- benchmark -- benchmark: DO interface to the Benchmark class (full description)
- Public Members
- benchmark()
- ~benchmark()
- void visiterkernel (const String& msfile, const Double& interval, const Int& rowblock, const Double& cache)
- virtual String className() const
- virtual Vector <String> methods() const
- virtual Vector <String> noTraceMethods() const
- virtual MethodResult runMethod (uInt which, ParameterSet& inpRec, Bool runMethod)
From "benchmark".
Module DObenchmark defines the DO interface to the Benchmark
class. The Benchmark class contains AIPS++ performance
benchmarks which are written in C++. Glish-level benchmarks
are defined in benchmark.g.
Provide an AIPS++ DO interface to the Benchmark class
To Do
Member Description
Default constructor, and destructor.
Use implicitly-defined copy constructor and assignment operator
void visiterkernel (const String& msfile, const Double& interval, const Int& rowblock, const Double& cache)
Visibility data iteration benchmark; takes the following
parameters as input: MS file name, iteration interval (seconds),
number of rows to block in each sub-iteration and the Table
system cache size (bytes).
Methods required to distribute the class as an aips++ DO
i) return the class name
ii) return a list of class methods
iii) return a list of methods for which no logging is required
iv) Execute individual methods