- ImageProfileFit -- (full description)
- Public Members
- explicit ImageProfileFit()
- ~ImageProfileFit()
- ImageProfileFit(const ImageProfileFit& other)
- ImageProfileFit& operator=(const ImageProfileFit& other)
- void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>& image, const ImageRegion& region, uInt profileAxis, Bool average=True)
- void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>& image, const ImageInterface<Float>& sigma, const ImageRegion& region, uInt profileAxis, Bool average=True)
- void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>& image, uInt profileAxis, Bool average=True)
- void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>& image, const ImageInterface<Float>& sigma, uInt profileAxis, Bool average=True)
- void setData (const CoordinateSystem& cSys, uInt ProfileAxis, const Quantum<Vector<Float> >& x, const Quantum<Vector<Float> >& y, const Vector<Float>& sigma, Bool isAbs, const String& doppler)
- void setData (const CoordinateSystem& cSys, uInt ProfileAxis, const Quantum<Vector<Float> >& x, const Quantum<Vector<Float> >& y, const Vector<Bool>& mask, const Vector<Float>& sigma, Bool isAbs, const String& doppler)
- Bool estimate (uInt nMax = 0)
- uInt addElements (const RecordInterface& estimate)
- Bool getList (RecordInterface& rec, Bool xAbsOut, const String& xUnitOut, const String& dopplerOut)
- SpectralList getList () const
- void reset ()
- uInt nElements ()
- Bool fit(Int order=-1)
- void fit (Bool fillRecord, RecordInterface& rec, Bool xAbsRec, const String& xUnitRec, const String& dopplerRec, ImageInterface<Float>* pFit, ImageInterface<Float>* pResid, Int order=-1)
- void residual(Vector<Float>& resid, const Vector<Float>& x) const
- void residual(Vector<Float>& resid) const
- void model (Vector<Float>& model, const Vector<Float>& x) const
- void model (Vector<Float>& model) const
- Private Members
- void collapse (Vector<Float>& profile, Vector<Bool>& mask, uInt profileAxis, const MaskedLattice<Float>& lat) const
- SpectralElement convertSpectralElement (const SpectralElement& elIn, Bool xAbsIn, Bool xAbsOut, Bool oneRelIn, Bool oneRelOut, const String& xUnitIn, const String& xUnitOut, const String& dopplerIn, const String& dopplerOut, const String& yUnitIn, const String& yUnitOut)
- void convertGaussianElementX (SpectralElement& el, CoordinateSystem& cSys, uInt profileAxis, Bool absIn, Bool absOut, const String& unitIn, const String& unitOut, const String& dopplerIn, const String& dopplerOut, Bool oneRelIn, Bool oneRelOut)
- SpectralList ImageProfileFit::filterList (const SpectralList& listIn) const
- Bool getElements (RecordInterface& rec, Bool xAbsOut, const String& xUnitOut, const String& dopplerOut, const String& list)
- void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>*& pSigma, const ImageInterface<Float>& image, const Slicer& sl, Bool average)
The Record used to contain models/fits is as follows. Other fields
will be ignored.
Field Type Description
xabs Bool Are the x-values absolute or
relative to the reference pixel
xunit String The x unit
yunit String The y unit
doppler String doppler type ('radio', 'optical', 'true' etc)
Only required if x unit consistent with m/s
elements Record Holds SpectralElement descriptions.
elements[i] Record There will be N of these where N is the
number of spectral elements. Each elements[i]
holds a record description that SpectralElement::fromRecord
can read or writes
.type String Type of SE (gaussian, polynomial, etc)
.parameters Vector<Double> The parameters of the element.
.errors Vector<Double> The errors of parameters of the element.
.fixed Vector<Bool> Says whether parameter is going to be held fixed when fitting
This field is not used by SpectralElement. If its
not there, all parameters are fitted for.
To Do
Member Description
Copy constructor. Uses copy semantics.
