- Index
- ColorIndex mode
- RGB mode
- HSV mode
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Hue
- Saturation
- Value
- Best
- Want the most colors regardless of consequences
- Default
- Want the default allocation
- MinMax
- Happy with a range between some min and max
- Percent
- Want some percentage of the available allocation
- Custom
- Want it my way or not at all
- System
- the user wants to use the system (default) Colormap
- New
- the user wants to use a new colormap
- Shared
- the user wants to share an existing (possibly system!) Colormap (this is used internally at present)
- LSSolid
- solid, no breaks
- LSDashed
- dashed line with transparent breaks
- LSDoubleDashed
- dashed line with background-color breaks
- CSNotLast
- don't draw pixels aligned with an endpoint
- CSButt
- draw pixels up to the endpoint
- CSRound
- round the edges using pixels past the endpoint
- CSProjecting
- continue linewidth/2 pixels past the endpoint
- JSMiter
- corner ends in a point
- JSRound
- corner is rounded off
- JSBevel
- corner is flat surface whose normal bisects the joint angle.
- FSSolid
- solid fill
- FSTiled
- tiled fill
- FSStippled
- stippled fill
- FSOpaqueStippled
- opaque stippled
- FREvenOdd
- interior point filled if odd number of lines crossed to exit polygon
- FRWinding
- overlapping areas always filled
- AMChord
- Chord
- AMPieSlice
- slice
- AlignCenter
- reference point aligned to center of text
- AlignLeft
- reference point aligned to center of left edge of text
- AlignTop
- reference point aligned to center ot top edge of text
- AlignRight
- reference point aligned to center of right edge of text
- AlignBottom
- reference point aligned to center of bottom edge of text
- AlignTopLeft
- reference point aligned to top left corner of text
- AlignTopRight
- reference point aligned to top right corner of text
- AlignBottomLeft
- reference point aligned to bottom left corner of text
- AlignBottomRight
- reference point aligned to bottom right corner of text
- Draw
- Immediate draw mode
- Compile
- Build display list mode
- NoBuffer
- Nowhere
- DefaultBuffer
- Use default behaviour for the particular implementation of the PixelCanvas
- FrontBuffer
- Draw only to front buffer
- BackBuffer
- Draw only to back buffer
- FrontAndBackBuffer
- Draw to both
- DFCopy
- Normal operation, overwrite with src
- DFCopyInverted
- Invert operation
- DFClear
- Clear, ignore current color, use background color
- DFSet
- Make all bits 1
- DFInvert
- Invert the dest (twice to restore original dest)
- DFNoop
- do-nothing draw
- DFXor
- Exclusive or, used for draw/erase operation over a variable background
- DFEquiv
- (!src) XOR dest
- DFAnd
- src AND dest
- DFNand
- !(src AND dest)
- DFAndReverse
- src AND !dest
- DFAndInverted
- !src AND dest
- DFOr
- src OR dest
- DFNor
- !(src OR dest)
- DFOrReverse
- src OR !dest
- DFOrInverted
- !src OR dest
- UserCommand
- User told PixelCanvas to refresh via PixelCanvas refresh()
- ColorTableChange
- Colortable allocation changed (from PixelCanvasColorTable)
- ColormapChange
- Colormap allocation changed - less severe than ColorTableChange, this will mean an internal change to a single Display Library Colormap that doesn't affect other Colormaps in the same ColorTable
- PixelCoordinateChange
- Change in shape of PixelCanvas
- LinearCoordinateChange
- Change in linear coordinate system
- WorldCoordinateChange
- Change in world coordinate system
- BackCopiedToFront
- Back buffer was copied to front buffer on the PixelCanvas
- ClearPriorToColorChange
- Clear required prior to a change in color table or distribution...
- ClipWindow
- Is a clipwindow enabled?
