The functions that retrieve specific coordinate information in vectors (e.g. referenceValues) return it in the order of the (pixel) axes of the image. Note that this can be different from the order in which the CoordinateSystem functions of similar name might return them. This is because the order of the coordinates in the CoordinateSystem is not necessarily the same order as the pixel axes in the associated image, although of course there is a known association.
This class lists information about the coordinates in the image. The Coordinates classes can maintain the information in a variety of units. For example, angular quantities are by default in radians, but the manipulator of a CoordinateSystem may have converted to some other unit such as arcseconds. This means that when this class fetches coordinate information and returns it to you (such as the referenceValues() function, the information is returned to you in whatever units the coordinates are currently in. It does not convert it.
PagedImage<Float> inImage(fileName); ImageSummary<Float> summary(inImage); LogOrigin or("myClass", "myFunction(...)", WHERE); LogIO os(or); summary.list(os);A PagedImage object is constructed and then logged to the supplied LogIO object.
Copy constructor
Assignment operator
Retrieve number of image dimension
Retrieve image shape
Retrieve tile shape with which image is stored on disk
Retrieve axis names in pixel or world axis order.
Retrieve reference pixels (0 or 1 rel)
Retrieve reference values in pixel or world axis order.
Retrieve axis increments in pixel or world axis order.
Retrieve axis units in pixel or world axis order.
Retrieve image units
Retrieve image name. Any prepended path is stripped off.
Retrieve observer name
Return epoch of observation as MEpoch or formatted string
Return telescope
Return rest frequency. Returns False if none.
Return frequency system. Returns False if none.
Return direction system. Returns False if none.
Retrieve whether image has mask or not
Retrieve mask names
Retrieve region names
Retrieve default mask name. Empty if none
Retrieve restoring beam. Will be of length zero if does not exist
Retrieve image type
List all header information. By default, the reference values and pixel increments are converted to a "nice" unit before formatting (e.g. RA is shown as HH:MM:SS.S). For spectral axes, both frequency and velocity information is listed. You can specify what velocity definition you want with velocityType If postLocally is True, the formatted strings are returned in the return value
Set a new image