- image -- Implementation of the image DO functionality (full description)
- Public Members
- image(const String& fileName)
- image(const String &imagefile, const String &fitsfile, Index whichhdu, Bool zeroblanks, Bool overwrite)
- image(const String &imagefile, const Array<Float> &pixels, const GlishRecord& coordinates, Bool doLinear, Bool log, Bool overwrite)
- image(const String &outfile, const Vector<Int> &shape, const GlishRecord& coordinates, Bool doLinear, Bool log, Bool overwrite)
- image(const String& outfile, const Vector<String>& infiles, Index axis, Bool relax, Bool tempClose, Bool overwrite)
- image(const String& outfile, const String& expr, Bool overwrite, const GlishRecord& tempRegions)
- image(const String& outfile, const String& infile, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool dropDegenerateAxes, Bool overwrite)
- image(const image& other)
- image(const ImageInterface<Float>& inImage)
- image &operator=(const image& other)
- ~image()
- ImageInterface<Float>* imagePointer() const
- ObjectID addDegenerateAxes (const String& outFile, Bool direction, Bool spectral, const String& stokes, Bool linear, Bool tabular, Bool overwrite)
- void addNoise (const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& type, const Vector<Double>& pars, Bool zeroIt)
- GlishRecord boundingBox(const GlishRecord& glishRegion)
- String brightnessUnit () const
- void setBrightnessUnit (const String& units)
- Bool calcMask(const String& expr, const GlishRecord& regions, const String& maskName, Bool makeDefault)
- void close()
- Quantum<Double> convertFlux (const Quantum<Double>& value, const Quantum<Double>& majorAxis, const Quantum<Double>& minorAxis, const String& type, Bool toPeak) const
- ObjectID convolve (const Array<Float>& kernelArray, const String& kernelFile, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, const String &out, Bool overwrite, Bool autoScale, Double scale)
- ObjectID convolve2D (const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, const Vector<Index> &axes, const String &kernel, const Quantum<Double> & major, const Quantum<Double> & minor, const Quantum<Double>& pa, Bool autoScale, Double scale, const String &outFile, Bool overwrite)
- Bool calc(const String& expr, const GlishRecord& tempRegions)
- ObjectID coordSys(const Vector<Index>& pixelAxes) const
- Vector<SkyComponent> deconvolveComponentList(const Vector<SkyComponent>& list) const
- GlishRecord decompose (const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool simple, Float threshold, Int nContour, Int minRange, Int nAxis, Bool fit, Float maxrms, Int maxRetry, Int maxIter, Float convCriteria)
- Vector<SkyComponent> findSources (Int nMax, Double cutoff, Bool absFind, const GlishRecord& region, const String& mask, Bool point, Int width)
- void fft(const String& realOut, const String& imagOut, const String& ampOut, const String& phaseOut, const Vector<Index>& axes, const GlishRecord& region, const String& mask)
- Vector<SkyComponent> fitsky(Array<Float>& pixels, Array<Bool>& pixelMask, Bool& converged, const GlishRecord& region, const String& mask, const Vector<String>& models, const Vector<SkyComponent>& estimate, const Vector<String>& parameterMasks, const Vector<Float>& includerange, const Vector<Float>& excluderange, Bool fitIt, Bool deconvolveIt, Bool list)
- void fitAllProfiles (const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Int nGauss, Int baseline, Index axis, const String& sigmaFileName, const String& outFitFileName, const String& outResidFileName)
- GlishRecord fitProfile (Vector<Float>& values, Vector<Float>& resid, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, const GlishRecord& estimate, Int nMax, Int baseline, Index axis, Bool fitIt, const String& sigmaFileName)
- void getchunk(Array<Float>& pixels, Array<Bool>& pixelMask, const Vector<Index>& blc, const Vector<Index>& trc, const Vector<Int>& inc, const Vector<Index>& axes, Bool listBoundingBox, Bool dropDegenerateAxes, Bool getMask) const
- void getRegion(Array<Float>& data, Array<Bool>& pixelMask, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const Vector<Index>& axes, const String& mask, Bool listBoundingBox=False, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False, Bool getPixels=True, Bool getMask=True)
