- CalMainBuffer -- CalMainBuffer: Calibration main table buffer (full description)
- Public Members
- CalMainBuffer()
- CalMainBuffer (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)
- CalMainBuffer (CalIterBase& calIter)
- virtual ~CalMainBuffer()
- virtual void synchronize()
- virtual void fillCache()
- virtual Int append (CalTable& calTable)
- virtual Int nRow()
- virtual CalDescBuffer& calDescBuffer()
- virtual CalHistoryBuffer& calHistoryBuffer()
- virtual Vector<MEpoch>& timeMeas()
- virtual Vector<Quantity>& timeEPQuant()
- virtual Vector<Quantity>& intervalQuant()
- virtual Vector<Int>& antenna1()
- virtual Vector<Int>& feed1()
- virtual Vector<Int>& fieldId()
- virtual Vector<Int>& arrayId()
- virtual Vector<Int>& obsId()
- virtual Vector<Int>& scanNo()
- virtual Vector<Int>& processorId()
- virtual Vector<Int>& stateId()
- virtual Vector<Int>& phaseId()
- virtual Vector<Int>& pulsarBin()
- virtual Vector<Int>& pulsarGateId()
- virtual Vector<Int>& freqGrp()
- virtual Vector<String>& freqGrpName()
- virtual Vector<String>& fieldName()
- virtual Vector<String>& fieldCode()
- virtual Vector<String>& sourceName()
- virtual Vector<String>& sourceCode()
- virtual Vector<Int>& calGrp()
- virtual Array<Complex>& gain()
- virtual Array<Int>& refAnt()
- virtual Array<Int>& refFeed()
- virtual Array<Int>& refReceptor()
- virtual Array<MFrequency>& refFreqMeas()
- virtual Vector<Int>& measFreqRef()
- virtual Array<MDirection>& refDirMeas()
- virtual Vector<Int>& measDirRef()
- virtual Vector<Int>& calDescId()
- virtual Vector<Int>& calHistoryId()
- virtual Vector<Int>& asVecInt (const MSCalEnums::colDef& calEnum)
- virtual Vector<String>& asVecString (const MSCalEnums::colDef& calEnum)
- virtual Vector<Int> matchAntenna1 (const Int& antennaId)
- virtual Vector<Int> matchAntenna1AndFieldId (const Int& antennaId, const Int& fldId)
- virtual Vector<Int> matchAntenna1AndFreqGrp (const Int& antennaId, const String& frqGrpName)
- Protected Members
- virtual CalMainColumns* newCalMainCol (CalTable& calTable)
- virtual CalMainColumns* calMainCol()
- Bool connectedToIter()
- virtual void invalidate()
- virtual void fillIndices (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const VisBuffer& vb)
- virtual void fillIndices (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)
- virtual void fillAttributes(const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const VisBuffer& vb)
- virtual void fillAttributes(const Vector<Int>& calIndices)
- Bool excluded(const MSCalEnums::colDef& calEnum, const Vector<Int>& excludeIndices)
From "calibration main table" and "buffer"
The CalMainBuffer class holds a buffer, optionally connected to a
calibration main table iterator (of base type CalIterBase).
Specializations for baseline-based, time-variable and solvable
VisJones calibration table formats are provided through
Encapsulate calibration main table data buffers.
To Do
(i) Deal with non-standard columns.
Member Description
Default constructor. No connection to an underlying
calibration table iterator in this case.
Construct from a set of calibration buffer indices and
their specified values. Non-index columns will be set
to default values. There is no connection to an underlying
calibration table iterator in this case.
Construct from a calibration table iterator. The calibration
buffer will remain synchronized with the iterator.
Default destructor
Synchronize the buffer (if attached to an iterator)
Force an explicit read to cache for all columns
(if attached to an iterator)
Write the current buffer at the end of a specified cal table;
returns the number of rows appended.
virtual Int nRow()
Maximum number of rows in the calibration buffer
Accessors for the contained cal_desc and cal_history buffers
Data field accessors
virtual Array<Complex>& gain()
Generic access to integer columns by MSCalEnums enumeration. Throws
an exception if the column is not recognized or is not an integer column.
Generic access to string columns by MSCalEnums enumeration. Throws
an exception if the column is not recognized or is not a string column.
Find the matching rows for a given antenna1 id.
Find the matching rows for a given antenna1 id. and field id. pair
Find the matching rows for a given antenna1 id. and freq. group name
Factory method to create a columns accessor object of the appropriate type
Access to the columns accessor object
Is the buffer connected to an underlying iterator ?
Invalidate the current cache.
Span an empty cal buffer by taking all permutations of the
values of a specified set of cal indices, specified as
enums from class MSCalEnums:
Use a visibility buffer to define the index values
virtual void fillIndices (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)
Define the index values directly
Set default attribute values
Bool excluded(const MSCalEnums::colDef& calEnum, const Vector<Int>& excludeIndices)
Utility function to test for membership in a list of calibration enums