- ROGJonesPolyMCol -- ROGJonesPolyMCol: Read-only GJonesPoly cal_main column access (full description)
- GJonesPolyMCol -- GJonesPolyMCol: RW GJonesPoly cal_main column access (full description)
- ROGJonesSplineMCol -- ROGJonesSplineMCol: Read-only GJonesSpline cal_main column access (full description)
- GJonesSplineMCol -- GJonesSplineMCol: RW GJonesSpline cal_main column access (full description)
- Public Members
- ROGJonesPolyMCol (const GJonesPolyTable& gjpTable)
- virtual ~ROGJonesPolyMCol()
- const ROScalarColumn<String>& polyType() const
- const ROScalarColumn<String>& polyMode() const
- const ROScalarColumn<Complex>& scaleFactor() const
- const ROScalarColumn<Int>& nPolyAmp() const
- const ROScalarColumn<Int>& nPolyPhase() const
- const ROArrayColumn<Double>& polyCoeffAmp() const
- const ROArrayColumn<Double>& polyCoeffPhase() const
- const ROScalarColumn<String>& phaseUnits() const
- Protected Members
- ROGJonesPolyMCol()
- Private Members
- ROGJonesPolyMCol (const ROGJonesPolyMCol&)
- ROGJonesPolyMCol& operator= (const ROGJonesPolyMCol&)
From "read-only","GJonesPoly","cal main" and "columns".
The ROGJonesPolyMCol class allows read-only access to columns in the
GJonesPoly main calibration table. GJonesPoly matrices are used to
store electronic gain information in the Measurement Equation formalism
in polynomial form over time.
Encapsulate read-only access to GJonesPoly calibration table columns.
To Do
(i) Deal with non-standard columns.
(ii) Migrate GJonesMCol to this file.
Member Description
Construct from a calibration table
Default destructor
Read-only column accessors
Prohibit public use of the null constructor, which
does not produce a usable object.
Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
ROGJonesPolyMCol& operator= (const ROGJonesPolyMCol&)
Public Members
- GJonesPolyMCol (GJonesPolyTable& gjpTable)
- virtual ~GJonesPolyMCol()
- ScalarColumn<String>& polyType()
- ScalarColumn<String>& polyMode()
- ScalarColumn<Complex>& scaleFactor()
- ScalarColumn<Int>& nPolyAmp()
- ScalarColumn<Int>& nPolyPhase()
- ArrayColumn<Double>& polyCoeffAmp()
- ArrayColumn<Double>& polyCoeffPhase()
- ScalarColumn<String>& phaseUnits()
Protected Members
- GJonesPolyMCol()
Private Members
- GJonesPolyMCol (const GJonesPolyMCol&)
- GJonesPolyMCol& operator= (const GJonesPolyMCol&)
From "GJonesPoly","cal main table" and "columns".
The GJonesPolyMCol class allows read-only access to columns in the
GJonesPoly main calibration table. GJonesPoly matrices are used to
store electronic gain information in the Measurement Equation formalism
in polynomial form over time.
Encapsulate read-write access to GJonesPoly calibration table columns.
To Do
(i) Deal with non-standard columns.
Member Description
Construct from a calibration table
Default destructor
Read-write column accessors
Prohibit public use of the null constructor, which
does not produce a usable object.
Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
GJonesPolyMCol& operator= (const GJonesPolyMCol&)
Public Members
- ROGJonesSplineMCol (const GJonesSplineTable& gjsTable)
- virtual ~ROGJonesSplineMCol()
- const ROScalarColumn<Int>& nKnotsAmp() const
- const ROScalarColumn<Int>& nKnotsPhase() const
- const ROArrayColumn<Double>& splineKnotsAmp() const
- const ROArrayColumn<Double>& splineKnotsPhase() const
Protected Members
- ROGJonesSplineMCol()
Private Members
- ROGJonesSplineMCol (const ROGJonesSplineMCol&)
- ROGJonesSplineMCol& operator= (const ROGJonesSplineMCol&)
From "read-only","GJonesSpline","cal main" and "columns".
The ROGJonesSplineMCol class allows read-only access to columns in the
GJonesSpline main calibration table. GJonesSpline matrices are used to
store electronic gain information in the Measurement Equation formalism
in spline polynomial form over time.
Encapsulate read-only access to GJonesSpline calibration table columns.
To Do
(i) Deal with non-standard columns.
(ii) Migrate GJonesMCol to this file.
Member Description
Construct from a calibration table
Default destructor
Read-only column accessors
Prohibit public use of the null constructor, which
does not produce a usable object.
Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
ROGJonesSplineMCol& operator= (const ROGJonesSplineMCol&)
Public Members
- GJonesSplineMCol (GJonesSplineTable& gjsTable)
- virtual ~GJonesSplineMCol()
- ScalarColumn<Int>& nKnotsAmp()
- ScalarColumn<Int>& nKnotsPhase()
- ArrayColumn<Double>& splineKnotsAmp()
- ArrayColumn<Double>& splineKnotsPhase()
Protected Members
- GJonesSplineMCol()
Private Members
- GJonesSplineMCol (const GJonesSplineMCol&)
- GJonesSplineMCol& operator= (const GJonesSplineMCol&)
From "GJonesSpline","cal main table" and "columns".
The GJonesSplineMCol class allows read-only access to columns in the
GJonesSpline main calibration table. GJonesSpline matrices are used to
store electronic gain information in the Measurement Equation formalism
in spline polynomial form over time.
Encapsulate read-write access to GJonesSpline calibration table columns.
To Do
(i) Deal with non-standard columns.
Member Description
Construct from a calibration table
Default destructor
Read-write column accessors
Prohibit public use of the null constructor, which
does not produce a usable object.
Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
GJonesSplineMCol& operator= (const GJonesSplineMCol&)