- void getSlice1D (Vector<Float>& xPos, Vector<Float>& yPos, Vector<Float>& distance, Vector<Float>& pixels, Vector<Bool>& pixelMask, const Vector<Index>& coord, const Vector<Index>& axes, const Vector<Double>& x, const Vector<Double>& y, const String& method, Int nPts) const
- ObjectID hanning(const GlishRecord& regionRecord, const String& mask, Index axis, const String& outfile, Bool drop, Bool overwrite)
- Vector<Bool> hasLock() const
- void histograms(GlishRecord &histout, const Vector<Index> &axes, const GlishRecord& regionRecord, const String& mask, Int nbins, const Vector<Float> &includepix, Bool gauss, Bool cumu, Bool log, Bool list, const String &pgdevice, Int nx, Int ny, const Vector<Int>& size, Bool forceNewStorageImage, Bool forceStorageOnDisk)
- Vector<String> history(Bool list) const
- void setHistory(const Vector<String>& history)
- void insertImage(const String &infile, const GlishRecord& region, const Vector<Double>& locate, Bool doRef, Int dbg)
- Bool isPersistent () const
- Bool lock (Bool readLock=True, Int nattempts=0)
- void makeComplex (const String& outFile, const GlishRecord& region, const String& imagFile, Bool overWrite)
- void maskHandler (Vector<String>& namesOut, Bool& hasOutput, Vector<String>& namesIn, const String& op)
- void maxfit (SkyComponent& sky, Vector<Double>& absPixel, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, Bool absFind, Bool doPoint, Int width)
- void modify(const Vector<SkyComponent>& estimate, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool subtract, Bool list)
- ObjectID moments(const Vector<Int> &whichmoments, Index axis, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, const Vector<String>& method, const Vector<Index>& smoothaxes, const Vector<String>& kernels, const Vector<Quantum<Double> >& kernelwidths, const Vector<Float>& includepix, const Vector<Float>& excludepix, Float peaksnr, Float stddev, const String& velocityType, const String &out, const String &smoothout, const String &pgdevice, Int nx, Int ny, Bool yind, Bool overwrite, Bool removeAxis)
- String name(const Bool stripPath=False) const
- void open(const String& infile)
- void pixelValue (Bool& offImage, Quantum<Double>& value, Bool& mask, Vector<Index>& pos) const
- ObjectID fitPolynomial (Index axis, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Int baseline, const String& sigmaFileName, const String& outFitFileName, const String& outResidFileName, Bool overwrite)
- void putchunk(const Array<Float> &pixels, const Vector<Index> &blc, const Vector<Int> &inc, Bool listBoundingBox, Bool replicate)
- void putRegion(const Array<Float> &data, const Array<Bool> &mask, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, Bool listBoundingBox, Bool useMask, Bool replicate)
- ObjectID rebin (String& outfile, const Vector<Int>& factors, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool overwrite, Bool dropDegenerateAxes)
- ObjectID regrid (String& outfile, const Vector<Int> &shape, const GlishRecord& coordinates, const String& method, const Vector<Index>& pixelAxes, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool doRefChange, Bool dropDegenerateAxes, Int decimate, Bool replicate, Bool overwrite, Bool forceRegrid, Int dbg)
- void replaceMaskedPixels(const String& pixels, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool listBoundingBox, Bool updateMask, const GlishRecord& tempRegions)
- GlishRecord restoringBeam () const
- void setRestoringBeam (const GlishRecord& beam, Bool deleteIt, Bool log)
- ObjectID separableConvolution (const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, const Vector<Index> &smoothaxes, const Vector<String> &kernels, const Vector<Quantum<Double> >& kernelwidths, Bool autoScale, Double scale, const String &out, Bool overwrite)
- void set(Bool setPixels, const String& pixels, Bool setMask, Bool mask, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const Bool listBoundingBox, const GlishRecord& tempRegions)
- Vector<Int> shape() const
- void setCoordinateSystem (const GlishRecord& coordinates)
- GlishRecord miscinfo() const
- Bool setmiscinfo(const GlishRecord &newinfo)
- void statistics(GlishRecord &statsout, const Vector<Index> &axes, const GlishRecord& regionRecord, const String& mask, const Vector<String> &plotstats, const Vector<Float> &includepix, const Vector<Float> &excludepix, Bool list, const String &pgdevice, Int nx, Int ny, Bool forceNewStorageImage, Bool forceStorageOnDisk, Bool robust, Bool verbose)