- ClientAlways
- Always use client-side caching (XImages for X Server)
- ServerAlways
- Always use server-side caching (Pixmaps for X Server)
- ServerMemoryThreshold
- Use server-side pixmaps, recording the size of each pixmap created for image caching. When the memory used exceeds some threshold, change to use client-side XImages to avoid swamping the X server
- Cross = 0
- Basic, Unfilled shapes;
- X
- Diamond
- Circle
- Square
- Triangle
- InvertedTriangle
- FilledCircle
- Pentagon, Hexagon, Basic, filled shapes
- FilledSquare
- FilledDiamond
- FilledTriangle
- FilledInvertedTriangle
- CircleAndCross
- FilledPentagon, FilledHexagon, Combination markers
- CircleAndX
- CircleAndDot
- Magnitude
- Extract magnitude
- Phase
- Extract phase
- Real
- Extract real part
- Imaginary
- Extract imaginary part
- Raster
- Rastered data - should go first
- Vector
- Vector data - can go next
- Annotation
- Annotation
- CanvasAnnotation
- Canvas annotation - can draw outside draw area
- KM_Shift = 0x0001,
- Shift key bit
- KM_CapsLock = 0x0002,
- Caps lock bit Caps lock bit
- KM_Ctrl = 0x0004,
- Control key bit Control key bit
- KM_Alt = 0x0008,
- Alt key bit Alt key bit
- KM_NumLock = 0x0010,
- Numlock (1 = engaged) Numlock (1 = engaged)
- KM_ScrollLock = 0x0020,
- ScrollLock bit (1 = engaged) ScrollLock bit (1 = engaged)
- KM_Mod1 = 0x0008,
- KM_Mod2 = 0x0010,
- KM_Mod3 = 0x0020,
- KM_Mod4 = 0x0040,
- KM_Mod5 = 0x0080,
- KM_Pointer_Button_1 = 0x0100,
- Mouse button 1 bit Mouse button 1 bit
- KM_Pointer_Button_2 = 0x0200,
- Mouse button 2 bit Mouse button 2 bit
- KM_Pointer_Button_3 = 0x0400,
- Mouse button 3 bit Mouse button 3 bit
- KM_Pointer_Button_4 = 0x0800,
- Mouse button 4 bit Mouse button 4 bit
- KM_Pointer_Button_5 = 0x1000
- Mouse button 5 bit Mouse button 5 bit
- K_None = 0x0000,
- K_BackSpace = 0xFF08,
- K_Tab = 0xFF09,
- K_Linefeed = 0xFF0A,
- K_Clear = 0xFF0B,
- K_Return = 0xFF0D,
- K_Pause = 0xFF13,
- K_Scroll_Lock = 0xFF14,
- K_Sys_Req = 0xFF15,
- K_Escape = 0xFF1B,
- K_Delete = 0xFFFF,
- K_Multi_key = 0xFF20,
- K_Home = 0xFF50,
- K_Left = 0xFF51,
- K_Up = 0xFF52,
- K_Right = 0xFF53,
- K_Down = 0xFF54,
- K_Prior = 0xFF55,
- K_Page_Up = 0xFF55,
- K_Next = 0xFF56,
- K_Page_Down = 0xFF56,
- K_End = 0xFF57,
- K_Begin = 0xFF58,
- K_Select = 0xFF60,
- K_Print = 0xFF61,
- K_Execute = 0xFF62,
- K_Insert = 0xFF63,
- K_Undo = 0xFF65,
- K_Redo = 0xFF66,
- K_Menu = 0xFF67,