ImageProfileFit& operator=(const ImageProfileFit& other)
Assignment operator. Uses copy semantics.
void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>& image, const ImageRegion& region, uInt profileAxis, Bool average=True)
void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>& image, const ImageInterface<Float>& sigma, const ImageRegion& region, uInt profileAxis, Bool average=True)
void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>& image, uInt profileAxis, Bool average=True)
void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>& image, const ImageInterface<Float>& sigma, uInt profileAxis, Bool average=True)
Set data via an image. profileAxis specifies the profile pixel
axis. You can either average the data over all other axes in the
image (average=True) or fit all profiles in the
void setData (const CoordinateSystem& cSys, uInt ProfileAxis, const Quantum<Vector<Float> >& x, const Quantum<Vector<Float> >& y, const Vector<Float>& sigma, Bool isAbs, const String& doppler)
void setData (const CoordinateSystem& cSys, uInt ProfileAxis, const Quantum<Vector<Float> >& x, const Quantum<Vector<Float> >& y, const Vector<Bool>& mask, const Vector<Float>& sigma, Bool isAbs, const String& doppler)
Set the data directly, and provide a coordinate system
and specify the profile axis in the coordinate system.
The x-units can be 'pix'. If absolute
they must be 0-rel pixels. isAbs specifies whether
the coordinates are absolute or relative to the reference pixel.
If the weights vector, sigma is of zero length,
it is treated as all unity.
Bool estimate (uInt nMax = 0)
Makes an estimate from the set data. This means it generates SpectralElements
holding the estimate, and replaces all elements you might have
put in place with function addElement. Returns
False if it can't find any elements.
uInt addElements (const RecordInterface& estimate)
Decode the Glish record holding SpectralElements and add
them to the fitter. Absolute pixel coordinate units are assumed to be
1-rel on input. Return the number of the element added.
Bool getList (RecordInterface& rec, Bool xAbsOut, const String& xUnitOut, const String& dopplerOut)
Gets the internal SpectralElements (either estimate or fit
depending on what function you called last) into a record.
Only returns False if the field is already defined. Absolute pixel
coordinate units are 1-rel on output.
Gets the internal SpectralElements (either estimate or fit
depending on what function you called last) into a SpectralList
Only returns False if the field is already defined. Absolute pixel
coordinate units are 1-rel on output.
Reset the internal list of SpectralElements to null
Return number of SpectralElements set
Bool fit(Int order=-1)
Do the fit of the averaged profile. Specify the
order of the baseline you would also like to fit for.
void fit (Bool fillRecord, RecordInterface& rec, Bool xAbsRec, const String& xUnitRec, const String& dopplerRec, ImageInterface<Float>* pFit, ImageInterface<Float>* pResid, Int order=-1)
Fit all profiles with shapes + optional polynomial in the region and write out images.
If fillRecord is True, the output record is filled with the the parameters of
every fit. This can get VERY large so use with care. If the output images
have a writable mask, the input mask is transferred to the output.
void residual(Vector<Float>& resid, const Vector<Float>& x) const
void residual(Vector<Float>& resid) const
Find the residuals (fit or estimate) of the averaged profile
void model (Vector<Float>& model, const Vector<Float>& x) const
void model (Vector<Float>& model) const
Find the model (fit or estimate) of the averaged profile
void collapse (Vector<Float>& profile, Vector<Bool>& mask, uInt profileAxis, const MaskedLattice<Float>& lat) const
True to fit all profiles in region
SpectralElement convertSpectralElement (const SpectralElement& elIn, Bool xAbsIn, Bool xAbsOut, Bool oneRelIn, Bool oneRelOut, const String& xUnitIn, const String& xUnitOut, const String& dopplerIn, const String& dopplerOut, const String& yUnitIn, const String& yUnitOut)
Convert SE
void convertGaussianElementX (SpectralElement& el, CoordinateSystem& cSys, uInt profileAxis, Bool absIn, Bool absOut, const String& unitIn, const String& unitOut, const String& dopplerIn, const String& dopplerOut, Bool oneRelIn, Bool oneRelOut)
Convert Gaussian model x-units when data source is an image
Bool getElements (RecordInterface& rec, Bool xAbsOut, const String& xUnitOut, const String& dopplerOut, const String& list)
void setData (const ImageInterface<Float>*& pSigma, const ImageInterface<Float>& image, const Slicer& sl, Bool average)