- ObjectID twoPointCorrelation (const String &outfile, const GlishRecord& regionRecord, const String& mask, const Vector<Index>& axes, const String& method, Bool overwrite)
- ObjectID subimage(const String &outfile, const GlishRecord& regionRecord, const String& mask, Bool dropDegenerateAxes, Bool overwrite, Bool list)
- Vector<String> summary(GlishRecord &header, const String& velocityType, Bool list, Bool pixelOrder) const
- void tofits(const String &filename, Bool velocity, Bool optical, Int bitpix, Float minpix, Float maxpix, const GlishRecord& region, const String& mask, Bool overwrite, Bool dropDeg)
- void unlock()
- virtual String className() const
- virtual Vector<String> methods() const
- virtual Vector<String> noTraceMethods() const
- virtual MethodResult runMethod(uInt which, ParameterSet &inputRecord, Bool runMethod)
- static void getPointer (ImageInterface<Float>*& imagePointer, Bool& deleteIt, const String& infile, String& os)
- Private Members
- void centreRefPix (CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& shape) const
- ComponentType::Shape convertModelType (Fit2D::Types typeIn) const
- Bool deconvolveFromBeam(Quantum<Double>& majorFit, Quantum<Double>& minorFit, Quantum<Double>& paFit, LogIO& os, const Vector<Quantum<Double> >& beam) const
- SkyComponent deconvolveSkyComponent(LogIO& os, const SkyComponent& skyIn, const Vector<Quantum<Double> >& beam, const DirectionCoordinate& dirCoord) const
- void deleteHistAndStats()
- void dummyHeader(Vector<String> &axisNames, Vector<Double> &referenceValues, Vector<Double> &referencePixels, Vector<Double> &deltas, const Vector<Int> &shape) const
- SkyComponent encodeSkyComponent(LogIO& os, Double& fluxRatio, const ImageInterface<Float>& im, ComponentType::Shape modelType, const Vector<Double>& parameters, Shape::StokesTypes stokes, Bool xIsLong, Bool deconvolveIt) const
- void encodeSkyComponentError (LogIO& os, SkyComponent& sky, Double fluxRatio, const ImageInterface<Float>& subIm, const Vector<Double>& parameters, const Vector<Double>& errors, Vector::StokesTypes stokes, Bool xIsLong) const
- void hanning_smooth (Array<Float>& out, Array<Bool>& maskOut, const Vector<Float>& in, const Array<Bool>& maskIn, Bool isMasked) const
- Bool make_image(String &error, const String &image, const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& shape, LogIO& os, Bool log=True, Bool overwrite=False)
- Bool makeExternalImage (PtrHolder<ImageInterface<Float> >& image, const String& fileName, const String& cSys, const CoordinateSystem& shape, const ImageInterface<Float>& inImage, IPosition& os, Bool overwrite=False, Bool allowTemp=False, Bool copyMask=True)
- Bool makeMask(ImageInterface<Float>& out, String& maskName, Bool init, Bool makeDefault, String& os, Bool list=True) const
- ImageRegion* makeRegionRegion(ImageInterface<Float>& inImage, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const Bool listBoundingBox, GlishRecord& logger)
- ImageRegion* makeMaskRegion (const String& mask) const
- SubImage<Float> makeSubImage (ImageRegion*& pRegionRegion, ImageRegion*& pMaskRegion, ImageInterface<Float>& inImage, const Imageerface& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool listBoundingBox, glishRegion& os, Bool writableIfPossible, const mask& axesSpecifier=mask())
- Bool haveRegionsChanged (ImageRegion* pNewRegionRegion, ImageRegion* pNewMaskRegion, ImageRegion* pOldRegionRegion, ImageRegion* pOldMaskRegion) const
- CoordinateSystem* makeCoordinateSystem(const GlishRecord& cSys, const IPosition& shape) const
- void makeRegionBlock(PtrBlock<const ImageRegion*>& regions, const GlishRecord& glishRegions, LogIO& logger)
- Vector<Quantum<Double> > putBeamInXYFrame (const Vector<Quantum<Double> >& beam, const DirectionCoordinate& dirCoord) const
- void set_cache(const IPosition &chunk_shape) const
- Vector<Double> singleParameterEstimate (Fit2D& fitter, Fit2D::Types modelType, const MaskedArray<Float>& pixels, Float minVal, Float maxVal, const MaskedArray& minPos, const MaskedArray& maxPos, IPosition::StokesTypes stokes, const ImageInterface<Float>& im, Bool xIsLong, LogIO& os) const
- Bool detached() const
- String substituteOID (Block<LatticeExprNode>& nodes, String& exprName, const String& expr) const
Review Status
- Date Reviewed:
- yyyy/mm/dd
This implements the functionality for the image Distributed Object
The functionality that is bound to Glish and available via the
image module/DO is implemented here.