- K_Find = 0xFF68,
- K_Cancel = 0xFF69,
- K_Help = 0xFF6A,
- K_Break = 0xFF6B,
- K_Mode_switch = 0xFF7E,
- K_script_switch = 0xFF7E,
- K_Num_Lock = 0xFF7F,
- K_KP_Space = 0xFF80,
- K_KP_Tab = 0xFF89,
- K_KP_Enter = 0xFF8D,
- K_KP_F1 = 0xFF91,
- K_KP_F2 = 0xFF92,
- K_KP_F3 = 0xFF93,
- K_KP_F4 = 0xFF94,
- K_KP_Home = 0xFF95,
- K_KP_Left = 0xFF96,
- K_KP_Up = 0xFF97,
- K_KP_Right = 0xFF98,
- K_KP_Down = 0xFF99,
- K_KP_Prior = 0xFF9A,
- K_KP_Page_Up = 0xFF9A,
- K_KP_Next = 0xFF9B,
- K_KP_Page_Down = 0xFF9B,
- K_KP_End = 0xFF9C,
- K_KP_Begin = 0xFF9D,
- K_KP_Insert = 0xFF9E,
- K_KP_Delete = 0xFF9F,
- K_KP_Equal = 0xFFBD,
- K_KP_Multiply = 0xFFAA,
- K_KP_Add = 0xFFAB,
- K_KP_Separator = 0xFFAC,
- K_KP_Subtract = 0xFFAD,
- K_KP_Decimal = 0xFFAE,
- K_KP_Divide = 0xFFAF,
- K_KP_0 = 0xFFB0,
- K_KP_1 = 0xFFB1,
- K_KP_2 = 0xFFB2,
- K_KP_3 = 0xFFB3,
- K_KP_4 = 0xFFB4,
- K_KP_5 = 0xFFB5,
- K_KP_6 = 0xFFB6,
- K_KP_7 = 0xFFB7,
- K_KP_8 = 0xFFB8,
- K_KP_9 = 0xFFB9,
- K_F1 = 0xFFBE,
- K_F2 = 0xFFBF,
- K_F3 = 0xFFC0,
- K_F4 = 0xFFC1,
- K_F5 = 0xFFC2,
- K_F6 = 0xFFC3,
- K_F7 = 0xFFC4,
- K_F8 = 0xFFC5,
- K_F9 = 0xFFC6,
- K_F10 = 0xFFC7,
- K_F11 = 0xFFC8,
- K_L1 = 0xFFC8,
- K_F12 = 0xFFC9,
- K_L2 = 0xFFC9,
- K_F13 = 0xFFCA,
- K_L3 = 0xFFCA,
- K_F14 = 0xFFCB,
- K_L4 = 0xFFCB,
- K_F15 = 0xFFCC,
- K_L5 = 0xFFCC,
- K_F16 = 0xFFCD,
- K_L6 = 0xFFCD,
- K_F17 = 0xFFCE,
- K_L7 = 0xFFCE,
- K_F18 = 0xFFCF,
- K_L8 = 0xFFCF,
- K_F19 = 0xFFD0,
- K_L9 = 0xFFD0,
- K_F20 = 0xFFD1,
- K_L10 = 0xFFD1,
- K_F21 = 0xFFD2,
- K_R1 = 0xFFD2,
- K_F22 = 0xFFD3,
- K_R2 = 0xFFD3,
- K_F23 = 0xFFD4,
- K_R3 = 0xFFD4,
- K_F24 = 0xFFD5,
- K_R4 = 0xFFD5,
- K_F25 = 0xFFD6,
- K_R5 = 0xFFD6,
- K_F26 = 0xFFD7,
- K_R6 = 0xFFD7,
- K_F27 = 0xFFD8,
- K_R7 = 0xFFD8,
- K_F28 = 0xFFD9,
- K_R8 = 0xFFD9,
- K_F29 = 0xFFDA,
- K_R9 = 0xFFDA,
- K_F30 = 0xFFDB,
- K_R10 = 0xFFDB,
- K_F31 = 0xFFDC,
- K_R11 = 0xFFDC,
- K_F32 = 0xFFDD,
- K_R12 = 0xFFDD,
- K_F33 = 0xFFDE,
- K_R13 = 0xFFDE,
- K_F34 = 0xFFDF,
- K_R14 = 0xFFDF,
- K_F35 = 0xFFE0,
- K_R15 = 0xFFE0,
- K_Shift_L = 0xFFE1,
- K_Shift_R = 0xFFE2,
- K_Control_L = 0xFFE3,
- K_Control_R = 0xFFE4,
- K_Caps_Lock = 0xFFE5,
- K_Shift_Lock = 0xFFE6,
- K_Meta_L = 0xFFE7,
- K_Meta_R = 0xFFE8,
- K_Alt_L = 0xFFE9,
- K_Alt_R = 0xFFEA,
- K_Super_L = 0xFFEB,
- K_Super_R = 0xFFEC,
- K_Hyper_L = 0xFFED,
- K_Hyper_R = 0xFFEE,
- K_Pointer_Button1 = 0xFEE9,
- K_Pointer_Button2 = 0xFEEA,
- K_Pointer_Button3 = 0xFEEB,
