- LCEllipsoid -- Define an N-dimensional ellipsoidal region of interest. (full description)
- Public Members
- LCEllipsoid()
- LCEllipsoid (const IPosition& center, Float radius, const IPosition& latticeShape)
- LCEllipsoid (const Vector<Float>& center, Float radius, const IPosition& latticeShape)
- LCEllipsoid (const Vector<Double>& center, Double radius, const IPosition& latticeShape)
- LCEllipsoid (const Vector<Float>& center, const Vector<Float>& radii, const IPosition& latticeShape)
- LCEllipsoid (const Vector<Double>& center, const Vector<Double>& radii, const IPosition& latticeShape)
- LCEllipsoid (const LCEllipsoid& other)
- virtual ~LCEllipsoid()
- LCEllipsoid& operator= (const LCEllipsoid& other)
- virtual Bool operator== (const LCRegion& other) const
- virtual LCRegion* cloneRegion() const
- const Vector<Float>& center() const
- const Vector<Float>& radii() const
- static String className()
- virtual String type() const
- virtual TableRecord toRecord (const String& tableName) const
- static LCEllipsoid* fromRecord (const TableRecord&, const String& tableName)
- Protected Members
- virtual LCRegion* doTranslate (const Vector<Float>& translateVector, const IPosition& newLatticeShape) const
- Private Members
- void fillCenter (const IPosition& center)
- static Slicer makeBox (const Vector<Float>& center, const Vector<Float>& radii, const IPosition& latticeShape)
- void defineMask()
The LCEllipsoid class is a specialization of class
It makes it possible to define an N-dimensional ellipsoidal region
of interest, which includes the border. A separate constructor exists
to define the special case of an N-dimensional sphere.
The center and the radii of the ellipsoid do not need to be pixel aligned.
The center of the ellipsoid must be inside the lattice.
The current implementation only supports ellipsoids with axes parallel
to the lattice axes.
It can only be used for a lattice of any dimensionality as long as the
dimensionality of the (hyper-)ellipsoid matches the dimensionality of
the lattice.
To Do
- Arguments to have ellipsoid axes not parallel to lattice axes.
Member Description
Construct an N-dimensional sphere with the given center and
radius (in pixels). The center is pixel-aligned.
LCEllipsoid (const Vector<Float>& center, Float radius, const IPosition& latticeShape)
LCEllipsoid (const Vector<Double>& center, Double radius, const IPosition& latticeShape)
Construct an N-dimensional sphere with the given center and
radius (in pixels). The center does not need to be pixel-aligned.
LCEllipsoid (const Vector<Float>& center, const Vector<Float>& radii, const IPosition& latticeShape)
LCEllipsoid (const Vector<Double>& center, const Vector<Double>& radii, const IPosition& latticeShape)
Construct an N-dimensional ellipsoid with the given center and
radii (in pixels). The center does not need to be pixel-aligned.
(the radii are half the length of the axes of the ellipsoid).
LCEllipsoid (const LCEllipsoid& other)
Copy constructor (reference semantics).
LCEllipsoid& operator= (const LCEllipsoid& other)
Assignment (copy semantics).
Make a copy of the derived object.
Get the center.
const Vector<Float>& radii() const
Get the radii.
Get the class name (to store in the record).
Get the region type. Returns className()
Convert the (derived) object to a record.
Convert correct object from a record.
virtual LCRegion* doTranslate (const Vector<Float>& translateVector, const IPosition& newLatticeShape) const
Construct another LCBox (for e.g. another lattice) by moving
this one. It recalculates the bounding box.
A positive translation value indicates "to right".
Fill the itsCenter vector from an IPosition.
static Slicer makeBox (const Vector<Float>& center, const Vector<Float>& radii, const IPosition& latticeShape)
Make the bounding box from center, radii, and shape.
Define the mask to indicate which elements are inside the ellipsoid.