

LELImageCoord -- The letter class for image coordinates. (full description)

class LELImageCoord : public LELLattCoord


Public Members
LELImageCoord (const CoordinateSystem& coords, const ImageInfo& imageInfo, const Unit& unit, const RecordInterface& miscInfo)
virtual ~LELImageCoord()
const CoordinateSystem& coordinates() const
const ImageInfo& imageInfo() const
const Unit& unit() const
const TableRecord& miscInfo() const
virtual LatticeExprNode makeSubLattice (const LatticeExprNode& expr, const LattRegionHolder& region) const
virtual LatticeExprNode makeExtendLattice (const LatticeExprNode& expr, const IPosition& newShape, const LELLattCoordBase& newCoord) const
virtual LatticeExprNode makeRebinLattice (const LatticeExprNode& expr, const IPosition& binning) const
virtual Bool hasCoordinates() const
virtual uInt getSpectralInfo (Vector<Double>& worldCoordinates, const IPosition& shape) const
virtual String classname() const
virtual Int compare (const LELLattCoordBase& other) const
virtual Int doCompare (const LELImageCoord& other) const


Review Status

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This class is a letter class for the envelope class LELCoordinates. It acts as the coordinates class for Lattice objects with proper coordinates (like PagedImage).


It must be possible to handle image coordinates in a lattice. expression.

Member Description


LELImageCoord (const CoordinateSystem& coords, const ImageInfo& imageInfo, const Unit& unit, const RecordInterface& miscInfo)

virtual ~LELImageCoord()

const CoordinateSystem& coordinates() const

Get the coordinates.

const ImageInfo& imageInfo() const

Get the ImageInfo.

const Unit& unit() const

Get the brightness unit.

const TableRecord& miscInfo() const

Get the MiscInfo.

virtual LatticeExprNode makeSubLattice (const LatticeExprNode& expr, const LattRegionHolder& region) const

Create a SubLattice for an expression node.

virtual LatticeExprNode makeExtendLattice (const LatticeExprNode& expr, const IPosition& newShape, const LELLattCoordBase& newCoord) const

Create an extension for an expression node.

virtual LatticeExprNode makeRebinLattice (const LatticeExprNode& expr, const IPosition& binning) const

Create a rebinning for an expression node.

virtual Bool hasCoordinates() const

The class has true coordinates (thus returns True).

virtual uInt getSpectralInfo (Vector<Double>& worldCoordinates, const IPosition& shape) const

Get the coordinates of the spectral axis for the given shape. It returns the pixel axis number of the spectral coordinates. -1 indicates that there is no pixel spectral axis. An exception is thrown if there are no world spectral coordinates.

virtual String classname() const

The name of the class.

virtual Int compare (const LELLattCoordBase& other) const

Check how the coordinates of this and that compare. The return value tells how they compare.
-1: this is subset
0: equal
1: this is superset
9: invalid (mismatch)

virtual Int doCompare (const LELImageCoord& other) const

Check how the coordinates of this and that image compare. This function is used by conform to make a double virtual dispatch possible.