- K_Pointer_Button4 = 0xFEEC,
- K_Pointer_Button5 = 0xFEED,
- K_Pointer_DblClick_Dflt = 0xFEEE,
- K_Pointer_DblClick1 = 0xFEEF,
- K_Pointer_DblClick2 = 0xFEF0,
- K_Pointer_DblClick3 = 0xFEF1,
- K_Pointer_DblClick4 = 0xFEF2,
- K_Pointer_DblClick5 = 0xFEF3,
- K_Pointer_Drag_Dflt = 0xFEF4,
- K_Pointer_Drag1 = 0xFEF5,
- K_Pointer_Drag2 = 0xFEF6,
- K_Pointer_Drag3 = 0xFEF7,
- K_Pointer_Drag4 = 0xFEF8,
- K_Pointer_EnableKeys = 0xFEF9,
- K_Pointer_Accelerate = 0xFEFA,
- K_Pointer_DfltBtnNext = 0xFEFB,
- K_Pointer_DfltBtnPrev = 0xFEFC,
- K_space = 0x0020,
- Latin 1 Byte 3 = 0 Latin 1 Byte 3 = 0
- K_exclam = 0x0021,
- K_quotedbl = 0x0022,
- K_numbersign = 0x0023,
- K_dollar = 0x0024,
- K_percent = 0x0025,
- K_ampersand = 0x0026,
- K_apostrophe = 0x0027,
- K_parenleft = 0x0028,
- K_parenright = 0x0029,
- K_asterisk = 0x002a,
- K_plus = 0x002b,
- K_comma = 0x002c,
- K_minus = 0x002d,
- K_period = 0x002e,
- K_slash = 0x002f,
- K_0 = 0x0030,
- K_1 = 0x0031,
- K_2 = 0x0032,
- K_3 = 0x0033,
- K_4 = 0x0034,
- K_5 = 0x0035,
- K_6 = 0x0036,
- K_7 = 0x0037,
- K_8 = 0x0038,
- K_9 = 0x0039,
- K_colon = 0x003a,
- K_semicolon = 0x003b,
- K_less = 0x003c,
- K_equal = 0x003d,
- K_greater = 0x003e,
- K_question = 0x003f,
- K_at = 0x0040,
- K_A = 0x0041,
- K_B = 0x0042,
- K_C = 0x0043,
- K_D = 0x0044,
- K_E = 0x0045,
- K_F = 0x0046,
- K_G = 0x0047,
- K_H = 0x0048,
- K_I = 0x0049,
- K_J = 0x004a,
- K_K = 0x004b,
- K_L = 0x004c,
- K_M = 0x004d,
- K_N = 0x004e,
- K_O = 0x004f,
- K_P = 0x0050,
- K_Q = 0x0051,
- K_R = 0x0052,
- K_S = 0x0053,
- K_T = 0x0054,
- K_U = 0x0055,
- K_V = 0x0056,
- K_W = 0x0057,
- K_X = 0x0058,
- K_Y = 0x0059,
- K_Z = 0x005a,
- K_bracketleft = 0x005b,
- K_backslash = 0x005c,
- K_bracketright = 0x005d,
- K_asciicircum = 0x005e,
- K_underscore = 0x005f,
- K_grave = 0x0060,
- K_quoteleft = 0x0060,
- K_a = 0x0061,
- K_b = 0x0062,
- K_c = 0x0063,
- K_d = 0x0064,
- K_e = 0x0065,
- K_f = 0x0066,
- K_g = 0x0067,
- K_h = 0x0068,
- K_i = 0x0069,
- K_j = 0x006a,
- K_k = 0x006b,
- K_l = 0x006c,
- K_m = 0x006d,
- K_n = 0x006e,
- K_o = 0x006f,
- K_p = 0x0070,
- K_q = 0x0071,
- K_r = 0x0072,
- K_s = 0x0073,
- K_t = 0x0074,
- K_u = 0x0075,
- K_v = 0x0076,
- K_w = 0x0077,
- K_x = 0x0078,
- K_y = 0x0079,
- K_z = 0x007a,
- K_braceleft = 0x007b,
- K_bar = 0x007c,
- K_braceright = 0x007d,
- K_asciitilde = 0x007e,
- K_nobreakspace = 0x00a0,
- K_exclamdown = 0x00a1,
- K_cent = 0x00a2,
- K_sterling = 0x00a3,
- K_currency = 0x00a4,
- K_yen = 0x00a5,
- K_brokenbar = 0x00a6,
- K_section = 0x00a7,
- K_diaeresis = 0x00a8,
- K_copyright = 0x00a9,
- K_ordfeminine = 0x00aa,
- K_guillemotleft = 0x00ab,
- K_notsign = 0x00ac,
- K_hyphen = 0x00ad,
- K_registered = 0x00ae,
- K_macron = 0x00af,
- K_degree = 0x00b0,
- K_plusminus = 0x00b1,
- K_twosuperior = 0x00b2,
- K_threesuperior = 0x00b3,
- K_acute = 0x00b4,
- K_mu = 0x00b5,
- K_paragraph = 0x00b6,
- K_periodcentered = 0x00b7,
- K_cedilla = 0x00b8,
- K_onesuperior = 0x00b9,
- K_masculine = 0x00ba,
- K_guillemotright = 0x00bb,
- K_onequarter = 0x00bc,
- K_onehalf = 0x00bd,
- K_threequarters = 0x00be,
- K_questiondown = 0x00bf,
- K_Agrave = 0x00c0,
- K_Aacute = 0x00c1,
- K_Acircumflex = 0x00c2,
- K_Atilde = 0x00c3,
- K_Adiaeresis = 0x00c4,
- K_Aring = 0x00c5,
- K_AE = 0x00c6,
- K_Ccedilla = 0x00c7,
- K_Egrave = 0x00c8,
- K_Eacute = 0x00c9,
- K_Ecircumflex = 0x00ca,
- K_Ediaeresis = 0x00cb,
- K_Igrave = 0x00cc,
- K_Iacute = 0x00cd,
- K_Icircumflex = 0x00ce,
- K_Idiaeresis = 0x00cf,
- K_ETH = 0x00d0,
- K_Ntilde = 0x00d1,
- K_Ograve = 0x00d2,
- K_Oacute = 0x00d3,
- K_Ocircumflex = 0x00d4,
- K_Otilde = 0x00d5,
- K_Odiaeresis = 0x00d6,
- K_multiply = 0x00d7,
- K_Ooblique = 0x00d8,
- K_Ugrave = 0x00d9,
- K_Uacute = 0x00da,
- K_Ucircumflex = 0x00db,
- K_Udiaeresis = 0x00dc,
- K_Yacute = 0x00dd,
- K_THORN = 0x00de,
- K_ssharp = 0x00df,
- K_agrave = 0x00e0,
- K_aacute = 0x00e1,
- K_acircumflex = 0x00e2,
- K_atilde = 0x00e3,
- K_adiaeresis = 0x00e4,
- K_aring = 0x00e5,
- K_ae = 0x00e6,
- K_ccedilla = 0x00e7,
- K_egrave = 0x00e8,
- K_eacute = 0x00e9,
- K_ecircumflex = 0x00ea,
- K_ediaeresis = 0x00eb,
- K_igrave = 0x00ec,
- K_iacute = 0x00ed,
- K_icircumflex = 0x00ee,
- K_idiaeresis = 0x00ef,
- K_eth = 0x00f0,
- K_ntilde = 0x00f1,
- K_ograve = 0x00f2,
- K_oacute = 0x00f3,
- K_ocircumflex = 0x00f4,
- K_otilde = 0x00f5,
- K_odiaeresis = 0x00f6,
- K_division = 0x00f7,
- K_oslash = 0x00f8,
- K_ugrave = 0x00f9,
- K_uacute = 0x00fa,
- K_ucircumflex = 0x00fb,
- K_udiaeresis = 0x00fc,
- K_yacute = 0x00fd,
- K_thorn = 0x00fe,
- K_ydiaeresis = 0x00ff,
- K_Aogonek = 0x01a1,
- Latin 2 Byte 3 = 1
- K_breve = 0x01a2,
- K_Lstroke = 0x01a3,
- K_Lcaron = 0x01a5,
- K_Sacute = 0x01a6,
- K_Scaron = 0x01a9,
- K_Scedilla = 0x01aa,
- K_Tcaron = 0x01ab,
- K_Zacute = 0x01ac,
- K_Zcaron = 0x01ae,
- K_Zabovedot = 0x01af,
- K_aogonek = 0x01b1,
- K_ogonek = 0x01b2,
- K_lstroke = 0x01b3,
- K_lcaron = 0x01b5,
- K_sacute = 0x01b6,
- K_caron = 0x01b7,
- K_scaron = 0x01b9,
- K_scedilla = 0x01ba,
- K_tcaron = 0x01bb,
- K_zacute = 0x01bc,
- K_doubleacute = 0x01bd,
- K_zcaron = 0x01be,
- K_zabovedot = 0x01bf,
- K_Racute = 0x01c0,
- K_Abreve = 0x01c3,
- K_Lacute = 0x01c5,
- K_Cacute = 0x01c6,
- K_Ccaron = 0x01c8,
- K_Eogonek = 0x01ca,
- K_Ecaron = 0x01cc,
- K_Dcaron = 0x01cf,
- K_Dstroke = 0x01d0,
- K_Nacute = 0x01d1,
- K_Ncaron = 0x01d2,
- K_Odoubleacute = 0x01d5,
- K_Rcaron = 0x01d8,
- K_Uring = 0x01d9,
- K_Udoubleacute = 0x01db,
- K_Tcedilla = 0x01de,
- K_racute = 0x01e0,
- K_abreve = 0x01e3,
- K_lacute = 0x01e5,
- K_cacute = 0x01e6,
- K_ccaron = 0x01e8,
- K_eogonek = 0x01ea,
- K_ecaron = 0x01ec,
- K_dcaron = 0x01ef,
- K_dstroke = 0x01f0,
- K_nacute = 0x01f1,
- K_ncaron = 0x01f2,
- K_odoubleacute = 0x01f5,
- K_udoubleacute = 0x01fb,
- K_rcaron = 0x01f8,
- K_uring = 0x01f9,
- K_tcedilla = 0x01fe,
- K_abovedot = 0x01ff,
- K_Hstroke = 0x02a1,
- Latin 3 Byte 3 = 2
- K_Hcircumflex = 0x02a6,
- K_Iabovedot = 0x02a9,
- K_Gbreve = 0x02ab,
- K_Jcircumflex = 0x02ac,
- K_hstroke = 0x02b1,
- K_hcircumflex = 0x02b6,
- K_idotless = 0x02b9,
- K_gbreve = 0x02bb,
- K_jcircumflex = 0x02bc,
- K_Cabovedot = 0x02c5,
- K_Ccircumflex = 0x02c6,
- K_Gabovedot = 0x02d5,
- K_Gcircumflex = 0x02d8,
- K_Ubreve = 0x02dd,
- K_Scircumflex = 0x02de,
- K_cabovedot = 0x02e5,
- K_ccircumflex = 0x02e6,
- K_gabovedot = 0x02f5,
- K_gcircumflex = 0x02f8,
- K_ubreve = 0x02fd,
- K_scircumflex = 0x02fe,
- K_kra = 0x03a2,
- Latin 4 Byte 3 = 3 Latin 4 Byte 3 = 3
- K_Rcedilla = 0x03a3,
- K_Itilde = 0x03a5,
- K_Lcedilla = 0x03a6,
- K_Emacron = 0x03aa,
- K_Gcedilla = 0x03ab,
- K_Tslash = 0x03ac,
- K_rcedilla = 0x03b3,
- K_itilde = 0x03b5,
- K_lcedilla = 0x03b6,
- K_emacron = 0x03ba,
- K_gcedilla = 0x03bb,
- K_tslash = 0x03bc,
- K_ENG = 0x03bd,
- K_eng = 0x03bf,
- K_Amacron = 0x03c0,
- K_Iogonek = 0x03c7,
- K_Eabovedot = 0x03cc,
- K_Imacron = 0x03cf,
- K_Ncedilla = 0x03d1,
- K_Omacron = 0x03d2,
- K_Kcedilla = 0x03d3,
- K_Uogonek = 0x03d9,
- K_Utilde = 0x03dd,
- K_Umacron = 0x03de,
- K_amacron = 0x03e0,
- K_iogonek = 0x03e7,
- K_eabovedot = 0x03ec,
- K_imacron = 0x03ef,
- K_ncedilla = 0x03f1,
- K_omacron = 0x03f2,
- K_kcedilla = 0x03f3,
- K_uogonek = 0x03f9,
- K_utilde = 0x03fd,
- K_umacron = 0x03fe,
- K_Greek_ALPHAaccent = 0x07a1,
- Greek Byte 3 = 7 Greek Byte 3 = 7
- K_Greek_EPSILONaccent = 0x07a2,
- K_Greek_ETAaccent = 0x07a3,
- K_Greek_IOTAaccent = 0x07a4,
- K_Greek_IOTAdiaeresis = 0x07a5,
- K_Greek_OMICRONaccent = 0x07a7,
- K_Greek_UPSILONaccent = 0x07a8,
- K_Greek_UPSILONdieresis = 0x07a9,
- K_Greek_OMEGAaccent = 0x07ab,
- K_Greek_accentdieresis = 0x07ae,
- K_Greek_horizbar = 0x07af,
- K_Greek_alphaaccent = 0x07b1,
- K_Greek_epsilonaccent = 0x07b2,
- K_Greek_etaaccent = 0x07b3,
- K_Greek_iotaaccent = 0x07b4,
- K_Greek_iotadieresis = 0x07b5,
- K_Greek_iotaaccentdieresis = 0x07b6,
- K_Greek_omicronaccent = 0x07b7,
- K_Greek_upsilonaccent = 0x07b8,
- K_Greek_upsilondieresis = 0x07b9,
- K_Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis = 0x07ba,
- K_Greek_omegaaccent = 0x07bb,
- K_Greek_ALPHA = 0x07c1,
- K_Greek_BETA = 0x07c2,
- K_Greek_GAMMA = 0x07c3,
- K_Greek_DELTA = 0x07c4,
- K_Greek_EPSILON = 0x07c5,
- K_Greek_ZETA = 0x07c6,
- K_Greek_ETA = 0x07c7,
- K_Greek_THETA = 0x07c8,
- K_Greek_IOTA = 0x07c9,
- K_Greek_KAPPA = 0x07ca,
- K_Greek_LAMDA = 0x07cb,
- K_Greek_LAMBDA = 0x07cb,
- K_Greek_MU = 0x07cc,
- K_Greek_NU = 0x07cd,
- K_Greek_XI = 0x07ce,
- K_Greek_OMICRON = 0x07cf,
- K_Greek_PI = 0x07d0,
- K_Greek_RHO = 0x07d1,
- K_Greek_SIGMA = 0x07d2,
- K_Greek_TAU = 0x07d4,
- K_Greek_UPSILON = 0x07d5,
- K_Greek_PHI = 0x07d6,
- K_Greek_CHI = 0x07d7,
- K_Greek_PSI = 0x07d8,
- K_Greek_OMEGA = 0x07d9,
- K_Greek_alpha = 0x07e1,
- K_Greek_beta = 0x07e2,
- K_Greek_gamma = 0x07e3,
- K_Greek_delta = 0x07e4,
- K_Greek_epsilon = 0x07e5,
- K_Greek_zeta = 0x07e6,
- K_Greek_eta = 0x07e7,
- K_Greek_theta = 0x07e8,
- K_Greek_iota = 0x07e9,
- K_Greek_kappa = 0x07ea,
- K_Greek_lamda = 0x07eb,
- K_Greek_lambda = 0x07eb,
- K_Greek_mu = 0x07ec,
- K_Greek_nu = 0x07ed,
- K_Greek_xi = 0x07ee,
- K_Greek_omicron = 0x07ef,
- K_Greek_pi = 0x07f0,
- K_Greek_rho = 0x07f1,
- K_Greek_sigma = 0x07f2,
- K_Greek_finalsmallsigma = 0x07f3,
- K_Greek_tau = 0x07f4,
- K_Greek_upsilon = 0x07f5,
- K_Greek_phi = 0x07f6,
- K_Greek_chi = 0x07f7,
- K_Greek_psi = 0x07f8,
- K_Greek_omega = 0x07f9,
- K_Greek_switch = 0xFF7E
- Alias for mode_switch Alias for mode_switch
Definitions for all characters in ISO LATIN 1-4, and GREEK keysyms are included.
Keysyms for PixelCanvas keyboard events. These can be printed using the stream functions listed below. These are mostly self explanatory.
Each enumeration can be printed to the console to assist in debugging. Printed name is identical to source code constant name.