

MFCleanImageSkyModel -- MF Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the MF Clean algorithm (full description)

class MFCleanImageSkyModel : public CleanImageSkyModel


Public Members
virtual Int add(ImageInterface<Float>& image, const Int maxNumXfr=100)
virtual Bool addResidual(Int image, ImageInterface<Float>& residual)
virtual Bool addMask(Int image, ImageInterface<Float>& mask)
virtual Bool solve (SkyEquation& me)
Matrix<Float>* makeMaskMatrix(const Int& nx, const Int& ny, RO_LatticeIterator<Float>& maskIter, Int& xbeg, Int& xend, Int& ybeg, Int& yend)
Protected Members
Float maxField(Vector<Float>& imagemax, Vector<Float>& imagemin)
Float maxOuter(Lattice<Float> & lat, const uInt nCenter )




MFCleanImageSkyModel implements the MF Clean algorithm. It is derived from SkyModel.


The MF Clean is an FFT-based clean algorithm. Cleaning is split into major and minor cycles. In a minor cycle, the brightest pixels are cleaned using only the strongest sidelobes (and main lobe) of the PSF. In the major cycle, a fully correct subtraction of the PSF is done for all points accumulated in the minor cycle using an FFT-based convolution for speed.

The MF Clean is implemented using the class.

Masking is optionally performed using a mask image: only points where the mask is non-zero are cleaned. If no mask is specified all points in the inner quarter of the image are cleaned.


See the example for SkyModel.


To Do