomial
make a (deep) copy of another Chebyshev polynomial
set the Chebyshev coefficients.
coeffs holds the coefficients in order, beginning with the zero-th
order term. The order of the polynomial, then, would be the size
of the Vector minus one.
set a particular Chebyshev coefficient.
which is the coefficient order (i.e. 0 refers to the constant offset).
value is the coefficient value.
If which is larger than current order of the function, the order will
be increased to the value of which, and that coefficient is set to
value; missing coefficients less than this value will be set to zero.
Thus, the order can be increased with this function; however, it cannot
be decreased (even if the highest order coefficient is set to zero).
To lower the order, use setCoefficients() with a Vector having the
desired number of coefficients.
return the current set of coefficients into a given Vector.
return a particular coefficient.
which is the coefficient order (i.e. 0 refers to the constant offset).
If which is out of range, zero is returned.
set the Chebyshev interval for this function. The function will
be scaled and shifted to such that the central bounded range of the
Chebyshev polynomials ([-1, 1] in untransformed space) spans the
given range.
min is the minimum value for the interval, and
max is the maximum value. See setOutOfIntervalMode() for the behavior
of this function outside the set range.
return the maximum value for the currently Chebyshev interval.
See setInterval() for additional details.
set the behavior of this function when it is evaluated outside its
Chebyshev interval
return the behavior of this function when it is evaluated outside of
its Chebyshev interval.
set the default value of this function. This value is used when
the getOutOfIntervalMode() returns Chebyshev::CONSTANT; it is returned
when the a value outside of the Chebyshev interval is passed to
the () operator.
return the currently set default value. See setDefault() for details
on the use of this value.
return the order of this polynomial. This returns the value of
convert a set of Chebyshev polynomial coefficients to power series
coefficients. The values passed in coeffs are taken to
be chebyshev coefficients; these values will be replaced with the
power series coefficients. They should be ordered beginning
with the zero-th order coefficient.
convert a set of power series coefficients to Chebyshev
polynomial coefficients. The values passed in coeffs are taken to
be power series coefficients; these values will be replaced with the
Chebyshev polynomial coefficients. They should be ordered beginning
with the zero-th order coefficient.
Give name of function
In this example, a 2nd order Chebyshev polynomial series is
// set coeffs to desired values
Vector<Double> coeffs(3, 1);
// configure the function
Chebyshev<Double> cheb;
cheb.setInterval(-0.8, 7.2);
// evaluate the function as necessary
Double z = cheb(-0.5); // -0.5 is within range, z = 0.78625
z = cheb(4.2); // 4.2 is within range, z = 0.375
z = cheb(-3); // -3 is out of the interval, z = 1
This class was created to support systematic errors in the simulator tool.
It can be used by Jones matrix classes to vary gains in a predictable way,
mimicing natural processes of the atmosphere or instrumental effects.
Template Type Argument Requirements (T)
Thrown Exceptions
To Do
Member Description
create a zero-th order Chebyshev polynomial with the first coefficient
equal to zero. The bounded domain is [T(-1), T(1)]. The
OutOfDomainMode is CONSTANT, and the default value is T(0).
explicit ChebyshevParam(const uInt n)
ChebyshevParam(const T &min, const T &max, ChebyshevEnums::OutOfIntervalMode mode=ChebyshevEnums::CONSTANT, const T &defval=T(0))
ChebyshevParam(const Vector<T> &coeffs, const T &min, const T &max, min::OutOfIntervalMode mode=min::CONSTANT, const T &defval=T(0))
ChebyshevParam(uInt order, const RecordInterface& mode)
ChebyshevParam(const Vector<T> &coeffs, const RecordInterface& mode)
ChebyshevParam(const ChebyshevParam &other)
template <class W> ChebyshevParam(const ChebyshevParam<W> &other) : Function1D<T>(other), def_p(other.getDefault()), minx_p(other.getIntervalMin()), maxx_p(other.getIntervalMax()), mode_p(other.getOutOfIntervalMode())
ChebyshevParam<T> &operator=(const ChebyshevParam<T> &other)
virtual ~ChebyshevParam()
void setCoefficients(const Vector<T> &coeffs)
void setCoefficient(const uInt which, const T &value)
const Vector<T> &getCoefficients() const
T getCoefficient(const uInt which) const
uInt nCoefficients() const
return the number of coeefficients currently loaded. This does not
guarantee that the coefficients are non-zero
void setInterval(T xmin, T xmax)
T getIntervalMin() const
return the minimum value for the currently Chebyshev interval.
See setInterval() for additional details.
T getIntervalMax() const
void setOutOfIntervalMode(ChebyshevEnums::OutOfIntervalMode mode)
ChebyshevEnums::OutOfIntervalMode getOutOfIntervalMode() const
void setDefault(const T &val)
const T &getDefault() const
uInt order() const
static void derivativeCoeffs(Vector<T> &coeffs, const T &xmin=T(-1), const T &xmax=T(1))
transform a set of Chebyshev polynomial coefficients into a set
representing the series' derivative. coeffs should be assuming
an interval of [-1, 1]. xmin and xmax can be provided to transform
the series to another interval.
static void chebyshevToPower(Vector<T> &coeffs)
static void powerToChebyshev(Vector<T> &coeffs)
virtual const String &name() const
class ChebyshevParamModeImpl : public ChebyshevParam<T>
The get/setMode() implementation is separated from ChebyshevParam
to enable simple specialization for AutoDiff. See
ChebyshevParam for documentation
get/set the function mode. This is an alternate way to get/set the non-coefficient data for this function. The supported record fields are as follows:
Field Name Type Role ------------------------------------------------------------------- min template type the minimum value of the Chebyshev interval of interest max template type the maximum value of the Chebyshev interval of interest intervalMode TpString the out-of-interval mode; recognized values are "constant", "zeroth", "extrapolate", "cyclic", and "edge". setMode() recognizes a case-insensitive, minimum match. default template type the out-of-range value that is returned when the out-of-interval mode is "constant".An exception is thrown if interval mode is unrecognized.
return True if the implementing function supports a mode. This implementation always returns True.
The name ChebyshevParamModeImpl_PS is only for cxx2html limitations.
The name ChebyshevParamModeImpl_PS is only for cxx2html limitations.