- SDMSIterator -- (full description)
- Public Members
- SDMSIterator(const String &msName, const Record &selection, Table::TableOption opt = Table::Old, TableLock::LockOption lockoptions = TableLock::DefaultLocking, Bool useCorrectedData = False)
- SDMSIterator(const SDMSIterator& other)
- SDMSIterator(const SDMSIterator& other, const Record &selection)
- ~SDMSIterator()
- SDMSIterator &operator=(const SDMSIterator& other)
- virtual String type() const
- Bool unlock()
- Bool lock(uInt nattempts=0)
- void origin()
- Bool more()
- SDIterator& operator++(int)
- SDIterator& operator++()
- SDIterator& operator--(int)
- SDIterator& operator--()
- uInt where() const
- uInt nrecords()
- void resync()
- void flush()
- void reselect()
- void deepCopy(const String &newName)
- const SDRecord &get()
- const Record &getData()
- const Record &getHeader()
- const Record &getOther()
- const Array<String> getHist()
- Bool put(const SDRecord& rec)
- Bool appendRec(const SDRecord &rec)
- Bool deleteRec()
- Bool isWritable() const
- const Record &stringFields() const
- String name() const
- Bool ok() const
- virtual Bool useCorrectedData(Bool correctedData)
- virtual Bool correctedData()
- Private Members
- void cleanup()
- void cleanRec()
- void copyAll()
- void copyData()
- void copyHeader()
- void copyHist()
- void copyOther()
- Bool replaceAll(const SDRecord& rec, Bool rowIsNew = False)
- void init()
- void initRec()
- void resetDataType()
- void applySelection(const Record &selection)
- Vector<uInt> parseRow(const Record& selection, Int maxRow)
- void createMS(const String& msName, TableLock::LockOption lockoption, Table::TableOption opt)
- Double getRefPix(const Vector<Double> &chanVals, Double refVal, Double &delta, Int count=0)
- void initStringFields(Record &fieldRec, const Record &modelRec)
- String asStringVec(const Vector<Int> &vec)
- Record getVectorShortCuts(const Record &recTemplate)
- String dataUnits(const MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns whichCol)
Review Status
- Date Reviewed:
- yyyy/mm/dd
Thrown Exceptions
To Do
Member Description
SDMSIterator(const String &msName, const Record &selection, Table::TableOption opt = Table::Old, TableLock::LockOption lockoptions = TableLock::DefaultLocking, Bool useCorrectedData = False)
SDMSIterator(const SDMSIterator& other)
construct from another MS iterator
SDMSIterator(const SDMSIterator& other, const Record &selection)
construct from another with selection
SDMSIterator &operator=(const SDMSIterator& other)
assiment operator
what type of sditerator is this ("MeasurementSet")
Unlock this table
Bool lock(uInt nattempts=0)
Lock this table. Try nattempts times.
reset the iterator to the top
are there any more SDRecords after the current one
step to the next one, if at end, nothing changes
step back, if at end, nothing changes
uInt where() const
return the current row number
how many SDRecords are there
resync with the disk contents
flush to disk - a no-op for read-only sditerators (all MS-based
ones are read-only)
make a deep copy
return the current SDRecord
return just the data portion of the current SDRecord
return just the header portion of the current SDRecord
return just the other portion of the current SDRecord
return just the hist portion of the current SDRecord
replace the current SDRecord with a new one
add a new record at the end of the iterator
delete the record at the current location
see if this iterator is writable
currently always returns False.
get a record with structure like the current working SDRecord which
contains only fields which are scalar string fields - the value of those
fields is just a boolean. This is necessary so that the proper
parsing of the selection when given as a string can be done for
each field without having to duplicate that code in both glish
and here in C++.
return the name of iterator, the same as the table name
Bool ok() const
other things may not work if ok == False, this needs to be cleaned up
virtual Bool useCorrectedData(Bool correctedData)
Toggle use of corrected data if available.
query whether corrected data is being used.
Bool replaceAll(const SDRecord& rec, Bool rowIsNew = False)
void createMS(const String& msName, TableLock::LockOption lockoption, Table::TableOption opt)
Double getRefPix(const Vector<Double> &chanVals, Double refVal, Double &delta, Int count=0)