Template Type Argument Requirements (T)
Thrown Exceptions
To Do
Member Description
"image" constructor
image(const String &imagefile, const String &fitsfile, Index whichhdu, Bool zeroblanks, Bool overwrite)
"imagefromfits" constructor
image(const String &imagefile, const Array<Float> &pixels, const GlishRecord& coordinates, Bool doLinear, Bool log, Bool overwrite)
"imagefromarray" constructor
image(const String &outfile, const Vector<Int> &shape, const GlishRecord& coordinates, Bool doLinear, Bool log, Bool overwrite)
"imagefromshape" constructor
image(const String& outfile, const Vector<String>& infiles, Index axis, Bool relax, Bool tempClose, Bool overwrite)
"imageconcat" constructor
image(const String& outfile, const String& expr, Bool overwrite, const GlishRecord& tempRegions)
"imagecalc" constructor
image(const String& outfile, const String& infile, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool dropDegenerateAxes, Bool overwrite)
"imagefromimage" constructor
image(const image& other)
copy constructor
image(const ImageInterface<Float>& inImage)
ImageInterface constructor
image &operator=(const image& other)
ImageInterface<Float>* imagePointer() const
Get at underlying ImageInterface pointer. Do not delete this.
ObjectID addDegenerateAxes (const String& outFile, Bool direction, Bool spectral, const String& stokes, Bool linear, Bool tabular, Bool overwrite)
Add degenerate axes
void addNoise (const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& type, const Vector<Double>& pars, Bool zeroIt)
Add noise to image
Get bounding box of a region
Get/set brightness units
Bool calcMask(const String& expr, const GlishRecord& regions, const String& maskName, Bool makeDefault)
Make a mask from a LEL expression
Flush the image to disk and detach from the image file. All function
calls after this will be a no-op.
Quantum<Double> convertFlux (const Quantum<Double>& value, const Quantum<Double>& majorAxis, const Quantum<Double>& minorAxis, const String& type, Bool toPeak) const
Convert pean and integral flux density
ObjectID convolve (const Array<Float>& kernelArray, const String& kernelFile, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, const String &out, Bool overwrite, Bool autoScale, Double scale)
Convolve image with supplied array or image
ObjectID convolve2D (const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, const Vector<Index> &axes, const String &kernel, const Quantum<Double> & major, const Quantum<Double> & minor, const Quantum<Double>& pa, Bool autoScale, Double scale, const String &outFile, Bool overwrite)
2D 'functional' convolution
Image calculator
Return CoordinateSYstem
Deconvolve a component list from the restoring beam
GlishRecord decompose (const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool simple, Float threshold, Int nContour, Int minRange, Int nAxis, Bool fit, Float maxrms, Int maxRetry, Int maxIter, Float convCriteria)
Decompose image into sources
Vector<SkyComponent> findSources (Int nMax, Double cutoff, Bool absFind, const GlishRecord& region, const String& mask, Bool point, Int width)
Find (point) sources in plane
void fft(const String& realOut, const String& imagOut, const String& ampOut, const String& phaseOut, const Vector<Index>& axes, const GlishRecord& region, const String& mask)
FFT the sky
Vector<SkyComponent> fitsky(Array<Float>& pixels, Array<Bool>& pixelMask, Bool& converged, const GlishRecord& region, const String& mask, const Vector<String>& models, const Vector<SkyComponent>& estimate, const Vector<String>& parameterMasks, const Vector<Float>& includerange, const Vector<Float>& excluderange, Bool fitIt, Bool deconvolveIt, Bool list)
Fit the Sky
void fitAllProfiles (const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Int nGauss, Int baseline, Index axis, const String& sigmaFileName, const String& outFitFileName, const String& outResidFileName)
Fit a profile
GlishRecord fitProfile (Vector<Float>& values, Vector<Float>& resid, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, const GlishRecord& estimate, Int nMax, Int baseline, Index axis, Bool fitIt, const String& sigmaFileName)
void getchunk(Array<Float>& pixels, Array<Bool>& pixelMask, const Vector<Index>& blc, const Vector<Index>& trc, const Vector<Int>& inc, const Vector<Index>& axes, Bool listBoundingBox, Bool dropDegenerateAxes, Bool getMask) const
Recover pixels from box into an array
void getRegion(Array<Float>& data, Array<Bool>& pixelMask, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const Vector<Index>& axes, const String& mask, Bool listBoundingBox=False, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False, Bool getPixels=True, Bool getMask=True)
Recover pixels from region into an array
void getSlice1D (Vector<Float>& xPos, Vector<Float>& yPos, Vector<Float>& distance, Vector<Float>& pixels, Vector<Bool>& pixelMask, const Vector<Index>& coord, const Vector<Index>& axes, const Vector<Double>& x, const Vector<Double>& y, const String& method, Int nPts) const
Recover pixels from box into an array
ObjectID hanning(const GlishRecord& regionRecord, const String& mask, Index axis, const String& outfile, Bool drop, Bool overwrite)
Hanning smooth an axis
hasLock (read in 0 and write in 1)
void histograms(GlishRecord &histout, const Vector<Index> &axes, const GlishRecord& regionRecord, const String& mask, Int nbins, const Vector<Float> &includepix, Bool gauss, Bool cumu, Bool log, Bool list, const String &pgdevice, Int nx, Int ny, const Vector<Int>& size, Bool forceNewStorageImage, Bool forceStorageOnDisk)
Display image pixel histogram.
