

SimObservations -- A container for data describing an interval of observations on a simulated telescope (full description)

class SimObservations


Public Members
SimObservations(SimTelescope *tel, Bool dodel=False)
SimObservations(const SimObservations& obs)
SimObservations(const MeasurementSet &ms)
SimObservations(MeasurementSet &ms)
virtual ~SimObservations()
SimObservations& operator=(const SimObservations& s)
void init(const MeasurementSet &ms)
void initAndAttach(MeasurementSet &ms)
void attach(MeasurementSet &ms, Bool clear=False)
void flush()
SimTelescope *telescope()
const SimTelescope *telescope() const
MeasurementSet *ms()
uInt addDataDesc(uInt polId, uInt spw, Bool upto=False)
uInt addDataDesc(uInt polId, const Vector<uInt>& spwids)
uInt numDataDesc() const
uInt numDataDescIds() const
const SimDataDesc& dataDesc(uInt i) const
SimDataDesc& dataDesc(uInt i)
void loadDataDesc2SpwId(Vector<uInt>& map)
uInt addSource(const String& name, const MDirection& dir, const String& code="", Int spWinId=-1)
uInt numSources() const
SimSource& source(uInt i)
const SimSource& source(uInt i) const
uInt addField(uInt srcId, const MDirection& dir, uInt repetition=0)
uInt addField(uInt srcId, const Quantity& offRA, const Quantity& offDec, uInt repetition=0)
uInt addField(uInt srcId, const Double offRA, const Double offDec, uInt repetition=0)
uInt numFields() const
uInt numFields(uInt srcid) const
SimField& field(uInt i)
const SimField& field(uInt i) const
uInt addSpectralLine(uInt srcId, const String& trans, const MFrequency &restfreq, uInt spWinId=-1)
uInt addSpectralLine(uInt srcId, const String& trans, const MFrequency &restfreq, Vector<uInt> spWinIds)
uInt numSpectralLines()
SimDoppler& spectralLine(uInt i)
const SimDoppler& spectralLine(uInt i) const




This class describes simulated observations


This class serves as a container for describing a simulated observations with an interferometer which, when used in tandem with SimTelescope, can be used to describe simulated data. The difference between SimObservations and SimTelescope is somewhat arbitrary: this class focuses on the parameters that in principle are determined at observation time--namely, the desired sources, fields, and spectral lines, as well as the mapping of polarization correllations to spectral windows. These classes provide methods for defining the telescope and observations; a simulator class, such as SimpleSimulator uses them to actually carry out the simulated observations.

This class uses some underlying container classes for storing the specific parts of the configuration which correspond roughly to records in the relevent sub-tables of a Measurement Set: