- NROW = 0
Create a ms object from a uvfits file. The FITS file is read and
translated into a measurement set table. The resultant table is then used.
Set lock=True to permanently lock the measurement set table.
Specify obstype to specify the tiling scheme (MSTileLayout::ObsType)
The destructor is fairly trivial
Returns the number of rows in the measurement set or zero if the ms is not
attached to a table. If selected == True, return the number of rows in
the currently selected table.
Returns True if the measurementset has been opened for writing
Close the current ms, and replace it with the supplied ms.
Flush the ms to disk and detach from the ms file. All function
calls after this will return default values.
Return the file name of the measurement set.
Create a new ms from Table Query Language command.
Write the measurement set to the specified uv fits file???
Return a record with fields name and nrow containing the measurement set
name, & number of rows. Also sends a more detailed summary of the
measurement set to the logger.
Returns the ranges of the items specified in the Vector. When
useflags is True, flagged data is excluded from the range.
(Only the FLAG column is checked and only DATA related
items are affected.)
Set the blockSizeMB argument to set the memory buffer size in MB during
operation - increase for large datasets on large memory machines.
List the ms by rows in the logger, given start/stop times
Initialises the selected Measurement set to contain data with only the
specified data description id. The ddId argument must be positive and the
first data description id is numbered one. Setting ddId to zero will
select all the entire MS if the data shape is constant otherwise it will
select the first ddId and return False. Setting reset to True will discard
all selections.
Makes a selection, you can use range to get a record with items, then
restrict the range of them and feed it back to select.
Makes a selection based on a TaQL string
Select a range of channels
Select a range of polarizations
get out the data items specified, add an interferometer axis if
ifraxis is True, put a gap in the ifr axis whenever antenna1 changes with
ifraxisgap >0, set increment to >1 to skip rows, set average to
True to average data in the row or time direction.
put the data back in to the MS, generally the items arguments would be
a modified version of the one returned by getdata.
Initialise the iterator
Reset the iterator
Move the iteraror to the next chunk
Move the iterator to the end
Create the flag history
Restore the flag
Save the flags
return the flag level
Fill the buffer
Difference the buffer
Get the buffer
Clip the buffer
Set the buffer flags
Write the buffer flags
Clear the buffer
Append the specified measurement set to the current one. This copies all
Function to make a new ms which is a subset of current one
return the name of this object type the distributed object system.
This function is required as part of the DO system
the returned vector contains the names of all the methods which may be
used via the distributed object system.
This function is required as part of the DO system
the returned vector contains the names of all the methods which are to
trivial to warrent automatic logging.
This function is required as part of the DO system
Run the specified method. This is the function used by the distributed
object system to invoke any of the specified member functions in thios
This function is required as part of the DO system
Review Status
This is the Distributed Object for the MeasurementSet
This class is the interface to glish for the various MS related classes
It is handy to have all MS related operations together in one interface.
Thrown Exceptions
To Do
Member Description
ms(MeasurementSet& thems)
Create a ms object from a measurement set Table.
ms(const String& msfile, const String& fitsfile, Bool readonly, Bool lock, Int obstype)
uInt nrow(Bool selected=False) const
Bool iswritable() const
void open(const String& msfile, Bool readonly, Bool lock)
void close()
String name() const
ObjectID command(const String& msfile, const String& command, Bool readonly) const
void tofits(const String& fitsfile, const String& column, Vector<Int>& fieldids, Vector<Int>& spectralwindowids, Int startchan, Int nchan, Int chanstep, Bool writeSysCal, Bool multiSource, Bool combineSpw, Bool writeStation) const
void summary(GlishRecord& header, Bool verbose) const
GlishRecord range(const Vector<String>& items, Bool useflags, Int blockSizeMB=10)
void lister(String starttime, String stoptime) const
Bool selectinit(const Vector<Int>& ddId, Bool reset)
Bool select(const GlishRecord& items)
Bool selecttaql(const String& msselect)
Bool selectchannel(Int nChan, Int start, Int width, Int inc)
Bool selectpolarization(const Vector<String>& wantedPol)
GlishRecord getdata(const Vector<String>& items, Bool ifraxis, Int ifraxisgap, Int increment, Bool average)
Bool putdata(const GlishRecord& items)
Bool iterinit(const Vector<String>& columns, Double interval, Int maxrows, Bool adddefaultsortcolumns)
Bool iterorigin()
Bool iternext()
Bool iterend()
Bool createflaghistory(Int numlevel)
Bool restoreflags(Int level)
Bool saveflags(Bool newlevel)
Int flaglevel()
Bool fillbuffer(const String& item, Bool ifraxis)
GlishRecord diffbuffer(const String& direction, Int window, Bool domedian)
GlishRecord getbuffer()
Bool clipbuffer(Float pixellevel, Float timelevel, Float channellevel)
Bool setbufferflags(const GlishRecord& flags)
Bool writebufferflags()
Bool clearbuffer()
void concatenate(const String& msfile, Quantity& freqTol, Quantity& dirTol)
void split(String& outputMS, Vector<Int>& fieldids, Vector<Int>& spwids, Vector<Int>& nchan, Vector<Int>& start, Vector<Int>& step, String& which)
virtual String className() const
virtual Vector<String> methods() const
virtual Vector<String> noTraceMethods() const
virtual MethodResult runMethod(uInt which, ParameterSet& inputRecord, Bool runMethod)
ms(const ms& other)
ms& operator=(const ms& other)
enum methods
Bool detached() const