List history to logger
void insertImage(const String &infile, const GlishRecord& region, const Vector<Double>& locate, Bool doRef, Int dbg)
Insert this image into an empty one
Is image persistent ?
Bool lock (Bool readLock=True, Int nattempts=0)
Set a lock. Number of attempts defaults to try for ever
void makeComplex (const String& outFile, const GlishRecord& region, const String& imagFile, Bool overWrite)
Make a Complex image
Manipulate the mask.
void maxfit (SkyComponent& sky, Vector<Double>& absPixel, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, Bool absFind, Bool doPoint, Int width)
void modify(const Vector<SkyComponent>& estimate, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool subtract, Bool list)
Modify image by a componentlist model
ObjectID moments(const Vector<Int> &whichmoments, Index axis, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, const Vector<String>& method, const Vector<Index>& smoothaxes, const Vector<String>& kernels, const Vector<Quantum<Double> >& kernelwidths, const Vector<Float>& includepix, const Vector<Float>& excludepix, Float peaksnr, Float stddev, const String& velocityType, const String &out, const String &smoothout, const String &pgdevice, Int nx, Int ny, Bool yind, Bool overwrite, Bool removeAxis)
Perform moment analysis on the image.
String name(const Bool stripPath=False) const
File name. By default include full path. Path stripped on request.
void open(const String& infile)
Close the current image, and replace it with the supplied image.
void pixelValue (Bool& offImage, Quantum<Double>& value, Bool& mask, Vector<Index>& pos) const
Get pixel value and mask at location
ObjectID fitPolynomial (Index axis, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Int baseline, const String& sigmaFileName, const String& outFitFileName, const String& outResidFileName, Bool overwrite)
Fit polynomials to profiles and subtract
void putchunk(const Array<Float> &pixels, const Vector<Index> &blc, const Vector<Int> &inc, Bool listBoundingBox, Bool replicate)
Put pixels from box into image
void putRegion(const Array<Float> &data, const Array<Bool> &mask, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, Bool listBoundingBox, Bool useMask, Bool replicate)
If blc is <0 or otherwise invalid, put starting at the beginning
ObjectID rebin (String& outfile, const Vector<Int>& factors, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool overwrite, Bool dropDegenerateAxes)
ObjectID regrid (String& outfile, const Vector<Int> &shape, const GlishRecord& coordinates, const String& method, const Vector<Index>& pixelAxes, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool doRefChange, Bool dropDegenerateAxes, Int decimate, Bool replicate, Bool overwrite, Bool forceRegrid, Int dbg)
void replaceMaskedPixels(const String& pixels, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool listBoundingBox, Bool updateMask, const GlishRecord& tempRegions)
Replace pixels masked bad with some value
Get/set restoring beam
Do separable convolution on the image.
void set(Bool setPixels, const String& pixels, Bool setMask, Bool mask, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const Bool listBoundingBox, const GlishRecord& tempRegions)
Set all pixels in the region to the given value
Return the image shape
Set CoordinateSystem
Get/Set miscellaneous "header" information in the image.
void statistics(GlishRecord &statsout, const Vector<Index> &axes, const GlishRecord& regionRecord, const String& mask, const Vector<String> &plotstats, const Vector<Float> &includepix, const Vector<Float> &excludepix, Bool list, const String &pgdevice, Int nx, Int ny, Bool forceNewStorageImage, Bool forceStorageOnDisk, Bool robust, Bool verbose)
Calculate, display, and get statistics from image.
Two point correlation
ObjectID subimage(const String &outfile, const GlishRecord& regionRecord, const String& mask, Bool dropDegenerateAxes, Bool overwrite, Bool list)
Subimage operation
Return a record with various image summary information.
Also writes the information in a log message if list=True.
void tofits(const String &filename, Bool velocity, Bool optical, Int bitpix, Float minpix, Float maxpix, const GlishRecord& region, const String& mask, Bool overwrite, Bool dropDeg)
Make a fits file named 'filename', will not overwrite.
Stuff needed for distributing this class
If your object has more than one method
static void getPointer (ImageInterface<Float>*& imagePointer, Bool& deleteIt, const String& infile, String& os)
Get the pointer from the string; either a new PagedImage or fished out of an Image tool
Center refpix apart from STokes
Convert types
Deconvolve from beam
Deconvolve SkyComponent from beam
Delete private ImageStatistics and ImageHistograms objects
void dummyHeader(Vector<String> &axisNames, Vector<Double> &referenceValues, Vector<Double> &referencePixels, Vector<Double> &deltas, const Vector<Int> &shape) const
Make a dummy image header
SkyComponent encodeSkyComponent(LogIO& os, Double& fluxRatio, const ImageInterface<Float>& im, ComponentType::Shape modelType, const Vector<Double>& parameters, Shape::StokesTypes stokes, Bool xIsLong, Bool deconvolveIt) const
Convert a parameters vector to a SkyComponent
void encodeSkyComponentError (LogIO& os, SkyComponent& sky, Double fluxRatio, const ImageInterface<Float>& subIm, const Vector<Double>& parameters, const Vector<Double>& errors, Vector::StokesTypes stokes, Bool xIsLong) const
Convert error parameters from pixel to world and insert in SkyComponent
void hanning_smooth (Array<Float>& out, Array<Bool>& maskOut, const Vector<Float>& in, const Array<Bool>& maskIn, Bool isMasked) const
Hanning smooth a vector
Make a new image with given CS
Bool makeExternalImage (PtrHolder<ImageInterface<Float> >& image, const String& fileName, const String& cSys, const CoordinateSystem& shape, const ImageInterface<Float>& inImage, IPosition& os, Bool overwrite=False, Bool allowTemp=False, Bool copyMask=True)
If file name empty make TempImage (allowTemp=T) or do nothing.
Otherwise, make a PagedImage from file name and copy mask and
misc from inimage. Returns T if image made, F if not
Bool makeMask(ImageInterface<Float>& out, String& maskName, Bool init, Bool makeDefault, String& os, Bool list=True) const
Make a mask and define it in the image.
ImageRegion* makeRegionRegion(ImageInterface<Float>& inImage, const GlishRecord& glishRegion, const Bool listBoundingBox, GlishRecord& logger)
Convert region GlishRecord to an ImageRegion pointer
Make ImageRegion from 'mask' string
SubImage<Float> makeSubImage (ImageRegion*& pRegionRegion, ImageRegion*& pMaskRegion, ImageInterface<Float>& inImage, const Imageerface& glishRegion, const String& mask, Bool listBoundingBox, glishRegion& os, Bool writableIfPossible, const mask& axesSpecifier=mask())
Make a SubImage from a region and a WCLELMask string
See if the combination of the 'region' and 'mask' ImageRegions have changed
Convert a Glish record to a CoordinateSystem
Make a block of regions from a GlishRecord (filled in by substitute.g).
Put beam into +x -> +y frame
Set the cache
Vector<Double> singleParameterEstimate (Fit2D& fitter, Fit2D::Types modelType, const MaskedArray<Float>& pixels, Float minVal, Float maxVal, const MaskedArray& minPos, const MaskedArray& maxPos, IPosition::StokesTypes stokes, const ImageInterface<Float>& im, Bool xIsLong, LogIO& os) const
Make an estimate for single parameter fit models
Prints an error message if the image DO is detached and returns True.
Convert object-id's in the expression to LatticeExprNode objects.
It returns a string where the object-id's are placed by $n.
That string can be parsed by ImageExprParse.
Furthermore it fills the string exprName with the expression
where the object-id's are replaced by the image names.
Note that an image name can be an expression in itself, so
this string is not suitable for the ImageExprParse.
Methods enum